Page 4 - March ARB Beacon 9-18-15
P. 4
by Master Sgt. Julie Avey He learned of the opportunities at NGB through a previ- 86$LU1DWLRQDO*XDUGSKRWR6WDII6JW0LFKDHO4XLEROR\
$7.:SXEOLFDIIDLUV ous supervisor who had told him about ADOS and statutory
tours at NGB.After checking online for available opportuni- 7HFK6JW5LFN\(YDQVSURYLGHVLQIRUPDWLRQWRDQ
Ever wonder what it would be like to serve at the National ties, he saw the human resources manager position listed. He $LUPDQZKLOHVHUYLQJLQWKHUG)RUFH6XSSRUW
Guard Bureau (NGB)? Staff Sgt. Ricky Evans of the then applied, submitted his package, interviewed over the phone, 6TXDGURQ0DUFK$LU5HVHUYH%DVH(YDQVUHFHQWO\
163rd Reconnaissance Wing, March Air Reserve Base, re- got selected and was on his way to the East Coast. UHWXUQHGKRPHIURPVHUYLQJRQRUGHUVDWWKH1D-
cently returned home from a tour at the Air National Guard WLRQDO*XDUG%XUHDXZKHUHKHEURDGHQHGKLVFDUHHU
Readiness Center, Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, Evans worked on a three-person team with two mas- VNLOOVHWVDQGOHDUQHGPRUHDERXWWKH1DWLRQDO
where he served in the NGB Human Resources Directorate. ter sergeants. His team was in charge of processing po- *XDUGDVDQHQWLUHRUJDQL]DWLRQ
sitions for the ANG directorates, which involved get-
“I had the opportunity to see firsthand and learn the ting notifications from the directorates, drafting job served in the CaliforniaANG for seven years. He later trans-
bigger picture of our Air National Guard,” said Evans. descriptions and contacting applicants via email. ferred to the Force Support Squadron to better align his skills
“I was able to learn more about my Human Resources to his degree in Human Resources. Since his return from
Air Force Specialty (Code) to better help others and “We would reach out to the applicants if we found ANG headquarters, he has been promoted to technical ser-
better myself in my career.” incomplete or missing documents and notify them if geant and the 163 RW has become the 163rd Attack Wing.
they didn’t meet the criteria of the position,” Evans
Evans, who applied for a six-month position, was said. “We would post to the website, check off quali- For information on how to apply for an Active Duty
on an Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) tour fied applicants and request interviews. I received and Operational Support tour or a statutory tour with NGB,
to learn and assist at NGB while still assigned to the reviewed approximately 50 applications a day.” visit ANG.AF.Mil/Careers/mva
163 RW. He was able to extend for another six months. ados/index.asp.
Evans said he learned better time management and flexibil-
“I was wondering if I could keep up, and how I ity with last-minute adjustments in the fast-paced environment.
would earn the right to be there when I first arrived,”
said Evans. “As a staff sergeant., I was the lowest rank- What advice does Evans have for someone inter-
ing. The average rank was master sergeant and above.” ested in working at the NGB? “Be open to change.”
Evans explained that although he works as a person- Evans, who was recently accepted for a full time position
nel specialist at March ARB, working at NGB allows in the 163rd Logistics Readiness Squadron, advises those in-
him to grow and continue to learn the duties of a civil- terested in working at the NGB to be open to change.
ian Human Resource Manager.
“The experience I received at NGB helped prepare me
“I have a degree in Human Resources and to be able to take on new assignments as important as serving several
to work in every aspect of the position at NBG was a squadrons at the group level,” he said. “The hardest part of
great opportunity to expand on my knowledge in the working at NGB was being away from family and home,”
career field,” said Evans.
Evans, who began his career in civil engineering, has
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