Page 8 - March ARB Beacon 9-18-15
P. 8

8 September 18, 2015                                                                                                
From STRONG BONDS page 6              Ours caters to the humor approach
                                      to things.”                                                                                         86$LU1DWLRQDO*XDUGSKRWR0DVWHU6JW-XOLH$YH\
tions Wing, Pennsylvania ANG,           Dr. John Van Epp, the author of     5HFHQWO\WKHG$WWDFN:LQJLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKH$LU1DWLRQDO*XDUG6WURQJ%RQGV
about his wife. “We thought it       “How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk,”        3URJUDP0DQDJHUUHWLUHG&RPPDQG&KLHI0DVWHU6JW(G%URZQKRVWHGFKDSODLQVIURP
though the class revealed we are     gram, which teaches couples the        6WURQJ%RQGVSURJUDP+HUHVWXGHQWVSDUWLFLSDWHLQDWHDPEXLOGLQJKLNHWRWKHWRSRI0W
exact opposites.”                    skills they need to nurture a last-    5XELGRX[LQ5LYHUVLGH&DOLIRUQLD
                                     ing love. The program shows how
   His wife is neat and organized,   to regularly revitalize the dynamic                                                                                See STRONG BONDS page 9
and he is more fast-paced with a     links in their marriage with the
dump it and move on to the next      Relationship Attachment Model,
project attitude, he said.           which illustrates how couples grow
                                     closer by meeting one another’s
   “ I know with her, if I can just  needs for an open trusting and ful-
take two minutes to put all that     filling relationship.
stuff away she will feel a lot bet-     “These classes are only a hand-
ter about it,” March said. “ We fig-  ful of what Chaplain Corps can of-
ured out the keys to working with    fer,” said Chaplain William Yates,
each other and what each other       an ANG colonel. “There are over
needs. It’s knowing the why behind   13 blocks in the Strong Bonds
(those) needs.”                      training for singles, couples and
                                     families, and evidence-based re-
   March said he learned that op-    search that shows these programs
posites can complement each other.   achieve goals.”
                                        Divorce rates are lower in couples
   “I think it is important to be    who have attended Strong Bonds
open-minded, even in business,       than those who have not, Yates said.
surrounding yourself with peo-          “It is important to me to know
ple who are better than you in       if the programs we provide Airmen
areas you are weak is the way to     are actually working.”
go,” he said. “Why should life be       Jeff Erlacher, writer and master
any different?”                      trainer, was also on hand to teach

   The magic to making a marriage
work, Rodgers said to the partici-
pants, is hard work and learning.
“There’s lots of good curriculum
out there to do the right things.

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