Page 6 - March ARB Beacon 9-18-15
P. 6
6 September 18, 2015
(from the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute) - Second Lieutenant Carmen Ma-
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from ria Lozano Dumler, becomes the first
September 15 - October 15 to celebrate the contributions of American citizens
whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, Puerto Rican woman to become a Unit-
and South America.
ed States Army officer.
This year’s theme, “Hispanic Americans: Energizing Our Nation’s Diversity,”
was chosen by the National Council of Hispanic Employment Managers and in- 1950s
vites us to reflect on Hispanic Americans’ vitality and meaningful legacy in our
Nation’s cultural framework. - Ritchie Valens becomes the first
America’s diversity has always been one of our nation’s greatest strengths. Hispanic rock star with his hit record-
Hispanic Americans have long played an integral role in America’s rich culture,
proud heritage, and the building of this great nation. ing of Come On, Let’s Go. He also is
The Beacon recognizes and honors a long and proud heritage through the the first Mexican American rocker to
years. In this issue, the 1940s and 1950s.
be featured on American Bandstand.
- As World War II sets in, many Latinos enlist in the U.S. military— proportion- Valens is considered the first Latino
ately the largest ethnic group serving in the war.
- Dr. Albert Baez, together with Paul Kirkpatrick, develops the first X-ray mi- to successfully cross over into main-
croscope to observe living cells. His daughter, Joan Baez, will become a world
famous writer, singer, and a human rights activist. stream rock.
- Dr. Héctor P. García, a physician and decorated World War II veteran, founds
the American G.I. Forum, an organization created to ensure that Hispanic veter- - Venezuelan shortstop Luis Apari-
ans receive benefits provided under the G.I. Bill of Rights of 1944.
- Macario García becomes the first Mexican national to receive a U.S. Con- cio becomes the first Hispanic Ameri- Captain Manuel J. Fernandez Jr.
gressional Medal of Honor, yet is refused service at the Oasis Café near his can in U.S. professional baseball to be
home in Texas.
- Physicist Luis Walter Alvarez leaves his post at the Massachusetts Institute named Rookie of the Year.
of Technology to join the Manhattan Project to develop the first atomic bomb.
He is responsible for the development of the triggering device used in the first - Captain Manuel J. Fernandez Jr., flies 125 combat missions during the
plutonium bomb.
Korean War. His 14.5 victories place him among the top U.S. Air Force aces
of the two world wars and the Korean War combined.
- Biochemist Severo Ochoa becomes the first Hispanic to win a Nobel Prize in
physiology for the synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA). He shares the prize with
former student Arthur Kornberg.
- Henry B. Gonzalez attracts national attention for holding the longest filibus-
ter (36 hours) in the history of the Texas Legislature. He succeeds in stopping
segregation bills aimed at circumventing the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in
the Brown v. Board of Education case.
- The landmark production of West Side Story premieres on Broadway, chroni-
cling the racial tensions of the ‘40s and ‘50s.
by Master Sgt. Julie Avey and A1C Strong Bonds courses. use many tools in many different ways, need to remember to recognize strengths.”
Cynthia Innocenti During training, the ANG Chaplain but that the ‘7 habits’ training is universal. “Learn to know how to believe in peo-
Corps had the opportunity to meet Dr. “You can use it for a family, a couple, ple,” suggested Covey. “The leadership
What do the words strong bonds John Covey, and his wife, Jane. Covey’s or an individual. This training broadens philosophy of a family is to communi-
mean to you? Some of us may think brother, Stephen, wrote the best-seller, my tool box in sharing with others, and cate their worth and potential so clearly
about significant others, family, friends, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”— some may be able to relate better to the they begin to see it in themselves.”
neighbors, co-workers and many others, the inspiration for the class “7 Habits of Covey’s principle based training versus
but we probably don’t associate them Highly Effective Military Families.” another more spiritual training.” Geoff Rodgers, an instructor for the
with an acquired skill or a classroom organization “Laugh Your Way Ameri-
topic, as in the Strong Bonds program. The class focuses on the development The Coveys shared that families do ca,” was also on hand to teach a class.
of specific habits in one’s life that can as- not fall because of poverty, deploy- Founded by Mark Gungor in 2003, the
Recently the 163rd Attack Wing, Cal- sist an individual in more effectively put- ments and so on. program maintains that laughter is one
ifornia Air National Guard, in conjunc- ting his or her life values into practice, of the greatest avenues to reach people’s
tion with the ANG Strong Bonds pro- and provides a framework for applying “Families fall when they stop nur- hearts and stimulate them to open up to
gram manager, retired Command Chief universal principles which, in-turn, en- turing each other from within,” Covey fresh, new ideas. A Christian organiza-
Master Sgt. Ed Brown, hosted chaplains ables family members to communicate said. Spend one-on-one time together, tion that believes helping marriages and
from all over the country for a week-long better for successful conflict resolution. eat together, making it a happy time, families is the foundation of a success-
training course to broaden their knowl- (and) spend at least one half per week to ful society, the founders maintain that
edge of the Strong Bonds program. “As chaplains, we get a lot of training go do something fun.” laughter is an effective tool that lowers
and relationship info,” said Chaplain defenses and opens minds.
The classroom training aimed to arm Jose Martinez, 139th Airlift Wing, Mis- They Coveys urged participants to
chaplains and their assistants with new souri ANG. “Looking at leadership here hold fast to family traditions because The organization also presents a mar-
information to take back to their fellow in the military, we get different tactics they give families their identities. riage seminar that offers practical, nuts-
Airmen, as well as their own families. and techniques. What ‘7 habits…’ has and-bolts ideas on improving a marriage,
Students were assigned to a course done is look at the historical documents “For example, this is what we do as and provides a chance for couples to
consisting of LINKS (Lasting Inti- of leadership and relationship building, a family in the winter (and) this is what laugh together as they use every available
macy through Nurturing Knowledge & breaking it down into seven habits to we do as a family on the holidays,” Cov- means to entertain those in attendance.
Skills), Prep Got Your Back, 7 Habits of make it easier to put in steps,” he said. ey said. “Continue adding to the tradi-
Highly Effective Military Families and “That is what makes it productive, as tions. Family traditions help children “We’ve always felt we had a very
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage. you can articulate in a logical pattern on have an identity.” strong relationship, and stronger than
These classes certified them to teach the how to do things and hit the marks.” other folks we know,” said Staff Sgt.
“Dwell on strengths in your family not Josh March, 193rd Special Opera-
Martinez went on to say that chaplains your weaknesses,” added Jane. “Every-
one has both. Every child in your fam- See STRONG BONDS page 8
ily brings something to the table, and we