Page 20 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
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May 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
Investigation report BRiEfS (from Page 3) information, call Lynne Nutter at 623-856-8711.
details death at Scott
vides guidance on using the Air Force Virtual Comprehensive Airman
Education Center and training for mentors Fitness training
who want to assist Airmen seeking a CCAF in
their workplace. The requirements are to have Comprehensive Airman Fitness Training
completed a CCAF degree and possess a desire is June 14 through 16, Sept. 20 through 22
to mentor fellow Airmen. For more information, and Dec. 20 through 22. It is a three-day
call education center at 623-856-7722. course for Airmen or Defense Department
employees who endorse the resiliency pro-
SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. — transported to St. Elizabeth Hospital Thrift shop is open gram. Resilience training assistants provide
Air Mobility Command of cials re- in Belleville, Illinois, and passed away awareness education and skill development
leased the ground accident investiga- three days later. The Luke Air Force Base Thrift Shop, lo- techniques for Airmen and their families
tion board report regarding the Oct. cated at Bldg. 750 is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. while enhancing individual resilience across
29, 2015, death of an Airmen who “The 375th Air Mobility Wing lost Wednesdays and Fridays. Consignments will the four domains of CAF: mental, physical,
collapsed during his physical tness a valued member of our Air Force be taken until 1 p.m. Like us on Facebook at social, and spiritual. For more information,
assessment at Scott Air Force Base, family, and we are deeply saddened,” or to schedule a particular skill training for
Illinois. said Col. Laura Lenderman, 375th Air eThriftShop. your unit or squadron before the dates, call
Mobility Wing commander. “Tech. Sgt. Sharon Kozak at 623-856-2716.
Tech. Sgt. Nicholas Kruse-Wright, Kruse-Wright is missed by the entire Toastmasters on base
assigned to the 375th Force Support wing and all who had the opportu- Scholarship program
Squadron at Scott Air Force Base, Il- nity to serve with him. Our thoughts Toastmasters meets noon to 1 p.m. Thurs-
linois, died due to complications from and prayers are with his family and day in Bldg. 1150, 3rd Floor Conference Club members and their family members
an identified pre-existing medical friends.” Room. Improve communication and leader- can earn up to $5,000 toward a college degree
condition, which manifested while he ship skills through friendly, constructive by submitting either a written or video essay
was participating in the 1.5-mile run The Ground Accident Investigation exercises involving prepared and impromptu by May 20. To enter, visit www.myairforcelife.
portion of his Oct. 26, 2015, tness Board’s report is available on the speaking, and group leadership. Instructional com/clubs. For more information, call Club
assessment. Kruse-Wright was on Air Mobility Command Freedom of materials are provided. The cost is $20 to Five Six at 623-856-6446.
his nal lap when he collapsed and Information Act site: http://www.amc. join and $7 per month thereafter. For more
complained of his legs hurting. He
f-35 (from Page 3) tem, or ALIS, version 2.02. team take very seriously the
Courtesy of “However, we believe we responsibility of delivering
the best possible weapons 13 MILLION ACRES… The general said risks have identi ed the root cause system.
800-45-DUCKS AND COUNTING include stability issues with of these problems, and have
the aircraft’s software. Other tested solutions in the lab “We never forget that some-
Help us conserve another issues, he said, include the and in ight tests, and are day, your sons and daughters,
13 Million acres. development of the next ver- now completing our flight your grandsons or grand-
sion of the maintenance sys- test with these solutions,” daughters, will take an F-35
A CFC participant - provided as a public service tem known as the Autonomic Bogdan said. into harm’s way to defend our
Logistics Information Sys- freedom,” he said.
Bogdan said he and his