Page 17 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS May 2016
fAMiLy (from Page 2) the best care possible. In the end, the doctors
couldn’t save our son but knowing we tried
him to ballgames or pick him up after a fall. We has made our situation easier to live with. Chaplain’s thoughts ...
won’t be able to hold and comfort him when he
is upset — because he isn’t with us anymore, Air Force family “I do not want followers who are righteous;
but he is still with us in our hearts. I received calls, texts and messages from rather I want followers who are too busy doing
many people sending condolences and asking good that they won’t have time to do bad.”
His fragile body couldn’t support life outside if there was anything they could do. A vast
his mother’s safe womb. He only lived a little majority of those people I had just met within ~ Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk
over an hour but the impression he left will the year and a half of my enlistment, not in
last forever. my 24 years before; they were co-workers, Nineteenth century Hasidic Rabbi Menachem
mentors, instructors and my leadership. It Mendel’s words remind us that righteousness is
We didn’t go in blind though. We knew was my Air Force family who really made the not won by trying to be righteous. Rather it is
Emmitt was going to face challenges when effort to make sure we were OK. something else, perhaps more like a byproduct of
the doctors spoke to us about his deformities We had the funeral in our hometown, so he pursuing that which is good. Not a doing of good
caused by his condition, Trisomy 18. It was could be near family. It was a dif cult day I to be seen by others which is self-righteousness,
gut-wrenching when they began talking about hope no parent will ever have to go through. but rather, doing good out of respect for others
how much time we would have with him. They Before the funeral, my brother came to me created with inalienable rights and thus deserv- Courtesy photo
weren’t talking about years or even months, and said, “Your friends are here.” As I went
not even days; they were talking about min- to the back of the room, I saw four faces I ing of respect. The Shema and the Golden Rule, present foundational truths
utes and hours. Hearing this hit me harder recognized from base. A chaplain, two co- that set us on a path to a meaningful life, a life that some would call righteous.
than a speeding train and took me to an emo- workers and my fearless leader had traveled There are those who are righteous, who have no idea they are righteous.
tion I didn’t know existed. 303 miles to be there for me and my family. I They live simple lives in keeping with their faith, values and morals. They
felt overwhelmed with emotion to the point I would be horri ed to be spoken of as righteous, for they are keenly aware
Leadership could barely breathe. of their frailties and foibles. Yet they have enriched our lives, not because
My leadership was incredible. They made It may not be as obvious as time passes, they accomplished great feats but because they loved greatly in the ordinary
sure I was at every appointment and ensured I but they are still helping me; whether they activities of life.
knew all my options so we could take the best know it or not, just by being a friend, mentor Could our lives be marked by a relentless pursuit of good? Could our lives
course of action. This allowed Emmitt and and always understanding. I don’t know what be marked by a love of neighbor that sees them as people worthy of respect?
Kristina to go to one of the best hospitals in would have happened without the resources Final question, what are we “busy doing?” Good, I hope.
the nation for children with severe problems. provided to my family by the Air Force and to Thanks for your service and sacri ce.
If he had any chance of survival, it would be my family back at McConnell, but I do know
there and my leadership made it possible. that because they picked me up, I can put my Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler
I was given emergency leave so we could best foot forward. 56th Fighter Wing chaplain
stay at the nearby Ronald McDonald House
allowing us to be close to the hospital with
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