Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
P. 15
Thunderbolt May 3, 2016
r Force in photos
Senior Airman Delano Scott
Capt. Daniel Stancin, a 36th Airlift Squadron navigator, applies
face paint April 21during survival, evasion, resistance and escape
training at Tama Hills Recreation Area, Japan. The SERE training
keeps personnel prepared for contingency situations, such as
evading and escaping capture behind enemy lines.
Staff Sgt. Emerson Nuñez
n assigned to the 57th Rescue Squadron use the Jaws of Life to tear apart a vehicle’s roof to remove a
ring a combat search and rescue demonstration April 21 at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England. Para-
d members of the 48th Security Forces Squadron demonstrated the rescue during a chief of staff of the air
er program visit.
Senior Airman Krystal Ardrey
A U.S. Airman and a Royal Netherlands army soldier wrestle after
receiving a level two exposure to pepper spray as part of a non-
lethal weapons class April 23 during exercise African Lion 16 in
Tifnit, Morocco. The participants of the class had the opportunity
to receive either a level one or two exposure before practicing
nonlethal skills learned during the class.
Senior Airman Krystal Ardrey Master Sgt. Charles Delano
rs participating in exercise African Lion 16 gather inside a tent at the end of the day April 23 in Tifnit, Mo- Crew chiefs with the Wyoming Air National Guard’s 153rd Mainte-
he 11 nations participating in the annual exercise were a group of U.S. military members, Royal Moroccan nance Group tow an aircraft inside a hangar to facilitate mainte-
members, Spanish Legion soldiers and Royal Netherlands Army soldiers. They lived in field conditions nance April 21 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Maintainers must tow the
d in daily familiarization with other nations’ tactics to improve interoperability. aircraft into the hangar when wind gusts are above maximum lim-
its to perform certain types of repairs.