Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
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May 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
MHaey:lMpentoalfHfeealtrheAwdarfeonersssMtonathte of mind PowERHouSE (from Page 4) me and allowed me to gure out my own
lessons learned and how I could better
by Mental health assessment eager to help tell the Air Force and F-35 myself. People took the time to groom me
PRERANA KORPE The Automated Neuropsychologi- story. I would not have won the award if into who I am.
cal Assessment Metrics is the Defense everyone we work with on base had not
Air Force Surgeon General Public Affairs Department mandated predeployment embraced PA and let us do our job.” Hasson is one of those mentors.
assessment and is administered to all “There’s too much to learn from him,”
FALLS CHURCH, Va. — Nearly one service members within 12 months of She believes it was also the support of she said. “He’s amazing at what he does.
in ve adults, or 43 million Americans, deployment. her co-workers and the leadership in PA I hope to obtain as much knowledge from
has a diagnosable mental disorder, The assessment establishes a neurocog- that helped her win the award. him as possible.”
according to the National Institute of nitive baseline. This is used to measure Only four years into her career, she sees
Mental Health. potential cognitive changes in individuals “It is an awesome of ce to work in,” she there are many more opportunities.
exposed to a concussive event. said. “The PA team is very motivated. It “I want to continue to learn,” she said.
Contrary to many other brain disorders, In the event of a traumatic brain injury, was them taking photos, writing stories, “I apply for all the courses I can. You
effective treatments are available for the baseline is used to determine changes supporting PA that enabled me to increase never know who will deliver that valu-
mental disorders. in cognitive functioning for assessment of social media and have numerous media able ‘aha’ moment of learning something
a service member’s return to duty status. events. Their names should be on the award new. Or, that minute when you see it
May is Mental Health Awareness Seeking treatment too. It’s a PA of ce award as well as a base work – when you get a negative reporter
Month, a time of year to bring awareness The Air Force Family Advocacy Pro- award.” to write something positive or you prep
to mental health issues and available gram implements programs to prevent someone to speak to the media, and they
resources. and treat domestic abuse, child abuse and She is modest about her success and come through with the huge money quote.
neglect. The program provides training, gives the credit for her success to others. Those are the moments I live for.”
According to the Department of Health consultation services and program and
and Human Services, many factors can policy development. “I don’t class myself as being good,”
contribute to mental health issues. This While nearly 50 percent of people with Dougherty said. “I’ve had a lot leaders in
includes biological factors, life experiences a treatable behavioral health disorder do the PA career eld that took time to guide
as well as family history of mental health not seek care from a behavioral health
problems. professional, 80 percent visit their prima-
ry care manager at least once annually.
Mental health affects everyone. It in u- The Air Force is changing primary care TOGETHER, WE WILL
ences thoughts, feelings and actions. The teams to better address behavioral health CREATE A WORLD WITHOUT
state of one’s mental health can determine needs. The Behavioral Health Optimiza-
how they make decisions, interact with tion Program is a primary care behavioral TYPE 1 DIABETES (T1D)
others and cope with daily stressors. Men- health program. Through BHOP, behav-
tal health is a factor of overall wellbeing, ioral health personnel are integrated into A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.
much like physical health. primary care clinics to provide the right
care. BHOP is available to all active-duty
Air Force mental health clinics are service members, retirees and their fam-
critical to the health and readiness of ben- ily members.
e ciaries and family members. Services
include mental health assessment, educa-
tion, consultation and treatment through
a variety of evidence-based therapeutic
exercises. This includes both individual
and group therapy.
American Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Free Food Tasting Event!
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
May 6 at the Base Chapel
Come tease your palate with foods of Asian heritage!
(While Food Lasts!!!)