Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
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Thunderbolt                                          NEWS                                                                                                                               May 2016  7                                                                                                                            

Separated from family, students chalk up their emotions

           Story and photo by                        “It happened so fast, but we’ve kept our                                               Children from   were also given sponsors in the form of
             Airman 1st Class                        minds and arms open to these kids the                                                  Vogelweh        their peers.
            LANE PLUMMER                             entire way.”                                                                           Elementary
                                                                                                                                            School draw        “These kids are so spectacular,” Flores
                   86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs     Despite the in ux of over 60 students,                                              out their       said. “To see them getting along so well with
                                                     the teachers have had no problem with                                                  emotions        students that have lived here, it’s amazing.”
   Azmeralda Poole pushes the chalk down             taking more of them. If anything, according                                            during a ther-
on the ground and draws two dots inside              to Flores, the response has been incredible.                                           apy session        Flores rounds up the students for their
a circle, cracking a grin as she sketches a                                                                                                 April 21 at     next classes. She takes a glance at the draw-
smiling face. She points to her creation as             “A lot of teachers wanted as many stu-                                              Vogelweh Air    ings across the playground. Smiley faces
she looks up at Nicole Flores, her Vogelweh          dents as possible,” Flores explained. “Also,                                           Base, Germa-    and frowning faces crowd the small play-
Elementary School counselor.                         we have a program where these students                                                 ny. Dozens      ground turf. One scribbled face expresses
                                                                                                                                            of families     a look of uncertainty with the word “Meh”
   “This is me,” the student says. “I’m happy                                                                                               recently sep-   chalked above its head.
right now!”                                                                                                                                 arated from
                                                                                                                                            service mem-       She looks down at the students’ faces.
   The young girl was participating in a                                                                                                    bers in Tur-    One girl has a doll with a photo of her
therapy session for children who were                                                                                                       key and now     dad’s face on the head, clenched tightly in
ordered to leave Turkey by the Defense                                                                                                      live in the     her hands.
Department on March 29 due to security                                                                                                      Kaiserslaut-
concerns there. Flores had them draw out                                                                                                    ern military       “Did we get our emotions out today?”
their thoughts and feelings, and for Azmer-                                                                                                 community.      Flores asks her students, who answer with
alda, there were many.                                                                                                                                      nodding heads.
                                                                                                     have sponsors in the school that show them
   “I had to leave dad alone for a while,” she                                                       around and get them adjusted to the new                   “I know you all miss your moms or dads,
said. “In the middle of the night, mom and I                                                         environment. They become their new best                but I want you all to leave your emotions
came over to Germany, and I knew nobody                                                              friends, and they start feeling like they’ve           here on this playground, kids,” she says. “I
here. Some of my friends came with me to                                                             been here all year.”                                   want all the sadness, confusion and unhap-
Germany, but a lot of them left to America.”                                                                                                                piness to stay here, chalked in the ground.”
                                                                                                        It’s not been an easy time for these kids
   As she said, some families were moved                                                             and their parents, according to Flores. How-              The only emotion she wants them to carry
to Ramstein Air Base but some went back                                                              ever, they’ve never been alone. The parents            to their next home is their happiness and
stateside. According to Flores, it’s been an                                                         were provided sponsors to help settle them             positivity. Flores will only spend two more
eventful rst few weeks, as she and other                                                             into the community, while their children               months with the students, as they and their
school staff members help the dozens of                                                                                                                     parents will return stateside once the kids
families settle in.
                                                                                                                                                             nish the school year.
   “We got a call out of the blue ... we ended                                                                                                                 “I’m going to miss these kids when they
up with 65 kids from Turkey,” Flores said.                                                                                                                  leave,” Flores said. “They’re part of our
                                                                                                                                                            family now.”

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