Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS May 2016 9
PEOPLE Once an individual receives urgent passionately believes in the importance of Leading new generation
FIRST care, they must notify their primary care what she calls a “leadership and human of Air Force medics
manager about that care within 24 hours performance culture.”
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is or the first business day after the urgent It’s a little after 7:30 a.m. and the
care visit. Authorization requirements stampede has finally cleared the hall-
compiled from information from the Air Force have not changed for follow-up care, Article/742810/mindfulness-over-matter.aspx ways. There’s a moment of silence, the
specialty care or inpatient care. first since arriving to work three hours
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- Up to 250 more U.S. prior. The five-story building is nearly
Those who are not sure of the type of forces to deploy to Syria desolate now, but a multitude of paper-
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness care they need, or who require care out- work and tasks remain to be done before
side of standard business hours, should Up to 250 additional U.S. personnel are the 800-plus military students return
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel call the Nurse Advice Line. being deployed to Syria to support local from class in the afternoon.
forces on the ground and build on successes
of ce and armed forces news services. For the of U.S. forces already deployed there in the Such is the life of a military training
Article/744413/new-urgent-care-pilot-program- leader at the 59th Training Group, the
complete story, go to the web address listed at for-prime-beneficiaries.aspx ght against the Islamic State of Iraq and Air Force component of the Defense
the Levant, the Pentagon’s press secretary Department’s Medical Education and
the end of the story. Mindfulness over matter said April 25. Training Campus. The tri-service campus
offers more than 50 medical programs,
Urgent care pilot program At 10 a.m. on any given Wednesday, one The additional personnel include special and graduates about 21,000 enlisted
for Prime beneficiaries could walk into the 305th Operations Sup- operations forces and medical and logistics students annually.
port Squadron’s leadership meeting and see personnel, Peter Cook told reporters at the
To increase access to care, the Defense a strange sight. Pentagon. The forces are to build on the MTLs provide administrative care
Department is launching an Urgent gains of 50 previously deployed special and Air Force instruction to the second
Care Pilot Program for TRICARE Prime Airmen sit around the conference room operators in Syria, he said. largest group of technical training stu-
beneficiaries. This program allows Prime table and in chairs along the walls, vari- dents in the Air Education and Training
enrollees two visits to a network or ously clothed in a sea of green ight suits During a speech in Germany on the same Command — the first group is security
TRICARE-authorized provider without and Airman battle uniforms. Each has their day, President Barack Obama announced forces. Nearly all Air Force enlisted med-
a referral or prior authorization. eyes closed, boot heels planted on the oor, the deployment of the additional forces. He ics come through the unit. Some stay only
palms at against their thighs. said the expertise of the special operations a month, while others may be assigned
The Urgent Care Pilot Program, sched- forces already on the ground in Syria has here up to a year.
uled to begin May 23, is for: Hush reigns. Only the sound of each per- been critical as local forces drive ISIL out
son’s gentle, deep breathing can be heard. of key areas. The group houses three squadrons with
• Active-duty service members (includ- up to 1,200 Airmen from 16 different Air
ing National Guard or Reserve members A moment passes, a gong sounds. Eyes The 50 special operators have improved Force career specialties. Only 24 MTLs
activated — called or ordered to active- utter open and Lt. Col. Janelle Macaulay, the picture of the battlefield and made help run the unit, and they are respon-
duty service — for more than 30 consecu- the 305th OSS commander, begins the important connections with local, capable sible for the more than 5,500 Airmen who
tive days) in TRICARE Prime Remote. meeting. Her voice is gentle, soothing and forces, Cook said, and they have enhanced navigate the hallways every year.
does nothing to disturb the calm from a the military’s targeting efforts in Syria.
• Non-ADSMs in TRICARE Prime, moment before. “Most of us never had to supervise a
TRICARE Prime Remote or TRICARE She calls it the “mindful minute,” and it The extra personnel will be establish- large number of Airmen before, so coming
Young Adult Prime. is an initiative that has been implemented ing connections with capable forces on here is a new challenge,” said Staff Sgt.
throughout the squadron during her ten- the ground, working on getting a better Britni Hill, a MTL with the 59th TRG.
• TRICARE Overseas Program benefi- ure there. During her year in command, picture of the battlespace, and improving
ciaries traveling in the U.S. (not limited members have incorporated the practice the intelligence and targeting assessment, Hill, who was a security forces spe-
to two visits). into their personal and profession lives; it Cook said. cialist before taking on the special duty
has been instituted in ights, commander’s assignment as an MTL, said this unique
Active-duty service members enrolled calls, meetings and physical training ses- “They will help our partners on the training setting is very different from her
in TRICARE Prime are not eligible for sions. ground capitalize on their progress and previous experience. The tri-service en-
this program as their care is managed “It’s kind of like the oxygen mask anal- increase the pressure on ISIL at this critical vironment, Hill said, makes it important
by their service. This pilot also excludes ogy in an aircraft,” Macaulay said. “We are time,” Cook said, adding Defense Secretary to instill military bearing, and customs
Uniformed Services Family Health Plan always asked to secure our own oxygen Ash Carter believes this deployment will and courtesies to the Airmen.
enrollees. TRICARE Overseas Program mask before securing others. I’m trying to make a “tangible” difference in the cam-
enrollees can receive an unlimited num- teach the members of my unit to take care paign to defeat ISIL. “Oftentimes, it’s necessary to explain
ber of urgent care visits, but only when of themselves. Mindfulness is one way of why things differ between the services
they are traveling stateside and seeking doing that.” The intent is not to have the forces on instead of just barking orders,” she said.
care. With a master’s degree in exercise the front lines or engaged in direct combat,
physiology and a doctorate in strategic Cook said.
There are no point of service deduct- health and human performance, Macaulay Article/743832/leading-the-next-generation-of-af-
ibles or cost shares for these two urgent
care visits, but network copayments still Article/742787/pentagon-spokesman-up-to- medics.aspx
apply. 250-more-us-forces-to-deploy-to-syria.aspx
4.25” AD SPACE