Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS May 2016
McGuire hosts rapid response training with FEMA
JOINT BASE MCGUIRE-DIX-LAKE- Courtesy photo the 305th APS training instructor. “We’re
HURST, N.J. — The 305th Aerial Port taking their equipment and getting them
Squadron welcomed members of the Fed- Members of the 305th Aerial Port Squadron and Federal Emergency Management ready for rapid global mobility, showing
eral Emergency Management Agency’s Agency’s Pennsylvania Task Force 1 load cargo onto pallets during training April 21 at them how to place it on the pallet so they
Pennsylvania Task Force 1 to Joint Base Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey. Mobile teams consisting of approxi- can get where they need to go in a timely
McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst for rapid air mo- mately 80 personnel, trained in search and rescue, extraction and triage care, as well manner.”
bilization training April 21, as part of an as relief workers deploy to aid affected communities. The joint base is Pennsylvania
ongoing partnership initiative. Task Force 1’s point of departure should they need to be airlifted. FEMA responds to natural disasters
like hurricanes Sandy and Ike, as well as
FEMA are the nation’s experts in rapid timizing FEMA’s ability to rapidly deploy in “It’s like playing Tetris with big, odd earthquakes like the one that devastated
response in case of humanitarian crises case of a natural disaster requiring airlift. shaped cargo,” said Staff Sgt. Amanda Cave, Haiti in 2010. Mobile teams consisting of
and to maintain their quali cations in air approximately 80 personnel, trained in
transport, they reached out to base of cials search and rescue, extraction and triage
for training. care, as well as relief workers deploy to
aid affected communities. The joint base
“You can talk to people on the phone, is Pennsylvania Task Force 1’s point of
but when you get boots on the ground and departure should they need to be airlifted.
you’re lifting boxes with them and you’re
working side by side, that really helps “They have a six-hour window to get here,
substantiate the relationship,” said FEMA build their cargo up, get it joint inspected
Lt. Ken Pagurek, Pennsylvania Task Force and on a plane out of here,” Cave said. “So
1 program manager. “Our cargo being pack- hopefully, we’ve given them the tools they
aged correctly and labeled correctly with need to do that, if it were to ever happen.”
the proper paperwork is a very important
requirement. By working together, it’s more During the training, instructors from
easily achieved.” the 305th APS and members of the task
force’s mobile search and rescue team
The training was a culmination of nearly went through the process from notifica-
two years of collaboration between the tion to departure. They discussed pre-
agencies and consisted of both lecture and vious scenarios, paperwork and cargo
practical application, all geared toward op-
See fEMA, Page 22
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