Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
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May 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
Massachusetts Lithuania
Air Force Secretary Deborah A pair of F-22 Raptors from the 95th
Lee James signed an agree- Fighter Squadron at Tyndall Air Force
ment at Harvard University Base, Florida, and one KC-135 Strato-
re-establishing the Air Force tanker from the 100th Air Refuel Wing
ROTC detachment there. After at Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England,
establishing one of the coun- arrived at Šiauliai Air Base on April
try’s first ROTC detachments in 27 as a demonstration that the U.S. is
1916, university administrators ready to protect the region with the
removed the school’s ROTC most modern measures.
academic standing during Viet-
nam War protests in 1971. Honduras
Ecuador Joint Task Force-Bravo hosted fire-
fighters from Belize, Guatemala, El
The United States, in coordination with Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa
the Ecuadorian government, deployed 12 Rica, and Panama for the Central
U.S. Airmen to Manta last week to sup- America Sharing Mutual Operational
port ongoing international relief efforts for Knowledge and Experience exercise
victims of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake April 18 through 22 at Soto Cano Air
that struck the South American country Base. The purpose of this exercise is
April 16. to conduct joint training with cross-
functional development between all
participating countries.
Exchange Honors Military Spouses Winners have MILITARY STAR accounts paid in full
with $5,000 Vacation Giveaway
DALLAS — The Army & Air Force Ex-
DALLAS — Military Spouse Ap- a household, raising children, pro- change Service made wishes come true for Lawrence, too, had her mind eased by hav-
preciation Day falls on May 6 this viding unending support for their three grand-prize winners of the worldwide ing her $3,305.70 balance paid off during a
year, but the Exchange will celebrate partner — sometimes while their MILITARY STAR Your Holiday Bill Is On Us presentation at McConnell AFB, Kansas. She
the contributions of military spouses significant other is thousands of sweepstakes — and for one retiree, the prize opened her MILITARY STAR card in Novem-
all month by offering a chance to win miles away in a dangerous war zone was a way of saying “thank you” for sacri ces ber and used her card at shopmyexchange.
a resort vacation package for two — takes a toll and only those who made decades ago. com to buy Christmas gifts for her teenage
valued at more than $5,000. have experienced it can understand. son and nieces. She also splurged on herself
That’s why the Exchange is proud to Retired Chief Master Sgt. James Jones, — buying a 55-inch TV she had been want-
One lucky winner will have their offer a chance to live the good life retired Master Sgt. Catherine Lawrence and ing for years.
pick of more than 2,000 resort loca- with a luxurious vacation for two at Texas Army National Guard Sgt. Clayton
tions worldwide, plus a Samsonite one of these top-tier resorts.” Anders were grand-prize winners out of 4.7 “I have to stretch my budget,” Lawrence
Silhouette Sphere 2 two-piece lug- million entries worldwide. The winners, who said, whose 23-year military career ended
gage set, a Sony a6000 digital cam- Authorized shoppers 18 and older bought holiday gifts at the Exchange, all had when she suffered permanent nerve damage
era bundle with two interchange- can enter the $5K Vacation Getaway their MILITARY STAR accounts paid in full. after shattering two vertebrae in her neck
able lenses and camera and lens Giveaway online through May 31 while exercising to prepare for deployment.
accessories, and a $2,500 Exchange at “These three grand-prize winners prove real “I’m a single mom, and I take care of my dis-
gift card. causeofyou. Winners will be chosen heroes win our sweepstakes,” said Air Force abled dog, too. Having this bill paid means less
at random and notified no later than Chief Master Sgt. Sean Applegate, Exchange stress on me, especially since I’m disabled.”
Four runners-up will each receive June 19. No purchase is necessary senior enlisted advisor. “The Exchange is
one $250 Firestone gift card. Over- to enter or win. honored to pay it forward to these individu- For Anders, who serves in the Texas Army
seas runners-up will receive a $250 als, and we’re looking forward to bringing this National Guard, having his $3,735 MILITARY
Exchange gift card. Courtesy of sweepstakes back for 2016.” STAR account wiped clean has brought his
Army Air Force Exchange Service family peace of mind, too. He used his card
The sweepstakes is part of the The prize presentation to Jones, who served over the holidays at the Naval Air Station Fort
Exchange’s Because of You program, at Ubon Air Base, Thailand, during the Viet- Worth Joint Reserve Base Exchange, Texas,
which has expanded in 2016 to cel- nam War, was especially poignant. in part to buy gifts for his teenage daughters.
ebrate military families as well as Anders was honored during a presentation at
honor active-duty troops, allowing “So few who served during this time were Exchange Headquarters in Dallas.
the Exchange to express gratitude thanked for their sacri ces when they re-
for their service and sacrifice. turned home,” said Tom Shull, Exchange Di- “Winning this prize means my family will
rector/CEO, during the presentation to Jones be better prepared when I deploy to Kuwait
“Military spouses truly deserve at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. “It’s so next year,” Anders said, who serves with D Co.
their fair share of credit for their important to honor his service. What he did so 2-149th General Support Aviation Battalion.
role in protecting our nation’s free- many years ago for all of us is a true sacri ce.”
doms,” said Air Force Chief Master Courtesy of AAFES
Sgt. Sean Applegate, Exchange At the end of the presentation, Jones ripped
senior enlisted advisor. “Managing an oversize statement, symbolizing his $2,339
bill wiped clean. Because his bill was less than
the $2,500 minimum prize, he also received a
statement credit.
“When I rst heard I’d won, I thought it was
a hoax,” Jones said, who lives in Shreveport,
Louisiana. “It was a wonderful surprise. Hav-
ing this bill paid does take a load off my mind.”