Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS May 2016 5
Green Dot: Take small steps to prevent violence Hands across Luke …
Luke Air Force Base will begin Phase II abuse, suicide prevention, bullying and Airman 1st Class Joshua Altice
of Green Dot’s strategy to prevent interper- alcohol-related incidences.
sonal violence starting this month. Nearly 300 Luke Airmen participated in Hands Across Luke April 29 on
“The ultimate goal is the reduction of the Maj. Troy Gilbert Bridge. The event was sponsored by the 56th Fighter
“Green Dot is a civilian initiative the Air power-based interpersonal violence and hav- Wing Sexual Assault and Prevention Office and was accompanied by a
Force is adopting with a tiered approach to ing Airmen understand what he or she can do moment of silence to recognize victims of sexual assault. It was one of
outreach and prevention,” said Maj. Daphne to stop it,” Brewton said. “Green Dot engages several events that took place in April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month,
Brewton, 56th Medical Operations Squad- all Airmen through awareness, education and designed to encourage and spread sexual assault awareness and preven-
ron ADAPT program manager and Luke Air skills to establish an intolerance of interper- tion throughout the year.
Force Base Green Dot coordinator. “It is a sonal violence.”
research-based movement that focuses on
empowering individuals to take small steps Green Dot’s strategy is proactive, not reac-
in prevention efforts.” tive. The program focuses on behaviors of
Airmen in high-risk situations and what they
The Green Dot initiative to prevent can do to prevent a situation from escalating.
violence includes three phases of train-
ing. Phase I is leadership training, Phase “We teach Airmen techniques that empower
II is bystander training and Phase III is them,” Brewton said. “Some people believe you
overview training. Luke has more than 50 need to be direct or assertive to make a differ-
percent of its leadership trained and is on ence and prevent a situation from escalating,
schedule to begin Phase II training. but that’s not always the case.”
Nine Airmen from Luke, including Brew- Green Dot’s strategy of violence prevention is
ton, started the process in January when unlike anything the Air Force has done before.
they attended the Green Dot prep session.
“I’m really excited about the initiative,”
“When we initially went to training we Thompson said. “If we can soak it up, take it in
had no idea what to expect,” Thompson said. and take action, not just Luke, but the entire
“We left absolutely excited that there’s a Air Force, we can really make a difference.”
real potential for change.”
56th Medical Operations Squadron
While the Air Force currently uses Sexual
Assault Prevention Response to help vic-
tims, Green Dot’s program is designed for
prevention with a scope beyond the SAPR
The program will start with prevention
strategies for stalking, sexual assault,
domestic violence and later evolve to cover
additional types of violence including child