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May 2016                                NEWS                                                                                                                                  Thunderbolt

Eglin Airman selected by Welsh for unique commissioning program

            by Senior Airman                       bers from the enlisted tier to attend an                                                                 Senior Air-       The school of choice must be associated
             ANDREA POSEY                          accredited college while on active-duty                                                                  man Markese       or affiliated with a ROTC program for
                                                   status. Program participants are re-                                                                     Buckholtz, the    accountability and administrative over-
                 33rd Fighter Wing Public Affairs  quired to complete a degree within three                                                                 58th Fighter      sight.
                                                   years before attending Officer Training                                                                  Squadron
   EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. —                    School to earn their commission.                                                                         aviation re-         Buckholtz’s supervisor, Master Sgt.
(This feature is part of the “Through                                                                                                                       source man-       Latoya Cleveland, the 58th FS superin-
Airmen’s Eyes” series. These stories focus            Last year, Buckholtz represented his                                                                  ager, takes       tendent, said his character, work ethic
on individual Airmen, highlighting their           career field when Welsh visited the 33rd                                                                 a call March      and exemplary records made him a per-
Air Force story.)                                  Fighter Wing, which gave him the op-                                                                     30 at Eglin       fect candidate for the program.
                                                   portunity to share with the general his                                                                  Air Force
   An Airman’s cell phone rings, but he            desire to commission and his struggle to                                                                 Base, Florida.       “Senior Airman Buckholtz is a stel-
doesn’t answer because for him personal            find the right program.                                                                                  Throughout        lar Airman who truly embodies the Air
calls can wait until after work. It rings                                                                                                                   the morning,      Force’s core values,” Cleveland said. “I
again; he lets it go to voicemail. On                                                                                                                       Buckholtz         have no doubt that the next chapter of his
the third call he finally answers and is                                                                                                                    coordinates       life will further mold him into becoming
shocked to discover Air Force Chief of                                                                                                                      flights with pi-  a phenomenal Airman.”
Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III on the line.                                                                                                                   lots to begin
                                                                                                                                                            the sorties          More than a year since his first talk
   During the call, Senior Airman Markese                                                                                                                   for the F-35A     with the general, Buckholtz is on track
Buckholtz, the 58th Fighter Squadron                                                                                                    Courtesy photo Lightning II.          to become an officer.
aviation resource manager, learned he
would become an officer through the                                                                                     The two-year Airman explained that he                    In August, he and his family will move
Senior Leader Enlisted Commissioning                                                                                 was looking for a program that would al-                 to Prescott, Arizona, where he’ll begin
Program, putting him on track to become                                                                              low him to keep his wife and two children                classes at Embry Riddle Aeronautical
a “Mustang,” an enlisted member who                                                                                  financially stable while he commissioned.                University, where he previously received
commissions into the officer corps.                                                                                                                                           an associate’s degree.
                                                                                                                        Welsh recommended Buckholtz investi-
   “(Gen. Welsh) asked me if I still wanted                                                                          gate the Air Force’s newest commission-                     Although he admits the idea of moving
to be an officer and a pilot, and I imme-                                                                            ing program as an alternative solution.                  west with his family is nerve-racking, the
diately answered, ‘yes sir,’” Buckholtz                                                                                                                                       soon-to-be Mustang said he is ultimately
said. “He explained to me that I was his                                                                                To be competitive for SLECP, an indi-                 excited to start the program.
nomination (for the program) and that he                                                                             vidual must be enlisted and a U.S. citizen
wanted me to keep exceling as I moved                                                                                between the ages of 18 and 35. They                         “It feels amazing and almost unreal,”
forward in the Air Force.”                                                                                           must also have completed 24 semester                     Buckholtz said. “I hope this program
                                                                                                                     hours by the end of the selection window.                will allow me to fly the mighty F-35
   SLECP is an Air Force program de-                                                                                                                                          (Lightning II) one day. However, no mat-
signed to provide the opportunity for                                                                                                                                         ter what happens down the line, I will
senior leaders to select exceptional mem-                                                                                                                                     be excited to serve as an officer in the
                                                                                                                                                                              United States Air Force.”

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