Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
P. 6

May 2016                                           NEWS                                                                                                              Thunderbolt

Satellite pharmacy lobby closes for facelift

                    by Maj.                        from off-base that do not need to be lled                                                   Airman 1st Class      prescription pick ups will be available where
             SHANE MARTIN                          the same day.                                                                               Cole Broomfield,      they were dropped off. If dropped off at the
                                                                                                                                               56th Medical Sup-     Exchange Pharmacy, they will be picked up
    56th Medical Support Squadron Pharmacy Flight     A pharmacy team representative will                                                      port Squadron         at the Exchange Pharmacy. If dropped off
                                                   be located outside the Satellite Pharmacy                                                   main clinic phar-     at the Satellite Pharmacy drop boxes, they
   The Luke Air Force Base Satellite               providing direction during the rst weeks                                                    macy technician,      will be picked up at the Satellite drive-thru.
Pharmacy will undergo renovations June             of construction.                                                                            counts capsules
through September requiring the pharmacy                                                                                                       Jan. 5, 2016 using       Q. What if my doctor faxes, calls, or
lobby to close during the construction. The           Frequently asked questions:                                                              a spatula and a tray  electronically prescribes a prescrip-
drive-thru will be open for prescription              Q. How do I drop-off hand-written                                                        to refill the pre-    tion?
pick up only.                                      prescriptions, and when will they be                                                        scription at Luke
                                                   ready?                                                                                      Air Force Base,          A. Faxed prescriptions will be available
   During this time, the pharmacy, located            A. There are two drop-off locations: Pre-                                                Ariz. Luke phar-      for pick up 48 hours after we receive them
in Bldg. 1514, west of the Luke Air Force          scriptions left at drop-boxes located on the                                                macy technicians      and available for pick up at the Exchange
Base Exchange parking structure, the 56th                                                                                                      dispense medi-        Pharmacy. Electronic prescriptions will be
Medical Group will implement the follow-                                                                                                       cations, consult      available 24 hours after they are received
ing changes:                                                                                                                                   patients and refill   and available for pick up at the Exchange
                                                                                                                                               approximately 700     Pharmacy.
   The Exchange Pharmacy, a new and tem-                                                                         Senior Airman Grace Lee prescriptions daily.
porary pharmacy, will operate as a pick up/                                                                                                                             Q. What if I called in my re ll for pick
drop off location in the BX across the hall                                                                      side walls of the Satellite Pharmacy build-         up at the Satellite pharmacy?
from the barbershop. Hours are 8 a.m. to                                                                         ing will be lled in two duty days. Prescrip-
5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Customers                                                                          tions dropped before 2 p.m. at the Exchange            A. If a customer calls in a re ll for pick up
will not be able to pick up re ll medica-                                                                        Pharmacy located inside the BX can be               at the Satellite pharmacy, it will be avail-
tions at this location, but the ScriptCenter                                                                     picked up the same duty day. After 2 p.m.           able for pick up at the Satellite Pharmacy
(vending machine) will be available for                                                                          they can be picked up the next duty day.            drive-thru.
re ll pick up.
                                                                                                                    Q. How do I pick up prescriptions?                  Q. Is there an option to call in re lls
   Messages have been sent to off-base                                                                              A. Picking up re ll prescriptions remains        for pick up at the Exchange Pharmacy?
providers asking them to use electronic                                                                          the same. Customers will have three options
prescribing, but customers are asked to                                                                          during the automated telephone option for              A. No, there is not an option to call in
communicate the same message to their                                                                            pickup; the ScriptCenter, Satellite Pharmacy        re lls at the Exchange Pharmacy since it
doctor. The doctors need only search elec-                                                                       (drive thru only), and Scottsdale. All other        is only a temporary site.
tronic health records for DOD Luke.
                                                                                                                                                                        Unfortunately, delays can be expected.
   Customers are asked to use the drop box                                                                                                                           Please plan accordingly.
outside the Satellite Pharmacy for prescrip-
tions for routine maintenance medications                                                                                                                               For more information, call the pharmacy
                                                                                                                                                                     at 623-856-7958. Please help us help you
                                                                                                                                                                     while we renovate and improve our phar-
                                                                                                                                                                     macy services.

FREE for You,                                                 yourTake care                                      Luke Worship Center is launching
                                                                                                                  a new Pentacostal style church at
                                                              of troops.
                                                                                                                       Luke Elementary School
                                                   a Friend,                                                       7300 N Dysart Rd., Glendale AZ
                                                   or Family Member
                                                                                                                       Fellowship starts at 10am
2nd FRAME*                                                                                                       with worship following at 10:30 am.

                                                                                    For more information please call

*Second free frame must be of equal or lesser retail value as the first frame. Customer only pays for the lenses  SPACEPastor Joe at 623 734 4693
and extra features. Complete pair purchase required on both pairs. Second free frame must be purchased with           or Mary at 623 734 2595
the first pair and at the same date and time. No dispensing fee. Cannot be combined with any other discount,
coupon or insurance plan. All eyeglass and contact lens purchases require a current, valid prescription. Offer
expires 07/02/16. ©2016 National Vision, Inc.


LUKE AFB EXCHANGE                               Eye Exams Available by
   623 - 935 -1179
                                6.5” ADDr. Dave Schanes
                                       Independent Doctor of Optometry
                                      Doctor’s Exchange of Arizona, P.C.

                                               • TRICARE accepted • Appointments are available
                                                                  • Walk-ins are welcome
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