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Thunderbolt NEWS May 2016 3
Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan IN BRIEF
An F-35A Lightning II taxies from the runway onto the flightline after successfully completing a sortie Dec. Finance office closed
14, 2015, at Luke Air Force Base. The F-35 is being adopted internationally by eight partner nations, includ-
ing Norway, Italy and Australia. The 56th Comptroller Squadron of ce will close at 11:30 a.m.
today and reopen Monday with regular hours. For more informa-
F-35 program accelerating, at ‘pivot tion, call 2nd Lt. Shaun Chaplin at 623-856-6035.
point,’ program chief tells Congress
Give parents a break
by Steady progress
LISA FERDINANDO The F-35 program has made “steady progress” over The 56th Force Support Squadron Child Development Cen-
the past four years under Bogdan’s leadership, accord- ter and Youth Center are offering free childcare in a safe, age
DOD News, Defense Media Activity ing to Frank Kendall, the undersecretary of defense for appropriate learning environment 6 to 10 p.m. June 11. The
acquisition, technology and logistics. reservation deadline is June 2. The service is for active-duty Air
WASHINGTON — The program executive of cer of F-35 costs and development have remained within Force families who are experiencing stress due to a temporary
the F-35 Lightning II aircraft program said the rapidly the baseline, Kendall said, noting that production costs duty assignment, deployment or unique hardships associated
changing, growing and accelerating program is at a have steadily decreased, meeting the independent cost with military life. Lunch and a snack are included. For children
“pivot point” as of cials address a number of challenges. estimate each year. from infant to age 5, call 623-856-6338. For children ages 6 to
“While I do continue to monitor progress monthly 12, call 623-856-7471.
The F-35 program, also known as the Joint Strike and conduct annual program deep-dive reviews, the
Fighter program, is of vital importance to U.S. security, F-35 is no longer a program that keeps me up at night,” Mother’s Day brunch
Lt. Gen. Christopher C. Bogdan told the Senate Armed Kendall told lawmakers.
Services Committee during an April 26 hearing on the According to Kendall, the F-35 is a “game-changing, There will be a Mother’s Day brunch 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
program. state-of-the-art weapons system.” May 8 at Club Five Six. The cost is $20 per member and $25
Since potential adversaries are not idly standing by, per nonmember and includes a Belgian waf e station, omelet
Progress is being made, he said, noting development threat advances in areas like integrated air-defense bar, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Virginia pitt ham, smoked salmon,
and ight tests will nish in late 2017. Efforts will systems, air-to-air weapons and electronic warfare must deserts and more. For more information or to make a reserva-
then transition to a “leaner, more ef cient follow-on be continuously countered, he said. tion no later than May 6, call 623-856-6446.
modernization program,” the general added. Software, maintenance challenges
Both Kendall and Bogdan discussed the challenges in Troops to teachers
Production will grow from delivering 45 aircraft in the F-35 program. While Kendall noted there are some
2015 to delivering more than 100 airplanes in 2018, design issues that need to be resolved, he said he would A presentation to learn more about the teaching profes-
and up to 145 by 2020, he said. In addition, in the next be surprised if a “major” design problem popped up. sion is 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 11 at the Airman and Family
four years, the program will continue a standup of 17 The program is progressing, Bogdan said, but “some- Readiness Center, Bldg. 1113. Registration is required. To
new operating F-35 bases across the world. times slower than I’d like, but moving forward and register, call 623-856-6550. For more information, go to www.
making progress, nonetheless.”
“However, the program is not without risks and chal-
lenges, as these come with any program of this size and See f-35, Page 20 Habitat for Humanity volunteers
complexity,” Bogdan said. “But I’m con dent the current
risks and issues we face can be resolved, and we’ll be Habitat for Humanity is looking for volunteers to support
able to overcome future problems and deliver the F-35’s community projects. For more information, call Staff Sgt.
full combat capability.” Giovanni Scharon at 623-856-3287.
Fiscal 2016 graduates Boss and buddy night is 4 p.m. today at Club Five Six. A taco
bar is free for members and $5 per non-member. Specials, DJ
61st FS.......................................................... 25 314th FS ...................................................... 10 music and raf e drawings are included. For more information,
62nd FS........................................................... 0 56th TRS...................................................... 38 call 623-856-6446.
309th FS ......................................................... 7 607th ACS.................................................. 119
310th FS ....................................................... 28 372nd TRS, Det. 12 ..................................... 31 Before and after school care
311th FS ......................................................... 8 56th OSS (IFTU) ........................................... 0
Register now for the before and after school care program,
F-35 Hours own Sorties own T-Bolts 69 Luke Airmen which provides breakfast, transportation to-and-from Luke
F-16 Deployed are deployed to Elementary and Barbara B. Robey Elementary School, an
3,659.6 2,435 after-school snack and recreational programs for school-age
8,991.3 6,528 14 countries children at the 56th Force Support Squadron Youth Center.
around the world. For more information, call 623-856-7471.
SOAR commissioning
For Airmen wishing to submit a commissioning package for
the Air Force ROTC program, Scholarships for Outstanding Air-
men to ROTC, the submission date to Air Education and Train-
ing Command is Sept. 15. Waivers are due Sept. 1. For more
information, visit the education center or call 623-8656-7722.
Airman’s Attic
The Airman’s Attic is an all-volunteer workforce that pro-
vides gently used household items and clothing to active-duty
service members (E-1 to E-5) and their dependents at no
charge. Items are free but limited. Volunteers are welcome.
Hours of operation are 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday and the rst
and third Saturdays, and 4:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesday. The loca-
tion is Bldg. 750 on Phantom Street. For more information,
call 623-856-6415.
Inside out, upside down
Inside out and upside down is an ongoing drop-in group to
help participants deal with anger, frustration, irritation and
more. The class is 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays at the behavioral
health clinic on the second oor of the medical clinic. For more
information, call James Yang-Hellewell at 623-856-3417.
CCAF mentorship training
The 56th Force Support Squadron Education Center will
offer on-going Community College of the Air Force mentor-
ship training at 8:30 a.m. the rst and third Tuesdays of the
month in the education center in Bldg 1150. The program pro-
See BRiEfS, Page 20