Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 5-6-16
P. 4
May 2016 SPOTLIGHT Thunderbolt
Two-time AF-level award winner PA powerhouse
Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan by the media chief position at Luke Air Force Base.
DEBORAH LEUTHOLD The F-35 Lightning was already at Luke, but the
Kiley Dougherty, 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs media relations program was in its infancy.
chief, received the Air Force Outstanding Communication Civilian, Thunderbolt editor
Category II Award. She demonstrated outstanding leadership and “It was the perfect time for me to come here,”
management in communication outreach by generating over 100 me- You might think a girl who grew up in Warrens- Dougherty said. “The program was just ramping
dia events and key engagements that highlighted the F-35 mission to burg, Missouri, might not stand out in a crowd. In up and presented so many opportunities for media.”
more than 800 million people. the four short years Kiley Dougherty, 56th Fighter
Wing Public Affairs media relations chief, has been Hasson had been at Luke for less than a year. A
in the Air Force, she’s been a shining star wherever seasoned PA professional, he could see the need was
she nds herself. The Air Force took notice and gave crucial for a media chief who could hit the ground
her back-to-back Air Force-level awards. running. The of ce was preparing to be deluged with
opportunities that could make or break the new face
“I embrace whatever task is there,” Dougherty of the F-35 program.
said. “I pour my whole heart into it.”
“Telling the Air Force story is far more than a
According to her boss in PA, there’s a lot more to picture, an article, or a social media post,” he said.
it than just that. It is understanding the strategic impact on “Big Air
Force” of what we say here at the wing, particularly
“Kiley is an extraordinary talent,” said Lt. Col. when we are telling the story of the F-35. She is
Matt Hasson, 56th FW PA of cer. “She is passionate someone who understands what the media is asking
about her job and deeply committed to serving her for, why they’re asking for it and nding the right
country. She comes to work every day with ideas Airman to tell that story.
and an energy that’s infectious … she wants to have
impact on the mission every day.” “Kiley’s understanding of social media is un-
canny,” he said. “She has grown our social media
Dougherty attended Northwest Missouri State footprint by more than 400 percent in her year here.
University at Maryville and graduated with a Under her leadership and direction, she has also
double major – broadcast and journalism – and has made Luke one of the most responsive organizations
a master’s degree in public affairs with an emphasis on social media. It’s now a conversation between
in disaster emergency management. Luke and our community and the world.”
While in school she had a couple of internships in This year Dougherty received the Outstanding
Washington, D.C., where she met people in public Communication Civilian, Category II Award. She
affairs. demonstrated outstanding leadership and manage-
ment in communication outreach by generating
“Listening to them, I realized working in PA for over 100 media events and key engagements that
the military was what I wanted to do,” she said. highlighted the F-35 mission to more than 800
million people. As the social media subject matter
She paid no heed to the fact that Defense Depart- expert, her skills publicized command information
ment jobs usually go to those who have served in the and increased viewership 48 percent.
military, and the odds of her getting a job were slim.
When Dougherty came to Luke, she wasn’t sure
She entered the Palace Acquire Intern Program what to expect.
in July 2012. Competition was stiff and there were
only five positions available, but she acquired “I absolutely love Luke,” she said. “It was the best
one and headed to Minot, North Dakota. She was assignment for me after leaving Minot. It’s a com-
handed the nuclear deterrence program and she pletely different mission from nuclear deterrence to
threw herself into it. Two years later she received
the Air Force Outstanding Communication Civilian, ghter jets. Everybody here is very inspiring and
Category I Award. See PowERHouSE, Page 12
When it was time to move on, Dougherty accepted
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