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May 2016                                                                                               COMMENTARY                                                                                                         Thunderbolt
                                                                                                                  Volunteerism a ects positive change
                                                                                                                                 by Lt. Col.                 Air Force, we all live very busy lives,                         In a recent study from Carnegie
   Airman’s Attic ......................................................................... 623-856-6415                   STEPHEN SIMKO                     from our normal duty schedules, to                           Mellon University, published in the
   Airman and Family Readiness Center ................................. 623-856-6550                                                                         exercises, weekend duties, shift work,                       Psychology and Aging journal, adults
   Armed Forces Bank ............................................................... 623-535-9766                                  349th Maintenance Group   and especially deployments.                                  over age 50 who volunteered on a
   Base Exchange Main Store ................................................... 623-935-2671                                                                                                                              regular basis were less likely to de-
   Base Taxi .................................................................................. 623-856-6866         TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE,                     It is easy to fall into a mundane                         velop high blood pressure than non-
   Beauty Shop ............................................................................ 623-536-1897          Calif. — Throughout our military           pattern of life. If volunteer work isn’t                     volunteers, demonstrating a direct
   Chapel ...................................................................................... 623-856-6211     careers, we often talk of being a volun-   already part of your life, I would chal-                     physical bene t of volunteering.
   Chapel (after duty hours) ....................................................... 623-856-5600                 teer force, a subset of our culture that   lenge you to start out with nding just
   Child Care Center ................................................................... 623-856-6338             has volunteered to serve our country       an hour a week to “lose yourself in the                         Although the physical and psy-
   Clothing Sales ......................................................................... 623-856-6310          in the profession of arms.                 service of others.”                                          chological bene ts are real and good
   Club Five Six ........................................................................... 623-856-6446                                                                                                                 for us, the reward I have found most
   Command Post ........................................................................ 623-856-5600                Without disrespect to anyone cur-          If you look at the microcosm of                           bene cial is affecting positive change
   Commissary ............................................................................ 623-935-3821           rently in uniform or those that have       “any base USA,” I would argue that                           in the lives of others. Most of my
   Community Center ................................................................. 623-856-7152                served before me, I have always been       we easily make up the most diverse                           volunteer efforts have centered on
   Computer IT service desk .................................................... DSN 945-2900                     in con ict over the military/volunteer     of skillsets per acre anywhere in the                        coaching youth sports and volunteer-
   Crime Stop ............................................................................... 623-856-6666        discussions. Granted, there were           county. Take that and match it up                            ing with Boy Scouts of America. Were
   Dental Clinic ............................................................................ 623-856-2273        times in our past when the draft was       against the needs of just about any                          those opportunities challenging, time
   Dermatology ............................................................................ 623-856-2273          in place and a number of our nation’s      community, and you should easily nd                          consuming, stressful and lots of work?
   Dining Hall .............................................................................. 623-856-6396        citizens were forced into service. My      a volunteer opportunity that matches                         Absolutely. However, that is never
   Dorm Management ................................................................ 623-856-7841                  con ict centers on the aspect that we      your speci c skillset or interest. Volun-                    what comes to mind when I look back
   Education Center .................................................................... 623-856-7722             are all compensated for our service, we    teering doesn’t have to be a big, formal                     on my efforts.
   EMERGENCY ONLY ............................................................................ 911                receive some amount of pay, housing        program or event; it is oftentimes a
   Equal Opportunity .................................................................. 623-856-7711              allowances, bonuses at times, medical      simple act we may take for granted                              The best memories that come to
   Eye Clinic ................................................................................ 623-856-7965       bene ts and a variety of other bene ts     that is received with the most thanks.                       mind are that of a very shy kid who
   Falcon Dunes Golf Course .................................................... 623-535-9334                     throughout our career.                     Tennis champion Arthur Ashe stated it                        was afraid of camping on his rst trip,
   Family Health Clinic .............................................................. 623-856-2273                                                          best: “Volunteer! Start where you are.                       later earning his Eagle Scout. There
   Family Housing ...................................................................... 623-388-3515                By de nition, yes, we did all vol-      Use what you have. Do what you can.”                         was a 12-year-old who was about
   Firestone Car Care .................................................................. 623-271-8104             unteer to serve our country in the                                                                      to quit volleyball but grew into the
   Fitness Center .......................................................................... 623-856-6241         military. But when I talk about volun-        Although the basic premise of volun-                      sport and went on to play collegiately,
   Fire Station .............................................................................. 623-856-6641       teerism, I am referring to those that      teering is to help someone else, there                       or a former athlete I coached at the
   Flight Medicine ....................................................................... 623-856-2273           have given their own time and energy       are a number of bene ts the volunteer                        middle-school level who later joined
   Food Court ............................................................................... 623-935-2671        to serve others — these are the people     receives as well. For starters, there are                    the military.
   Fort Tuthill ............................................................................... 623-856-3401      I have the highest level of respect.       psychological bene ts.
   Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................................. 623-856-6149                      It is this type of volunteerism that I                                                                     There is no way of measuring the
   Housing Assistance Sec ......................................................... 623-856-7643                  think each and every one of us owes           Mark Snyder, a psychologist and head                      speci c impact I’ve had over the years
   Housing Facilities Sec ............................................................ 623-856-3007               to the various communities we live in      of the Center for the Study of the Indi-                     on those I have served, but I like to
   Housing Maintenance ............................................................ 623-935-2676                  throughout our careers.                    vidual and Society at the University of                      think I have at a minimum been a
   ID Cards ................................................................................... 623-856-7832                                                 Minnesota, states that “people who vol-                      positive role model to all those I have
   ITT ............................................................................................ 623-856-6000     There are a number of great quotes      unteer tend to have higher self-esteem,                      volunteered with.
   Legal Assistance ..................................................................... 623-856-6901            relative to volunteerism.                  psychological well-being, and happiness.
   Hobby shop ............................................................................. 623-856-6722                                                     All of these things go up as their feelings                     In closing, former British Prime
   Housing office ......................................................................... 623-856-7643             One that struck a chord with me is      of social connectedness goes up, which                       Minister Winston Churchill stated,
   Law enforcement desk ........................................................... 623-856-5970                  from Gandhi who said, “The best way        in reality, it does. It also improves their                  “We make a living by what we get. We
   Legal assistance ....................................................................... 623-856-6901          to nd yourself is to lose yourself in the  health and even their longevity.”                            make a life by what we give.”
   Library ...................................................................................... 623-856-7191    service of others.” As members of the
   Lodging Office/Switchboard ................................................. 623-856-3941
   Maintenance Control Center ................................................. 623-856-5469                      Finding strength, resiliency through Air Force family
   Marine Corp ............................................................................ 623-856-2417
   Marine Corp 24-hr Duty Desk .............................................. 602-421-5806                                            by Airman 1st Class                                                                 Kansas. We didn’t know anyone or anything about the area
   Marketing ................................................................................ 623-856-3245                    CHRISTOPHER THORNBURY                                                                       before arriving. It was only my wife Kristina, my daughter
   Medical appointments ............................................................ 623-856-2273                                                                                                                         Kierstin and myself.
   Military Equal Opportunity ................................................... 623-856-7711                                                22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
   Military pay ............................................................................. 623-856-7028                                                                                                                   My co-workers welcomed us and within a few months, I
   Navy Op Support Center ....................................................... 602-353-3008                       MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. — I joined the                                                        had made friends at work. We soon found out that our im-
   Office of Special Investigation .............................................. 623-856-6821                    military to provide for my family, but I never expected the                                             mediate family was going to grow. We were going to have a
   Outdoor Recreation ................................................................ 623-856-6267               challenges my family would face and how we would evolve.                                                baby boy, who we decided to name Emmitt Alan Thornbury.
   OB/GYN Clinic ...................................................................... 623-856-2273
   Optometrist .............................................................................. 623-856-2273           When I enlisted in the Air Force, I joined another family                                               On Sept. 18, 2015, Emmitt was born.
   Orthopedic Clinic .................................................................... 623-856-2273            without intent. This family has been with me ever since,                                                   Hardship
   Pass and registration ............................................................... 623-856-4880             especially during my family’s darkest tragedy.                                                             We didn’t have the chance to raise Emmitt. We’ll never
   Patient advocate ...................................................................... 623-856-8968                                                                                                                   know what kind of man he would become, if he’d have my
   Pediatric Clinic ........................................................................ 623-856-2273            Family                                                                                               blue eyes or his mother’s dimples. We won’t be able to take
   Pharmacy refill call-in ............................................................ 623-856-3969                 After completing basic military training and tech school,
   Photo services .......................................................................... 623-856-6168         my family and I made the 303-mile drive from our home-                                                                                                             See fAMiLy, Page 17
   Post Office ............................................................................... 623-935-1343       town, Lebanon, Missouri, to McConnell Air Force Base,
   Public Affairs ........................................................................... 623-856-6011
   Recycling information ............................................................ 623-856-4749                                    Thunderbolt editorial sta                                                           Luke Air Force Base website and social media and is the source for articles and
   Rodgers Travel ........................................................................ 623-856-6894                                                                                                                   photos published in the Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt editor is authorized to use
   Safety ........................................................................................ 623-856-6941   Publisher .................................................... Aerotech News and Review                 photos and articles from other .mil or .gov websites.
   Security forces ..........................................................................623-856-5970         Editor ........................................................................... Deborah Leuthold
   Security incidents .................................................................... 623-856-7777           Designer .................................................................................Tinna Sellie       Submission deadline is at noon the 15th day prior to the month of publication.
   Service Calls CE Maint .......................................................... 623-856-7232                                                                                                                         Contributions for the Thunderbolt can be made via email to 56FWPAThunderbolt@
   Shoppette ................................................................................. 623-266-0040                               Luke Air Force Base                                                    The editor can be reached at 623-856-5998 or
   Sick Call ................................................................................... 623-856-2273
   Straight Talk Line ................................................................... 623-856-7064            Commander.......................................................... Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus                   The Thunderbolt uses material from the Armed Forces Information Service, Air
   Sexual Assault Prevention/Response ................................... 623-856-4878                            Public Affairs chief ................................................ Lt. Col. Matt Hasson              Force News Service, AETC News Service and other sources. All advertising is han-
   Telephone repair (Base) ......................................................... 623-856-4400                 Public Affairs deputy chief .......................................... Kiley Dougherty                  dled by Aerotech News and Review. They can be reached by calling 480-307-1772.
   Thrift store ............................................................................... 623-935-5782      Internal information.............................................. Staff Sgt. Staci Miller
   Ticket/tour office ..................................................................... 623-856-6000                                                                                                                       Contents of the Thunderbolt are not necessarily the official views of, or en-
   (TMO) Household goods ...................................................... 623-856-6425                                             Editorial Information                                                            dorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense or the Department
   (TMO) Passenger travel ......................................................... 623-856-7035                                                                                                                          of the Air Force.
   Transient alert .......................................................................... 623-856-6204                              For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to
   Travel pay ................................................................................ 623-856-7028          and click on PDF edition                                           The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-
   Vehicle maintenance ............................................................... 623-935-6576                    The Thunderbolt is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no                     ments, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by
   Veterinary services .................................................................. 623-856-6354            way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 56th                   the DOD, the DAF or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this
   Lightning Gate VRC .............................................................. 623-856-4880                 Fighter Wing, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. This civilian enterprise Air Force news-                    publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard
   South Gate VRC ..................................................................... 623-856-4768              paper is an authorized monthly publication for members of the U.S. military services.                   to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap,
   Weather .................................................................................... 623-856-6805           The 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office prepares all editorial content for the                 political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. All
   Wellness Center ...................................................................... 623-856-2273                                                                                                                    photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated.
   Youth Center ............................................................................ 623-856-7470
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