Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 8-7-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb August 7, 2015 3
From BRIEFS page 1 cross country coach in a small California tinue throughout the renovation. A lim- traffic modifications at the Riverside/
ited menu will be available with most Cactus intersection the “No Right Turn”
REGISTER FOR YELLOW town transforms a team of athletes into of your favorite items, excluding pizza. sign will be put up again and enforced.
RIBBON EVENTS championship contenders. Stars: Kevin An express food service will be avail- Hopefully this will make things easier
Costner, Maria Bello, Ramiro Rodriguez able in the Atrium as well as breakfast, for all while the street widening project
The August 14-16 and September 25- lunch and dinner in the dining room. The is going on. If you have any questions
UTA operating hours are 5:30-9 a.m. for contact the March Community Planner
27 Yellow Ribbon events are now open BONANZA BINGO AT CLUB breakfast; 11-1 p.m. for lunch, 4-8 p.m. and Liaison at 951-655-2236.
for registration for eligible members. The Hap Arnold Club invites you to for dinner.
For more formation, contact 1st Lt. Shel- play Bingo for prizes. Visit the cashier’s GRILL NIGHT
ley Lawrence, your 452nd Air Mobility cage or a bartender at the club or call In addition, Sally’s Alley and Aces AT SALLY’S ALLEY
Wing Yellow Ribbon representative, for 951-655-4920 for details. Winning num- Sports Bar will be open on UTA Fridays Every Wednesday night starting at 4
details at 951-655-4615. bers for the week of Aug 3 through 9 and Saturdays from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. p.m., Sally’s Alley is open for business
are: B8, I28, N45, G50, O73. (Winning with Grill Night. Sally’s Alley is also now
MILITARY DENTIST FOR UTAS numbers are displayed weekly on the in- The newly renovated state-of-the-art open every Pre-UTA Thursday at 4 p.m.
The 452nd Aerospace Medicine formation screen in the lobby next to the facility will feature new lighting and fur- For more information, call them at 951-
Squadron will provide a military dentist Grande Ballroom.) Good luck! niture, an improved serving line, digital 653-2121.
available each Friday prior to the A and B menu boards, a revamped menu, and new
UTAs through the September joint UTA. stations such as a self-serve salad bar and MOTOWN REVIEW
Starbucks coffee stations. AUGUST 29
The dentist’s hours are 8 – 11 a.m. and 1 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE
– 3 p.m. If you or anyone in your squad- TRIPS AUG/SEP We appreciate your patience during The Hap Arnold Club presents The
ron needs a military dental examination, this renovation and are committed to MoTown Review dinner and show, fea-
please go to the dental clinic during the March Outdoor Recreation plans the continue to provide quality service and turing the Men of Motown, Saturday,
hour of operation. Individuals must be on following trips for the remainder of the support to the Team March community. Aug. 29, 6 p.m. Call the club at 951-655-
military status to be seen. No appoint- fiscal year: Visit or “Like” them on 2121 for more information.
ments accepted. Walk-ins will be seen on Facebook at “MarchFSS” to stay up-to-
a first come, first served basis. August 15 – Couples hot air balloon date.
rides in Temecula for $20 per person
August 29 – Bungee jump of the
MOVIE SERIES person The March Fitness Center has re- WING’S 2015 MILITARY BALL
ceived the Wellbeats Virtual Group Fit-
Outdoor Recreation is pleased to an- September 5 – Three-hour couples ness Kiosk. This kiosk allows members The 452nd Air Mobility Wing’s 2015
sunset sail in San Diego for $35 each to participate in virtual fitness classes. Military Ball is scheduled for Saturday,
nounce their summer movie series. All Daily Fitness Schedule is: November 21. This year’s location re-
September 19 – Skydive in Perris for Mondays: 6 a.m. — Virtual Fusion mains the Riverside Convention Center,
movies are free and start at dusk on the $50 per person Yoga; 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. — Intro and this year we will have a Holiday
TRX; 11 a.m. —Virtual Spin Theme. This will be a fantastic evening
September 26 – Three-hour Alpine Tuesdays: 11 a.m. — Virtual Strength and one you do not want to miss. Ticket
“Fit for Duty;” 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. — prices dropped to $60 per person. See
horseback tour in Big Bear for $42 per Circuit Training your first sergeant to purchase tickets or
Wednesdays: 6 a.m. — Virtual Fu- contact SMSgt. Griffin at 951-655-3999.
person sion Yoga; 11 a.m. — Zumba; 12:15 p.m. There are 40 rooms available at the Mar-
— Virtual Fusion Yoga; 12:30 p.m. and riott for $110 each, and 50 rooms avail-
Call them at 951-655-2816 for further 5 p.m. — Battle Ropes Circuit Training able at the Hyatt Place for $105 each (the
Thursdays: 11 a.m. —Virtual Spin; Hyatt Place price includes breakfast).
details or to sign up. 12:15 p.m. — Virtual Strength “Fit for When you call to make a reservation,
Duty;” 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. — Circuit mention the 2015 Military Ball to get the
“A” and “B” UTA’s. Bring your own RIDE A BIKE ON UTAS Training correct rate. You can contact The Marri-
chairs, blankets, snacks, etc., and join us Outdoor Recreation, in conjunction Fridays: 10 a.m. — Zumba; 10:30 ott at 1-800-228-9290 or (951)784-8000
on the lawn behind the Outdoor Recre- with the Fitness and Sports Center, of- a.m. and 5 p.m. — Intermediate TRX; for reservations and The Hyatt Place at
ation/Tickets and Tours - Bldg. 434. Be fers FREE bike rentals to UTA members 11:15 a.m. — Virtual Cardio 1-888-553-1300 or (951)321-3500.
sure to take all of your belongings and from now through September. Male and UTA Saturdays: (A UTA) 5 p.m. —
properly dispose of your trash before you female beach cruisers, including helmets Virtual Strength “Fit for Duty;” (B UTA) VETERANS’ ROUNDTABLE
leave. Movies are open to anyone with and locks will be located in front of the 5-7 p.m. — Pick-up Basketball (Cathedral City, CA) RSVP request-
base access. For more information, call Fitness Center and issued by Force Sup- ed for Dr. Ruiz Veterans Roundtable on
Outdoor Recreation at 951-655-2816. port Squadron fitness personnel. Due CONSTRUCTION AT CACTUS Aug. 20, 2015.
to a limited supply, only 10 bikes will AVE & RIVERSIDE DR: Mark your calendar and don’t miss
Aug. 8: Woman in Gold (PG-13) - be made available each UTA weekend. the opportunity to interact with our own
Maria Altmann, an octogenarian Jewish Mountain bikes are available by special The City of Moreno Valley has re- Congressman
refugee, takes on the Austrian govern- request only through Outdoor Recre- moved the “No Right Turn” sign at regarding veteran’s issues. Congress-
ment to recover artwork she believes ation. For more information, call ODR Cactus/Riverside (east bound) and will man Ruiz has been a strong advocate for
rightfully belongs to her family. Stars: at 951-655-2816 or the Fitness Center at see how it goes. They warned that dur- veteran’s rights since he was first elected
Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel 951- 655-2292. ing construction, the turn radius is not to Congress nearly three years ago. Dur-
Brühl enough for tractor trailer/delivery trucks ing that time, he has helped many local
BACK STREET CAFÉ and it will be a problem for those vehi- veterans personally with their benefits
Aug. 22: Insurgent (PG-13) - Bea- UTA SCHEDULE cles. Please have your delivery trucks use and used his position on the Veterans
trice Prior must confront her inner de- the Heacock/Meyers entrance to the area Committee in Washington to help pass
mons and continue her fight against a The Back Street Café has begun reno- to avoid problems with the construction important legislation regarding veteran’s
powerful alliance which threatens to tear vation of the dining area. Food operations crew. If a problem arises with the vehicle rights, especially regarding support from
her society apart with the help from oth- have relocated to the Wright Brothers Bar traffic while the construction crew is re- the local VA hospitals.
ers on her side. Stars: Shailene Woodley, located on the east side of the Hap Ar- locating the traffic signal and installing
Ansel Elgort, Theo James nold Club. Entrances from Adams Ave. See BRIEFS page 5
can be used as well as available parking
Sep. 12: McFarland USA (PG-13) - A across from the Ballroom entrance.
Monday – Friday there will be buffet
style food service in the Wright Brothers
Bar at 6:30 – 10 a.m. for breakfast and
11-1:30 p.m. for lunch. No dinner will be
served during the week.
All UTA food operations will con-