Page 5 - March ARB Beacon 8-7-15
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb August 7, 2015 5
From BRIEFS page 3 General Patton Memorial Museum – 62- The General Patton Memorial Muse- tribution limit before the last pay day of
um is located on I-10 at Chiriaco Sum- the year. If you reach the contribution
On Thursday August 20th at 1:30 510 Chiriaco Rd, Chiriaco Summit, CA mit, just 30 miles east of Indio. Thank limit before the last pay period you will
p.m. there will be a Veteran’s Roundtable 92201 on Aug. 14. you for your service, they are looking not receive matching contribution for
at the Cathedral City Corps of the Sal- forward to your visit on 14 August, 2015. the pay period (s) that no contributions
vation Army located at 30-400 Landau The end of World War II in Asia oc- were made.
Blvd in Cathedral City. The Congress- curred on 14 and 15 August 1945 when EDUCATIONAL
armed forces of Japan surrendered to the BENEFITS NEWS If you want to distribute your TSP
Are you aware that if you plan on contributions over the remaining pay
man will address the audience con- forces of the allied powers. The surrender transferring any or all of your educational periods in 2015, update your election
benefits to your dependents, you MUST in the Employee Benefits Information
cerning what is currently being done came just three months after the surren- have a minimum of four years left in the System (EBIS). If you decide to change
military at the time of the transfer? The your election, take into consideration the
to improve the quality of assistance to der of the axis forces in Europe. exception is if you are getting out due effective date of your election and how
to reaching your high year of tenure or many pay periods remain in the year.
veterans and what is being proposed. He On 14 August, 2015, the General something else that is beyond your con-
trol. Contact the education office or the For additional information on contri-
will also entertain questions and answers Patton Memorial Museum is honor- local Veteran’s Administration office for bution limits and effective dates, visit the
specific details. MyPers website and search “Thrift Sav-
from those in attendance as time allows. ing all veterans and their families who ings Plan contribution limit”.
Experts will be there to help individu- served during World War II by extend- CONTRIBUTION LIMITS FY15 UTA RESCHEDULE
als with their unique problems and help ing an invitation to come for a free visit Calendar year 2015 has 27 pay pe-
riods since the last pay day falls on Jan. Col. Muncy has determined that the
them get started on a solution. The goal at the museum. 1, 2016 (a Federal holiday), which means following FY 15 Unit Training Assem-
you will be paid one day earlier on Dec. blies may only be rescheduled if the re-
is to constructively identify and address This invitation is to ALL U.S. veter- 31, 2015. schedule date is for the alternate UTA
during the same month of the A and B
the most pressing concerns that veterans ans who served anywhere in the world If you are under the Federal Employ- UTAs for the month of August 2015.
ees Retirement System and you wish to The wing commander will authorize
in the area have, regarding their benefits. during WWII. Each WWII veteran who receive the maximum agency matching reschedules outside of the same month,
contributions for 2015, you must en- if absolutely necessary, on a case-by-
This is a great opportunity to interact visits the museum will be welcomed by sure you do not reach the $18,000 con- case basis.
with your representative in Washington the General Manager who will give them See BRIEFS page 7
so don’t miss out. Pass the word on to a VIP tour. All WWII veterans and fam-
others who you know will benefit from ily members will be given a flyer telling
being there. If you have any questions, how GPMM Board Member, Pete Minix,
please contact Bill Young at majorbill1@ provides free assistance in preparing a or 760-861-0037. Please RSVP complete biography about their service
to Tony Aguilar at tony.aguilar@mail. and their life. or 760/424-8888. Should you have any questions or
WWII VETS need special assistance, please contact
FREE ADMISSION Michael T. Pierson at 760/227-3483 or
TO PATTON MUSEUM via email at
WWII vets get free admission to For more information about the muse-
um, visit
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