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6 August 7, 2015                                                                             

                                                    HEALTHY BASE INITIATIVE

by Airman 1st Class Luke Hill                       Squadron information technology project man-                                                                          U.S. Air Force graphic
2 BW public affairs                                 ager. “It provides a place to document all the
                                                    great things that happen over the course of the    The Wingman Toolkit, an outreach and communication tool
   BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La.                    day and gives me time to reflect back on why it     designed to ensure Airmen have quick and easy access to the
(AFNS) - -- The Wingman Toolkit, an outreach        was good and who helped make it good. I use        latest Comprehensive Airman Fitness programs and resources,
and communication tool designed to ensure Air-      this feature several times a day as good things    now has a cell phone app which can be downloaded.
men have quick and easy access to the latest        happen.”
Comprehensive Airman Fitness programs and
resources, now has a mobile app available to           Airmen are also seeing benefits in their per-
download.                                           sonal and professional life.

   The app provides resources to improve men-          “The app has reminder options you can set,”
tal, physical, social and spiritual fitness, all at  said Senior Master Sgt. Jeremy Shay, the Air
the touch of a finger.                               Force Global Strike Command fabrication func-
                                                    tional manager. “I have pop-ups set for after the
   “The toolkit provides resources like videos,     end of the duty day. I use this as a way to help
stories and testimonies that help Airmen im-        me refocus on my family and the things they
prove CAF,” said Jeffrey Maiette, a 2nd Bomb        look to me for after a long day of work. The app
Wing community support coordinator. “It also        has definitely helped me not bring the stress I
has tools that help Airmen implement CAF con-       feel from impending changes into my daily in-
cepts into their daily activities. They can track   teractions with my wife and daughter.”
physical training workouts and scores, set up
spiritual reminders that help keep a positive          Overall, CAF concepts can result in more
mindset and it even has tools that help track       resilient Airmen, which means they can accom-
sleep patterns.”                                    plish the mission more effectively.

   Many Airmen are already taking advantage            “CAF isn’t about a program, it’s about a life-
of the toolkit’s many resources.                    style,” Maiette said. “This new app gives Air-
                                                    men a genuine hands-on way to apply CAF con-
   “For me, the best feature is the ‘count your     cepts and empowers them to follow through on
blessings’ portion of the app,” said Master         things they’ve learned through CAF.”
Sgt. Joshua Copeland the 2nd Communication


by Cheryl Pellerin, DOD News               strategic perspective gained over years                                                                                                           DoD photo
Defense Media Activity                     of operational experience.”                Air Force Gen. Paul J. Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

   WASHINGTON, Aug. 3, 2015 –                 Selva is a command pilot with
The Senate last week confirmed Air          more than 3,100 hours in the C-5,
Force Gen. Paul J. Selva as the 10th       KC-135A and other aircraft. He
vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of       earned a Bachelor of Science degree
Staff. The nation’s second-highest-        in aeronautical engineering in 1980
ranking military officer is a pilot and     from the U.S. Air Force Academy
most recently was commander of U.S.        and later earned Master of Science
Transportation Command at Scott Air        degrees in management and human
Force Base in Illinois.                    relations and in political science.

   Also last week, the Senate con-            Passionate Advocate
firmed Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F.             From October 2008 to October
Dunford Jr. as chairman of the Joint       2011 he served as assistant to Chair-
Chiefs. Defense Secretary Ash Carter       man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Navy
congratulated both leaders in a July 31    Adm. Mike Mullen.
statement.                                    Selva expressed his gratitude and
                                           that of his wife, Ricki. The two met
   Strategic Perspective                   while attending the Air Force Academy,
   Carter said both men had proved         and Ricki also served in the Air Force.
“their mettle throughout their careers,       “It is truly humbling to represent the
from Gen. Dunford’s first years as an       men and women who wear the uniform
infantryman to his leadership both in      of our nation and our civilian work-
Afghanistan and of the Marine Corps,       force,” Selva said. “You exemplify
and from Gen. Selva’s early days as a      the best our country has to offer, and
pilot to his leadership of our military’s  I promise to be a passionate advocate
Transportation Command.”                   to ensure we remain the best-trained,
   The secretary added, “I know that       best-led, best-equipped and most ca-
President [Barack] Obama and I,            pable military in the world.”
and our nation’s security, will benefit
greatly from their sage counsel and
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