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Vol. 81, No. 17                    March Air Reserve Base, California                                   Friday, April 29, 2016

 NEWS BRIEFS Team March Push-up challenge



 brings awareness to Veteran suicidesThe Beacon staff would like

to thank Aerotech News and
Review for their many years of
publishing. This is the last is-
sue they will produce. Look for
a few changes in format for our
next Beacon, which will be pub-
lished by Golding Publications.


   The March Field Chiefs
Group cordially invites all
March to attend the Chief In-
duction Ceremony Saturday
May 21, 2016 at 5:30 pm in the
Hap Arnold Club Ballroom. At-
tire for the event is Mess dress
for military and business attire
for civilians. R.S.V.P. by May 6,
2016. Call 951-655-3520.

 COMMISSARY CASE                                                                                        U.S. Air Force photo/Linda Welz
   Your March ARB com-             Led by Master Sgt. Mario Reyes-Jauregui, 452nd Security Forces Squadron, who lost his brother to suicide a couple of years ago,
missary will have a Case lot       Team March members complete 22 push-ups April 22, 2016, to shed light on the statistic that there are 22 Veteran suicides every
sale May 5-8. There will be        day. The Mission 22 organization is committed to bringing awareness in order to eliminate that statistic once and for all.
up to 60% savings on your
favorites including paper          by Linda Welz                                                           The Mission 22 push-up challenge is currently trending on
products, detergents, cereal,      452 AMW public affairs                                               social media. Unlike the previous water bucket challenge to raise
pet food and cases of canned                                                                            money, this trend is simply to spotlight Veteran suicides in an ef-
goods, as well as Johnson-            More than 75 Team March members gathered near the main            fort to bring the number from 22 every day to zero.
ville sausage while supplies       gate Friday morning, April 22, with a common goal – to bring
last. Don’t forget to check        awareness to the high rate of Veteran suicides by performing            Marvin Tucker, 452nd Emergency Management director, has
out the great prices offered       some push-ups. The event was dedicated to Elias Reyes Jr.,           been doing the Mission 22 Push-up Challenge for a few weeks,
in their meat and produce          brother of Master Sgt. Mario Reyes-Jauregui, 452nd Security          and challenged Chief Master Sgt. Deborah McGuane, 336th Air
departments.Refreshments           Forces Squadron, who led the group as they counted off.              Refueling Squadron, to complete 22 push-ups in 22 days and
will be provided courtesy                                                                               post it each day to social media to help spread the word.
of commissary vendors. The            “A couple of years ago my brother ended his pain,” Reyes-
commissary is located east         Jauregui said. “I thought he was fine, like a lot of us think people     “This is a time to reach out,” Tucker said. “Every day 22 of
of March ARB at the cross-         are, and he wasn’t.”                                                 our Veterans commit suicide, and we need to get that number
ing of 6th Street and Meyer                                                                             to zero.”
Drive.                                Reyes-Jauregui’s brother served as a Marine (infantry) and
                                   completed three tours of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan before          “The 22nd of every month is supposed to be Buddy-check
 VOLUNTEER VICTIM                  leaving the service, after which he attended college at the Uni-     day,” McGuane said. “It is the day you are supposed to check on
ADVOCATES NEEDED                   versity of California, Los Angeles, earning his bachelor’s degree.   your buddies. This is here to raise awareness and empower those
                                                                                                        to make sure that they know that they have a purpose.”
   The SAPR Program                   “I thought he was good, but that was a bad assumption on my
March ARB is looking for           part,” Reyes-Jauregui said. “He ended the pain (at the age of 27)       You don’t have to be able to do regulation push-ups to help
a select group of individu-        and that was it. Unfortunately, that’s a statistic that is rampant   shed light on this tragedy and help eradicate Veteran suicides. To
als to act as volunteer victim     in our nation now,” Reyes-Jauregui said. “We need to make that       learn more, visit
advocates with the Sexual          statistic a zero. We need to take care of our troops and stick to-
Assault Prevention and Re-         gether. We’re all a family. We’re all in this together.”

             See BRIEFS page 3
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