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2                                   April 29, 2016                                 
THE                                                                                 COMMENTARY
   Volume 81, Number 17
                                       The ‘Dirty Dozen’: What it means to
 452 AMW Public Affairs                serve as an Air Force Reservist
14560 2nd Street, Bldg. 2640           by Carolyn Herrick                           cause those precious hours from 6 p.m.     activities some civilians enjoy. What they
 March ARB, CA 92518-1852              943rd Rescue Group public affairs            when you get home till the time you roll   do off-duty, they know, can affect their                                                         into bed are spent going through mail,     entire military career. Prior to the repeal
                                          DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE                   cleaning the house and doing laundry.      of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” those who
        fax: 951-655-7070              BASE, Ariz. -- When I was the spouse of      For those who are geographically sepa-     were in partnerships with members of the
     phone: 951-655-4138               a Reservist (which was the better part of    rated from their military unit, it also    same sex had to stay “in the closet” 28
                                       my five years of marriage), I didn’t get      means two travel days, or working a full   days a month for the sake of the two they
          COMMANDER                    it. My husband would work his normal         day Friday and then driving several hours  serve. This is the sacrifice we all signed
 Brig. Gen. Russell A. Muncy           work week, then square away his uniform      to get to the unit’s lodging facility in   up for when we raised our right hand and
                                       on Friday night for drill on Saturday and    time to shower and crash for a few hours.  took the oath. When someone thanks me
CHIEF OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS                Sunday. Come Monday morning, he was          Employers who honor their Reservists’      for my service, I say - genuinely - “it’s
     Capt. Perry Covington             back at work, and I had no concept of the    duties are extra special. Although it’s a  my pleasure.” And it is. But I didn’t get it
                                       toll it took - until I became a Reservist    federal requirement to allow Reservists    until I experienced it. I took for granted
   CHIEF OF OPERATIONS                 with a full-time job, too. They call it the  to leave when they are on orders and hold  what part-time military servicemembers
          Ms. Linda Welz               “Dirty Dozen” here: 12 days in a row         their job for them, some employers find     do day in and day out and especially dur-
                                       where you set your alarm for 5 a.m. to       ways to make it as difficult as possible;   ing the “Dirty Dozen.” Don’t take for
       BEACON EDITOR                   be at work by 6:30 or 7 a.m. Twelve days     others accommodate with alternative        granted what your Guard and Reserve
          Mr. Sean Dath                in a row where your spouse has to pack       work locations, work-from-home op-         friends and family do when they serve.
                                       the kids up for church alone on a Sunday,    tions, or even “stay available by phone”   They’re not “weekend warriors” - they’re
452 AMW EDITORIAL STAFF                or - if you’re both Reservists - you have    or “check email” and they’re good to go.   part of a force that’s ready to activate any
 Master Sgt. Megan Crusher             to find a babysitter Saturday and Sunday.     During the rest of the month, part-time    time active duty needs a hand. They’re
Staff Sgt. Heather Cozad Staley        Twelve days in a row that your kids are      military service means Reservists have     some of the finest people and finest
   Staff Sgt. Osmin Suguitan           in daycare or with a sitter. Twelve days     to stay physically fit. They abstain from   Americans I know.
Senior Airman Kevin Mitterholzer       in a row where date nights don’t exist be-
Senior Airman Joseph Dangidang
Senior Airman Russell McMillan                                                      CHAPLAINS CORNER

    The Beacon is published by         Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams!
Aerotech News and Review. Aero-
tech is a private firm in no way con-  by Chaplain (Capt.) Tim Jacobs               ing Genius that Walt Disney was un-        high likelihood of succeeding. There’s
nected with the U.S. Air Force, un-                                                 daunted by obstacles largely because       nothing really all that magical about
der exclusive written contract with       Several weeks ago during spring           he was relentlessly optimistic. In fact,   it, except the will to stay the course.
the 452nd Air Mobility Wing. This      break our family loaded up the SUV           according to Bennis, “success is often     This even has implications in one’s
civilian enterprise Air Force news-    and took off from Arizona to make the        rooted in optimism that may or may         spiritual life. For example, in the Bible
paper is an authorized publication     great American pilgrimage to Disney-         not be warranted by the facts.”            it says, “Let us not become weary in
for employees and members of           land. While it was packed with people                                                   doing good, for at the proper time we
U.S. military services, retirees and   from all corners of the globe, every-           Sadly, however, it is incredibly easy   will reap a harvest if we do not give
family members. Contents are not       one seemed to share a common sense           to start questioning our dreams at the     up.” (Galatians 6:9) In other words,
necessarily the official views of,     of wonder at this magical place that,        first setback or disappointment. Also,     there seems to be built into the system
or endorsed by, the U.S. Govern-       as Walt Disney said, “all started with       because we are by nature people who        of life a reward for those who stay at it
ment, the Department of Defense        a mouse.” But the truth is, it started       want everything now, we end up set-        day by day.
or the Department of the Air Force.    with a dream. In How to be Like Walt,        ting unrealistic expectations about
                                       Pat Williams chronicles a conversation       when we will succeed.                         Perhaps there’s something in your
    The appearance of advertis-        that occurred in 1971, five years after                                                 life right now that you’re ready to quit.
ing in this newspaper, including       Walt’s death, right as Disney World             But one of the axioms of life, which    It could be a new business, the pursuit
inserts or supplements, does not       opened in Florida. He writes, “Some-         is so easily lost in our disposable cul-   of a degree, a marriage, or maybe even
constitute endorsement of the          one commented to Mike Vance, cre-            ture, is that to produce anything of val-  your military career. While things
products or services by the De-        ative director of Walt Disney Studios,       ue in life takes time, and usually much    might look bleak at the moment, you
partment of Defense, the Depart-       ‘Isn’t it too bad Walt Disney didn’t live    more time than we assume at the out-       just may be in the middle of one of
ment of the Air Force or Aerotech      to see this?’ ‘He did see it,’ Vance re-     set. Sure, there are those out there who   those “defining moments” that you
News and Review, Inc.                  plied simply. ‘That’s why it’s here.’”       seem to rocket into the stratosphere       must get through in order to succeed.
                                                                                    faster than anyone could have predict-     Plowing through the next project,
    Everything advertised in this         That is the power of vision. It is em-    ed. But in reality those stories are ex-   quarter, counseling session, (or even
newspaper shall be made avail-         bracing a dream and staying the course       tremely rare. For most people, the road    UTA!) might be what makes all the
able for purchase, use or patron-      even when times get hard, boring, con-       to success is really not all that sexy.    difference in the world.
age without regard to race, color,     fusing, and discouraging. What is now        It consists of many years dedicated to
religion, sex, national origin, age,   the Disney empire came about only            the same task, keeping the ship mov-          I’m glad Walt never gave up on the
marital status, physical handi-        because of an unyielding belief that         ing in the same direction despite the      vision that he had. Our family (along
cap, political affiliation or any      the dream could actually happen, and         violent waves, gale force winds, and       with ten million other families) was
other non-merit factor of the pur-     there would be no giving up until it         naysayers who love to predict disaster.    able to have an amazing time in the
chaser, user or patron.                did! Warren Bennis writes in Organiz-                                                   world he created. So don’t you give
                                                                                       But the really encouraging part         up!
    Editorial content is edited, pre-                                               is those who do endure have a very
pared and provided by the staff
of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing
Public Affairs office at March Air
Reserve Base. All photographs
in the Beacon are Air Force pho-
tos unless otherwise stated. For
advertising, contact Aerotech di-
rectly at 877-247-9288.

Aerotech News and Review
  456 East Ave. K-4, Suite 8
      Lancaster, CA 93535
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