Page 11 - Memorial Day 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt and Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 11

10  May 28, 2021  Aerotech News
 honoR   (from Page 5)    Capt. Gerald O. young,   to entrap any rescue aircraft. For more than      1st Lt. James P. Fleming,
 37th Air Rescue Service, Da   17 hours he evaded the enemy until rescue   20th Special Operations
 Battalion. His intensive search revealed a   Nang Air Force Base, Viet-  aircraft could be brought into the area.”  Squadron; near Duc Co,
 well-concealed and numerically superior   nam; Khesanh, Republic of   Republic  of Vietnam,
 hostile force poised to ambush the advancing   Vietnam, “Young was flying  1968:  “Fleming distinguished
 Rangers. The Viet Cong, realizing that Wil-  escort for another helicopter   himself as the aircraft com-
 banks’ discovery had compromised their   attempting the night rescue     Chief Master Sgt. rich-  mander of a UH-1F trans-
 position and ability to launch a surprise   of an Army ground recon-  ard L.  etchberger,   port helicopter. Fleming   Affordable Studio and One Bedroom Units
 attack, immediately fired on the small air-  naissance team in imminent danger of death   1043rd Radar Evaluation   went to the aid of a six-man Special Forces
 craft with all available firepower. The enemy   or capture. Previous attempts had resulted in   Squadron; Phou Pha Thi,   long-range reconnaissance patrol that was   Utilities Included
 then began advancing against the exposed   the loss of two helicopters to hostile ground   Laos, “Etchberger and his   in danger of being overrun by a large, heav-
 forward elements of the Ranger force which   fire. The endangered team was positioned on   team of technicians were   ily armed hostile force. Despite the knowl-  Veteran and Military Preference
 were pinned down by devastating fire. Wil-  the side of a steep slope which required un-  manning a top secret defen-  edge that one helicopter had been downed
 banks recognized that close support aircraft   usual airmanship on the part of Young to effect   sive position at Lima Site   by intense hostile fire, Fleming descended,
 could not arrive in time to enable the Rang-  pickup. Heavy automatic weapons fire from   85 when the base was overrun by an enemy   and balanced his helicopter on a river bank   Phoenix, AZ  Inglewood, CA Houston, TX Kapolei, HI Las Vegas, NV
 ers to withstand the advancing enemy on-  the surrounding enemy severely damaged one   ground force. Receiving sustained and wither-  with the tail boom hanging over open water.
 slaught. With full knowledge of the limita-  rescue helicopter, but it was able to extract   ing heavy artillery attacks directly upon his   The patrol could not penetrate to the landing
 tions of his unarmed, unarmored light recon-  three of the team. The commander of this   unit’s position, Etchberger’s entire crew lay   site and he was forced to withdraw. Danger-
 naissance aircraft, and the great danger   aircraft recommended to Young that further   dead or severely wounded. Despite having   ously low on fuel, Fleming repeated his
 imposed by the enemy’s vast firepower, he   rescue attempts be abandoned because it was   received little or no combat training, Etch-  original landing maneuver. Disregarding his
 unhesitatingly assumed a covering, close   not possible to suppress the concentrated fire   berger single-handedly held off the enemy   own safety, he remained in this exposed
 support role. Flying through a hail of wither-  from enemy automatic weapons. With full   with an M-16, while simultaneously directing   position. Hostile fire crashed through his
 ing fire at treetop level, Wilbanks passed   knowledge of the danger involved, and the fact   air strikes into the area and calling for air   windscreen as the patrol boarded his heli-
 directly over the advancing enemy and in-  that supporting helicopter gunships were low   rescue. Because of his fierce defense and he-  copter. Fleming made a successful takeoff
 flicted many casualties by firing his rifle out   on fuel and ordnance, Young hovered under   roic and selfless actions, he was able to deny   through a barrage of hostile fire and recov-
 of the side window of his aircraft. Despite   intense fire until the remaining survivors were   the enemy access to his position and save the   ered safely at a forward base.
 increasingly intense antiaircraft fire, Wil-  aboard. As he maneuvered the aircraft for   lives of his remaining crew. With the arrival
 banks continued to completely disregard his   takeoff, the enemy appeared at point-blank   of the rescue aircraft, Etchberger, without    Lt. Col. Joe M. Jackson,
 own safety and made repeated low passes   range and raked the aircraft with automatic-  hesitation, repeatedly and deliberately risked   311th Air  Commando
 over the enemy to divert their fire away from   weapons fire. The aircraft crashed, inverted,   his own life, exposing himself to heavy enemy   Squadron, Da Nang,
 the Rangers. His daring tactics successfully   and burst into flames. Young escaped through   fire in order to place three surviving wound-  834th Air  Division;
 interrupted the enemy advance, allowing the   a window of the burning aircraft. Disregarding   ed comrades into rescue slings hanging from   Kham Duc, Republic of
 Rangers to withdraw to safety from their   serious burns, Young aided one of the wound-  the hovering helicopter waiting to airlift them   Vietnam, “Jackson  dis-
 perilous position. During his final coura-  ed men and attempted to lead the hostile   to safety. With his remaining crew safely   tinguished himself as a
 geous attack to protect the withdrawing   forces away from his position. Later, despite   aboard, Etchberger finally climbed into an   pilot of a C-123 aircraft.
 forces, Wilbanks was mortally wounded and   intense pain from his burns, he declined to   evacuation sling himself, only to be fatally   Jackson volunteered to attempt the res-
 his bullet-riddled aircraft crashed between   accept rescue because he had observed hostile   wounded by enemy ground fire as he was   cue of a three-man USAF Combat Control
 the opposing forces.”  forces setting up automatic-weapons positions   being raised into the aircraft.”  See honoR, Page 12

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