Page 6 - Memorial Day 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt and Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 6

6                                                           May 28, 2021                                                Aerotech News
     An overdue homecoming:

     77 years later, Marine finds his way home

                     by                   immediately turned to my wife and said,   were transferred from Hawaii to India-
            ASHLey CALinGO                ‘I’m going home for his service, whenever   napolis, Indiana. Marines then oversaw the
                                          it’s happening.’”                   transfer of his body from the Indianapolis
             Headquarters Marine Corps
                                           Wiesehan was discovered by History   airport to Richmond.
       QUAnTiCO, Va. — After 77 years, Pfc.   Flight alongside more than dozens of   State and local police, along with numer-
     Louis Wiesehan, Jr., finally returned home.  “nonrecoverable” Marines at a lost burial   ous veterans’ organizations, accompanied
       Wiesehan, 20, was a member of Company   site — dubbed Cemetery 27—on Tarawa   Wiesehan’s hearse on the 86-mile journey
     F, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd   in 2014. In 2015, History Flight turned the   to Richmond. American flags and supporters
     Marine Division. He was among the cadre of   excavated remains over to DPAA, who then   lined the streets of the small towns Wiesehan
     Marines charged with securing the small, but   used extensive anthropological analysis to   passed on his final journey.  Defense PoW/MIA Accounting Agency Photo
     heavily fortified, island of Betio in the Tarawa   identify the service members. Wiesehan   Wiesehan was honored the next day, on   U.S. Marine Corps Private 1st Class
     atoll on November 20, 1943.          was finally identified and accounted for in   National POW/MIA Recognition Day, at a   Louis Wiesehan, Jr., of Richmond, In-
       The Battle of Tarawa was part of Opera-  September 2019.               small ceremony at the Wayne County Vet-  diana, was killed during the Battle of
     tion Galvanic, the U.S. invasion of the Gilbert   Like Wiesehan, Mullins grew up in Rich-  erans Memorial Park. On Sept. 19, 2020,   Tarawa in November 1943. After years
     Islands in the Pacific Theater of World War   mond. Mullins describes it as a small, blue-  Wiesehan was finally laid to rest at the   of initially being declared “nonrecover-
     II. Now known as one of the bloodiest battles   collar town that is incredibly patriotic, with   Goshen cemetery, with full Marine Corps   able” by Defense Department officials,
     in the Pacific during WWII, the Battle of   Midwestern values and a large contingent   funeral honors.       he returned home and received a he-
     Tarawa left roughly 1,000 Marines and   of veterans.                       As the presenting officer, Mullins received   ro’s welcome with full military honors
     Sailors dead and more than 2,000 wounded.  Mullins reached out to one of his former   the flag after it was appropriately folded by   in September 2020.
       “There’s a quote from the commander in
     charge of defending Tarawa that goes, ‘A mil-
     lion men cannot take Tarawa in 100 years,’”
     said Col. Kirk Mullins, program manager for
     Advanced Amphibious Assault at Program
     Executive Officer Land Systems. “The Ma-
     rines did it in 76 hours. It’s hard for us, today,
     to put what transpired over those three days
     into context — the difficulty of trying to win
     the battle in an area where hundreds of your
     fellow Marines lay dead. ”
       Wiesehan was killed on the second day of
     the three-day battle. His remains — among
     others — were hastily buried amidst the fog
     of war in a division cemetery on Betio Island.
       After the war, the Defense Department
     tasked the U.S. Army 604th Quartermaster
     Graves Registration Company with recov-
     ering American bodies and investigating
     Missing in Action personnel in the Pacific. In
     1946, they centralized all American remains
     found on Tarawa at Lone Palm Cemetery for
     later repatriation.
       Despite this, about half of the known casu-
     alties, including Wiesehan, were not found.
       In October 1949, a Board of Review
     declared Wiesehan as “nonrecoverable.”
     Wiesehan’s family became one of many
     families who never saw their loved ones
     returned home.                                                                                                                       Courtesy photo
       Or, so they thought.               U.S. Marine Corps Col. Kirk Mullins, program manager for Advanced Amphibious Assault at Program Executive Officer Land
       Body identified in 2019            Systems, served as the presenting officer at the funeral of Private 1st Class Louis Wiesehan, Jr., on Sept. 19, 2020, in their
       The Defense Prisoner of War/MIA Ac-  hometown of Richmond, Ind. Wiesehan was identified, recovered, repatriated and finally laid to rest 77 years after he was killed.
     counting Agency’s mission is to provide the
     fullest possible accounting of missing U.S.   Amtracker colleagues, retired Sgt. Maj.   Marines during the ceremony. Mullins gave   “During the Pacific island-hopping cam-
     military personnel to their families and the   Justin LeHew, who currently serves as chief   the folded American flag to Wiesehan’s oldest   paigns in World War II, things were moving
     nation. History Flight is one of the many   operating officer at History Flight. Mullins   living relative.  so fast that they couldn’t bring everyone
     organizations working alongside DPAA to   knew that, as COO, LeHew could provide   “My role was very small,” recalled Mullins.   home — that they had to bury their fellow
     research, recover and repatriate America’s   additional information on Wiesehan’s home-  “But for me personally, it was a significant   Marines on the island,” said LeHew. “Part
     service members. They routinely send out   coming and service.           opportunity to honor and participate, and be   of what makes Marines different is how we
     emails and social media posts providing their   “Initially, I was just going to pay my   the one presenting the flag to the family. For   never surrender. And when we have a mis-
     followers with updates on their latest efforts   respects and honor Pfc. Wiesehan, just as   so long, because Pfc. Wiesehan was deemed   sion, we accomplish that mission and bring
     and service member recoveries.       a fellow Richmond Marine,” said Mullins.   ‘unrecoverable,’ getting the opportunity to   everyone home as much as possible. Being a
       In late 2019, one such update caught the   “Justin communicates frequently with the   bring someone’s son or brother home seemed   Marine is part of who I am, and that doesn’t
     eye of Mullins, a fellow Indiana native.  Casualty branch of headquarters Marine   hopeless. So the significance of finally being   stop when we (retire). Bringing these Ma-
       “As I was scrolling through (my Facebook   Corps. The next thing I know, I’m getting   able to do what seemed like the impossible   rines home is just part of the next mission.”
     newsfeed), I received a notification (from His-  contacted by them asking me if I want to be   after 77 years is an incredible accomplish-  There are still more than 70,000 service
     tory Flight) about a Marine they positively   the presenting officer.”   ment.”                              members unaccounted for from World War
     identified,” said Mullins. “As I started reading   Finally laid to rest    LeHew said honoring a fallen Marine   II. To learn more about Defense POW/MIA
     the post, I discovered that the Marine was   Wiesehan’s homecoming was a three-day   nearly eight decades later is part of the Ma-  Accounting Agency, please visit https://www.
     from Richmond, Indiana, my hometown. I   affair. On Sept. 17, 2020 Wiesehan’s remains   rine Corps’ mission and purpose.
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