Page 4 - Memorial Day 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt and Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 4

4                                                           May 28, 2021                                                Aerotech News                          Aerotech News                                                  May 28, 2021                                                                    5
                                                                                                                                                                    honoR                   (from Page 4)  scheduled to be attacked by fighter bombers   North Vietnamese soldiers, Sijan was taken   sighted in the area. Thorsness immediately
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    initiated an attack and destroyed the MIG.
       Air Force Medal of Honor recipients                                                                                                                          berries and uncooked frogs. He successfully   flight. In the initial attack on the defensive   to a holding point for subsequent transfer to   Because his aircraft was low on fuel, he was
                                                                                                                                                                                                          immediately after the strike by Dethlefsen’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a prisoner-of-war camp. In his emaciated and
                                                                                                                                                                    evaded enemy patrols and reached the Ben
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    forced to  depart  the area in  search of  a
                                                                                                                                                                                                          complex the lead aircraft was crippled, and
                                                                                                                                                                    Hai River, where he encountered U.S. artillery   Dethlefsen’s aircraft was extensively damaged   crippled condition, he overpowered one of his   tanker. Upon being advised that two helicop-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               guards and crawled into the jungle, only to be
                                                                                                                                                                    barrages. With the aid of a bamboo log float,   by the intense enemy fire. Realizing that the   recaptured after several hours. He was then   ters were orbiting over the downed crew’s
                                        — From the Vietnam War —                                                                                                    Day swam across the river and entered the   success of the impending fighter bomber at-  transferred to another prison camp where he   position and that there were hostile MIGs in
                                                                                                                                                                    demilitarized zone. Due to delirium, he lost his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the area posing a serious threat to the heli-
                                                                                                                                                                    sense of direction and wandered aimlessly for   tack on the center now depended on his abil-  was kept in solitary confinement and inter-  copters, Thorsness, despite his low fuel condi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ity to effectively suppress the defensive fire,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               rogated at length. During interrogation, he
   1966:                                the full length of the runway, which was lit-  orderly fashion. Through his personal efforts,   suffered 80 percent casaulties as their perim-  several days. After several unsuccessful at-  Dethlefsen ignored the enemy’s overwhelming   was severely tortured; however, he did not   tion, decided to return alone through a hostile
                                        tered with battle debris and parts of an ex-  the evacuation of the wounded was greatly   eter was breached, and Pitsenbarger was fa-  tempts to signal U.S. aircraft, he was am-  firepower and the damage to his aircraft and   divulge any information to his captors. Sijan   environment of surface-to-air missile and
                   Maj. Bernard F. Fisher,   ploded aircraft. While effecting a successful   expedited. As each of the nine casualties   tally wounded. Pitsenbarger exposed himself   bushed and recaptured by the Viet Cong,   pressed his attack. Despite a continuing hail   lapsed into delirium and was placed in the care   antiaircraft defenses to the downed crew’s
                 1st Air Commandos; Bien   rescue of the downed pilot, heavy ground fire   evacuated that day was recovered, Pitsen-  to almost certain death by staying on the   sustaining gunshot wounds to his left hand   of antiaircraft fire, deadly surface-to-air mis-  of another prisoner. During his intermittent   position. As he approached the area, he spot-
                 Hoa and Pleiku, Republic   was observed, with 19 bullets striking his   barger refused evacuation in order to get more   ground, and perished while saving the lives of   and thigh. He was returned to the prison from   siles, and counterattacks by MIG interceptors,   periods of consciousness until his death, he   ted four MIG-17 aircraft and immediately
                 of Vietnam, “On that date,   aircraft. In the face of withering ground fire,   wounded soldiers to safety. After several pick-  wounded infantrymen.”  which he had escaped and later was moved to   Dethlefsen flew repeated close-range strikes   never complained of his physical condition and,   initiated an attack on the MIGs, damaging
                 the Special Forces camp at   he applied power and gained enough speed to   ups, one of the two rescue helicopters involved                         Hanoi after giving his captors false informa-  to silence the enemy defensive positions with   on several occasions, spoke of future escape   one and driving the others away from the
                 A Shau was under attack   lift-off at the overrun of the airstrip.”  in the evacuation was struck by heavy enemy  1967:                            tion to questions put before him. Physically,   bombs and cannon fire. His action in rendering   attempts.”     rescue scene. When it became apparent that
                 by 2,000 North Vietnamese                                    ground fire and was forced to leave the scene                                         Day was totally debilitated and unable to   ineffective the defensive SAM and antiaircraft                      an aircraft in the area was critically low on
                 Army regulars. Hostile                 Airman 1st Class William   for an emergency landing. Pitsenbarger stayed     Maj. George  everette          perform even the simplest task for himself.   artillery sites enabled the ensuing fighter     Maj. Leo K. Thorsness,   fuel and the crew would have to abandon the
   troops had positioned themselves between the       H.  Pitsenbarger ,      behind on the ground to perform medical du-         “Bud” Day, Misty Super            Despite his many injuries, he continued to   bombers to strike successfully the important   357th Tactical  Fighter   aircraft unless they could reach a tanker,
   airstrip and the camp. Other hostile troops had    Detachment 6, 38th Aero-  ties. Shortly thereafter, the area came under     FAC’s F-100  Squadron,            offer maximum resistance.”            industrial target without loss or damage to        Squadron, 355th Tactical   Thorsness, although critically short on fuel
   surrounded the camp and were continuously          space Rescue and Recovery   sniper and mortar fire. During a subsequent     Phu Cat Air Base; over                                                  their aircraft, thereby appreciably reducing       Fighter Wing; over North   himself, helped to avert further possible loss
   raking it with automatic-weapons fire from         Squadron; near Cam My,   attempt to evacuate the site, American forces      North Vietnam, “Day was                         Capt. Merlyn H. Dethlef-  the enemy’s ability to provide essential war     Vietnam, “As pilot of an   of life and a friendly aircraft by recovering at
   the surrounding hills. The tops of the 1,500-foot   Republic of Vietnam, “Pit-  came under heavy assault by a large Viet Cong   forced to eject from his                       sen, 354th Tactical Fighter   material.”                                   F-105 aircraft, Thorsness   a forward operating base, thus allowing the
   hills were obscured by an 800-foot ceiling,        senbarger was aboard a   force. When the enemy launched the assault,        aircraft over North Viet-                       Squadron, Takhli  Royal                                                    was on a surface-to-air mis-  aircraft in emergency fuel condition to refuel
   limiting aircraft maneuverability and forcing      rescue helicopter respond-  the evacuation was called off and Pitsen-       nam when it was hit by                          Thai Air Force Base, Thai-            Capt. Lance P. Sijan, 480th          sile suppression mission   safely.”
   pilots to operate within range of hostile gun   ing to a call for evacuation of casualties in-  barger took up arms with the besieged infan-  ground fire. His right arm was broken in three   land; Thai Nguyen, North   Tactical Fighter Squadron,   over North Vietnam. Thorsness and his wing-
   positions, which often were able to fire down   curred in an ongoing firefight between ele-  trymen. He courageously resisted the enemy,   places, and his left knee was badly sprained.   Vietnam, “Dethlefsen was   Da Nang Air Force Base;   man attacked and silenced a surface-to-air      Capt.  Hilliard A. Wil-
   on attacking aircraft. During the battle,   ments of the United States Army’s 1st Infantry   braving intense gunfire to gather and distrib-  He was immediately captured by hostile   one of a flight of F-105 air-  Ban Loboy Ford and Ban   missile site with air-to-ground missiles, and    banks, 21st Tactical Air
   Fisher observed a fellow airman crash land on   Division and a sizeable enemy force approxi-  ute vital ammunition to American defenders.   forces and taken to a prison camp where he   craft engaged in a fire sup-  Kari Pass, and Hoa Lo Pris-  then destroyed a second surface-to-air missile   Support Squadron, Nha
   the battle-torn airstrip. In the belief that the   mately 35 mile east of Saigon. With complete   As the battle raged on, he repeatedly exposed   was interrogated and severely tortured. After   pression mission designed to destroy a key   on, Laos and North Viet-  site with bombs. In the attack on the second   Trang Air Force Base, Viet-
   downed pilot was seriously injured and in im-  disregard for personal safety, Pitsenbarger   himself to enemy fire to care for the wounded,   causing the guards to relax their vigilance, Day   antiaircraft defensive complex containing   nam, “While on a flight over   missile site, Thorsness’ wingman was shot   nam; near Dalat, Republic
   minent danger of capture, Fisher announced   volunteered to ride a hoist more than one   pulled them out of the line of fire, and return   escaped into the jungle and began the trek   surface-to-air missiles (SAM), an exception-  North Vietnam, Sijan eject-  down by intensive antiaircraft fire, and the   of Vietnam, “As a forward
   his intention to land on the airstrip to effect a   hundred feet through the jungle, to the ground.   fire whenever he could, during which time he   toward South Vietnam. Despite injuries in-  ally heavy concentration of antiaircraft artil-  ed from his disabled aircraft and successfully   two crewmembers abandoned their aircraft.   air  controller Wilbanks
   rescue. Although aware of the extreme danger   On the ground, he organized and coordinated   was wounded three times. Despite his wounds,   flicted by fragments of a bomb or rocket, he   lery, and other automatic weapons. The defen-  evaded capture for more than six weeks. Dur-  Thorsness circled the descending parachutes   was pilot of an unarmed,
   and likely failure of such an attempt, he   rescue efforts, cared for the wounded, prepared   he valiantly fought on, simultaneously treating   continued southward, surviving only on a few   sive network was situated to dominate the   ing this time, he was seriously injured and   to keep the crewmembers in sight and relay   light aircraft flying visual reconnaissance
   elected to continue. Directing his own air   casualties for evacuation, and insured that the   as many wounded as possible. In the vicious                       approach and provide protection to an impor-  suffered from shock and extreme weight loss   their position to the Search and Rescue Cen-  ahead of a South Vietnam Army Ranger
   cover, he landed his aircraft and taxied almost   recovery operation continued in a smooth and   fighting that followed, the American forces   See honoR, Page 5  tant North Vietnam industrial center that was   due to lack of food. After being captured by   ter. During this maneuver, a MIG-17 was   See honoR, Page 10
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