Page 8 - Memorial Day 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt and Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 8
8 May 28, 2021 9
Tomb guards serve to honor unknown
by honors. The servicemembers were chosen “You see families who are coming straight
ElizabEth M. Collins randomly from unmarked graves at U.S. cem- from Section 60 (where servicemembers killed
eteries, with final selections made by highly in Iraq and Afghanistan are interred) from a
U.S. Army News Service
decorated veterans. Each of the unknowns funeral, and they’ve got tears in their eyes.
aRlinGton national CEMEtERY, has been ceremonially awarded the Medal of Veterans Day, Memorial Day — it really hits
Va. — A lone Soldier stands on an open plaza, Honor and other decorations, such as Britain’s home, what we’re out here for. It’s definitely
buffeted by bone-chilling wind. Twenty-one Victoria Cross and Belgium’s and France’s not for ourselves, (but) just to pay homage to
steps. Turn. Stand at attention for 21 seconds. Croix de Guerre. (Note: The unknown from those who came before us,” he explained.
Turn. Repeat. The sun drops. The temperature Vietnam was identified as Air Force 1st Lt. “I get to represent my fallen comrades and
falls. The crowds depart. The Soldier continues Michael Blassie in 1998, although a marker my fellow Soldiers everywhere,” added then-
his solitary walk. remains in honor of all the missing and un- Spc. Joseph Hull, a former sentinel. “It means
The cemetery closes at 5 p.m., but closing identified servicemen from that war.) a lot to me. I’ll definitely carry it with me the
brings little relief. The Soldier is only 12 hours Guards were first posted at the tomb in rest of my career.”
into a 27-hour shift. He has spent every other 1926, after one too many tourists had used It’s not an easy job. A Soldier has to be
hour marching in the bitter cold, and still has a the grave as a picnic table. In the years since, driven to endure the 27-hour days and weather
long, frigid night of training on the plaza before their duties and hours have increased, and the extremes. After enlisting, then volunteering
he can go home at seven the next morning. Changing of the Guard has become a “must- and being selected for The Old Guard, Soldiers
None of this fazes the Soldier, for he is a see” on the Washington tourist circuit. can eventually try out for one of 27 sentinel
sentinel, a guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns But those who guard the tomb (members of positions. Less than 20 percent of Soldiers 100-percent wool (uniforms). It can definitely valor, selected the Unknown Soldier for World presided over the interment ceremony for the
at Arlington National Cemetery. He has one the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, better known typically make it; in Gilliam’s class of 16, only get pretty hot. We do in the summertime, War I by placing a spray of white roses on one Vietnam Unknown servicemember. Like his
of the most sacred missions in the military, as “The Old Guard”) don’t want to be known he and one other Soldier passed. According to months. At the top of the hour (or half-hour), and the armed services. I do know people who 30-minute shifts. It’s not overwhelming, but of the caskets. Those remaining were interred predecessors, he was laid to rest in the plaza
and he would walk through fire to honor and as performers. They exist to “pay respects to the Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the a relief commander, like Gilliam, salutes the are here in the cemetery and are buried, and you have to prepare your body, stay hydrated. in the Meuse Argonne Cemetery, France. The of the tomb during a ceremony that received
protect the fallen, nameless Soldiers under the unknown Soldiers,” said then-Staff Sgt. Unknown Soldier, since 1959, only about 570 tomb and announces the change. “Ladies and my entire family served in the military, so it’s The physical aspect wears down on the Sol- Unknown Soldier then returned home to the national coverage.
his watch. Kevin Gilliam, former 1st Relief commander Soldiers have been awarded the coveted Tomb gentlemen, may I have your attention please. just kind of instilled in me.” Hull has served diers, especially guys who’ve been here over U.S. to lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda Since then, DNA testing proved the Vietnam
In the early 1920s, the modern world was at the tomb. Guard Identification Badge. I am (name and rank) of the 3rd Infantry at the tomb for three years, and said each day two or three summers.” until Armistice Day. Nov. 11, 1921, President Unknown servicemember’s remains were
still emerging, shell-shocked, from World “To me, (the tomb) symbolizes the ultimate Tomb guards are assigned to one of three Regiment, United States Army, commander is like his first. It does have an up side, however, said Man- Warren G. Harding officiated at the interment those of Air Force 1st Lt. Michael Joseph
War I. The “war to end all wars” had claimed sacrifice,” he continued. “Every time I look reliefs (depending on their height), and can of the relief, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The “mat” — the 63-foot area in front of the cha. Extreme-weather days are his favorite ceremonies at the amphitheater. Blassie. His remains were returned to his
entire countries, monarchies and an untold out there, I look at three guys who gave up spend anywhere from six to nine months train- The ceremony you are about to witness, is tomb where the guards walk — is sacred, so times guarding the tomb. The monument, which rests on top of the family July 10, 1998, and he was buried in his
number of lives, many who are still nameless everything. They lost not just their lives, but ing to become an official sentinel, perfecting the Changing of the Guard. In keeping with sacred that if the crowd gets rowdy or noisy, “It’s actually very motivating, believe it or Unknown grave, is a sarcophagus, simple, but hometown, St. Louis.
and faceless. their identities. And also, what their families their marching, military history and uniforms. the dignity of this ceremony, it is requested the guard will step off the mat before asking not,” he said. “Some Soldiers like the heat. impressive in its dimensions. Its austere, flat- Originally, a civilian watchman was re-
Following the examples of allies like Great are sacrificing too, not having the peace of Much of the training is done on the plaza in that everyone remain silent, and standing. for silence and respect. Otherwise, he follows Some Soldiers like the cold. Snow — snow’s faced form is relieved at the corners and along sponsible for the security of the Tomb of the
Britain and France, Congress approved a mind, knowing that ‘My son is in Section 60 in front of the tomb, in real time, exactly as they Thank you.” a carefully prescribed routine. an awesome time to walk. There’s not a lot the sides by neo-classic pilasters, or columns, Unknowns. Then, March 24, 1926, a military
resolution to ceremonially honor and bury Arlington National Cemetery.’ They’re never would conduct an actual walk or guard change. He inspects the oncoming Soldier and his “What we do for our entire post, we take 21 of crowd that comes around. That’s not what set onto the surface. guard from the Washington Provisional Bri-
one of America’s countless unknown World going to know.” The only difference: the cemetery is closed and weapon (depending on whether he wears steps across the mat, turn and face D.C. for 21 we focus on, but to be out here by yourself, The three figures of Valor, Victory and gade (forerunner of the U.S. Army Military
War I casualties in a special tomb at Arlington Gilliam was compelled to become a tomb it’s usually the middle of the night. cold-weather gloves, which prohibit a complete seconds, turn back, face down the mat, change (whether it’s) 100 degrees or negative-10, it Peace are sculpted into the panel, which faces District of Washington) was established
National Cemetery, Va., in 1921. The Tomb guard after attending the funerals of friends “You do training during the day...manual, weapon inspection), then he and the new shoulders and do that process over and over gets very motivating. You’re dreading it at Washington. On the plaza face the words during daylight hours. In 1948, the 3rd U.S.
of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated that from the 3rd Infantry Division he had de- uniform, uniform classes. And then at night Soldier meet the retiring sentinel in front of again. Twenty-one alludes to the 21-gun salute, first, but when you get out here and you’re “Here Rests in Honored Glory An American Infantry Regiment, “The Old Guard,” assumed
Nov. 11 — then known as Armistice Day — ployed with to Iraq. He saw the pain their you get your hours of training in. The guards the tomb and all three salute the unknowns. which is the highest military honor. So we give by yourself, it’s just you and the unknowns, Soldier Known But To God,” are inscribed the post, following the unit’s reactivation in the
by President Warren G. Harding, with the families endured, and after visiting the tomb, who are posted at night aren’t a ceremonial “Pass on your orders,” the relief commander, them that salute as many times as we can dur- and you’re doing something special, some- August 3, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisen- nation’s capital. Members of the regiment’s
inscription: “Here Rests In Honored Glory An realized that the guards take the place of guard. They’re in ACUs. So they’re working who is the only Soldier entitled to wear rank in- ing the hour or half hour,” Gilliam explained. thing nobody else wanted to do. Guarding the hower signed a bill to select and pay tribute Honor Guard continue to perform this duty
American Soldier Known But To God.” the unknowns’ families. This was something on walking the mat, perfecting their lines, signia, directs the relieved sentinel, according “There’s no markers,” added Mancha. “It’s unknowns at 2 a.m. in 10-degree weather, it to the Unknown Soldiers of World War II and today.
It was an emotional, touching precedent and he could do. He could honor and remember angles. We also do training as a whole. The to the tomb’s standard operating procedures. been said before that you can go out here motivates you. Korea on Memorial Day 1958. The World War While on duty, the sentinel crosses a 63-foot
unknown, fallen servicemembers from World them in place of all the families who never whole squad will go out at night and train The relieved sentinel then tells his replace- and change the guard blindfolded. There’s “I feel this is the least I can do for other II Unknown was selected from 19 remains rubber-surfaced walkway in exactly 21 steps.
War II, the Korean War and Vietnam were knew what happened to their sons, husbands, the guard changes and things like that,” said ment: “Post and orders remain as directed.” rust marks on the plaza. Sometimes they Soldiers who are currently deployed...” exhumed from military cemeteries in Hawaii, He then faces the tomb for 21 seconds, turns
later interred at the tomb with full military fathers or brothers. Gilliam, who as a relief commander actually “Orders acknowledged,” the new sentinel get washed off.... It actually shows the steps Mancha continued. “They’re sacrificing their Europe and the Philippines. again, and pauses an additional 21 seconds
conducts the training, and changes the guard replies before beginning his patrol. from the rust on the bottom of our shoes. It lives, their time...for me to be here right now. Two Unknowns from World War II, one before retracing his steps. The number 21 is
rather than walking the mat. “I’ve done over 800 walks and about 150 shows the tradition that we’ve been taking And for me to not only guard the unknowns, from the European Theatre and one from the symbolic of the 21-gun salute.
It’s exhausting, the guards say, but they guard changes, so it’s become a habit,” said the same steps for a couple decades. We don’t but to bury them here in Arlington National Pacific Theatre, were placed in identical cas- As a gesture against intrusion on their post,
push through it. Hull had a newborn daughter then-Spc. Kristopher Mancha, another guard. rely on those rust marks because I’m not Cemetery, doesn’t compare to what they’re kets and taken aboard the U.S.S. Canberra, a the sentinel always bears his weapon away
during his training, so he had an especially “But I try to keep that in the back of my mind, looking down.... I’m looking straight ahead doing overseas. I consider it the least I can guided missile cruiser resting off the Virginia from the tomb.
hard time. In fact, he hopes to go to special- that just because it’s a habit, I’m never com- at all times.” do as an a ceremonial unit... capes. Petty Officer 1st Class William R. Car- Only under exceptional circumstances may
operations training, and expects his sleep- fortable when I come outside. I’m constantly Mentally ticking off 21 seconds also becomes in my first duty station. They’re the heroes. rette, then the Navy’s only active-duty Medal the guard speak or alter his silent, measured
deprivation practice and discipline as a tomb thinking and trying to do my best, never just instinctive, helped by a clock sentinels-in-train- We just try to represent them to the world.” of Honor recipient, selected the Unknown tour of duty. He will issue a warning if anyone
guard will help him. going through the motions. But sometimes we ing spend “lots of time looking at,” Hull added. Soldier of World War II. The remaining casket attempts to enter the restricted area around
In addition to honoring the unknowns and do make mistakes, whether the crowd notices The sentinels stand watch over the three history of the tomb and its sentinels received a burial at sea. the tomb, but first will halt and bring his rifle
all of the fallen, the sentinels represent the or not. We’re never perfect. We always try to unknown Soldiers 365 days a year, through March 4, 1921, Congress approved a resolu- Four unknown Americans who lost their to port arms.
Army to the American public. They’re required strive for perfection, but deep down inside, pouring rain, blizzard-like snow and scorching tion providing for the burial of an unidenti- lives in Korea were disinterred from the The guard wears the Army Dress Blue
to get two hair cuts in a nine-day work sched- we’re never perfect.” heat. And they do it in all-wool dress uniforms. fied American Soldier, following the custom National Cemetery of the Pacific in Hawaii. Uniform, reminiscent of the color and style
ule and unlike most Soldiers, the sentinels The sentinels also never get over the sense of They can add cold weather gear or rain gear, adopted by other allied countries after World Master Sgt. Ned Lyle made the final selection. worn by Soldiers during the late 1800s. Tomb
are issued four dress uniforms and use an awe they feel on their first walk in front of the but can’t change into lighter uniforms dur- War I. The site was to be the plaza of Arlington Both caskets arrived in Washington May 28, guards wear the Tomb Identification Badge
industrial-strength steam press. According tomb. They have the same nerves, the same ing Washington’s notoriously hot and humid National Cemetery’s Memorial Amphitheater, 1958, where they lay in the Capitol Rotunda on the right breast pocket. The design is an
to Hull, they spend up to six hours a day butterflies each time. summers. which had been dedicated the previous year. until May 30. inverted, open laurel wreath surrounding a
preparing uniforms, and four shining dress “It was an impressive sight and definitely “We try to take as many precautions to On Memorial Day, 1921, an unknown was That morning they were carried on cais- representation of the front elevation of the
shoes, and that’s once a Soldier has it down a very humbling one. I was speechless when prepare for it as we can,” said Gilliam. “But exhumed from each of four cemeteries in sons to Arlington National Cemetery. Presi- tomb. The words “Honor Guard” are engraved
to a science. It can take a guard in training I first saw it and I really didn’t know what part of it is, you just have to tough it out. France. The remains were placed in identical dent Eisenhower awarded each the Medal at the base of the badge. A guard leaving after
twice as long. to say. It still feels the same,” said Hull. “It Wintertime to me — I don’t like the cold at all caskets and assembled at Chalon sur Marne. of Honor, and the Unknowns were interred at least nine months of service is entitled to
The guard is changed every hour during the represents a lot to me. It definitely represents — so the wintertime is a lot tougher than the October 24, Sgt. Edward F. Younger, beside their World War I comrade. wear the badge as a permanent part of the
winter and every half-hour during the summer my fallen brothers and sisters in the military summer. Summertime is over 100 degrees (in) wounded in combat and highly decorated for May 28, 1984, President Ronald Reagan uniform.
Courtesy photos