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2  May 28, 2021  Aerotech News  Aerotech News                          May 28, 2021                                                                     3                                                              
               ed poppies commemora
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               ed poppies commemora
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 Tracing inception of Memorial Day  Red poppies commemorate fallen warriors
                        LAUrie PeArSOn
                     Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow
 by the U.S. Department of
 Veterans Affairs  Iconic red poppies are back and being offered as a symbol
          of remembrance and commemoration of World War I, and
 Three years after the Civil War ended,   all fallen military service members.
 on May 5, 1868, the head of an organiza-  A century ago, “the war to end all wars” raged through-
 tion of Union veterans — the Grand Army   out Europe. It was a war that racked up nearly 38 million
 of the  Republic (GAR) —  established   casualties, including upward of 8.5 million deaths. From
 Decoration Day as a time for the nation to   1914 to 1918, World War I took a greater human toll than
 decorate the graves of the war dead with   any previous conflict. The Great War, as it was then known,
 flowers. Maj. Gen. John A. Logan declared   also ravaged the landscape of Western Europe, where most
 that Decoration Day should be observed   of the fiercest fighting took place.
 on May 30. It is believed that date was   Across northern France and Flanders, in northern Bel-
 chosen because flowers would be in bloom   gium, the brutal clashes between Allied and Central Pow-
 all over the country.  ers soldiers tore up fields and forests, tearing up trees and
 The first large observance was held   plants and wreaking havoc on the soil beneath.
 that year at Arlington National Cemetery,   It was from these devastated landscapes of the battlefields
 across the Potomac River from Washing-  that something surprising and striking took place. Bright
 ton, D.C.  red blooms began to appear.
 The ceremonies centered around the   “They had been burying the bodies of military men, and
 mourning-draped veranda of the Ar-  a few women, as they came off the battlefield, as quickly
 lington mansion, once the home of Gen.   as possible,” explained retired Marine Corps Master Sgt.
 Robert E. Lee. Various Washington of-  William Ponder, president of Veterans of Foreign Wars post
 ficials, including Gen. and Mrs. Ulysses   12039, out of Victorville, California. “They were dying so fast,
 S. Grant, presided over the ceremonies.   and they began burying them in a place called Flanders Hill.
 After speeches, children from the Soldiers’   They called it ‘planting the bodies.’ They were buried with
 and Sailors’ Orphan Home and members   simple little crosses.”
 of the GAR made their way through the   Then in the warm early spring of 1915, the bright red
 cemetery, strewing flowers on both Union   poppies began peeking through the battle-scarred land:
 and Confederate graves, reciting prayers   Papaver rhoeas, known variously as the Flanders poppy,
 and singing hymns.  corn poppy, red poppy and corn rose.
 Local Observances Claim  To Be   These poppies grow throughout the United States, Asia,
 First    Africa and Europe and are native to the Mediterranean re-
 Local springtime tributes to the Civil   gion. The seeds need light to grow, so when they’re buried in
 War dead already had been held in vari-  the earth, they can lay dormant for 80 years or even longer
 ous places. One of the first occurred in   by some accounts, without blooming. Once soil is disturbed
 Columbus, Mississippi, April 25, 1866,   and the seeds come to light, poppies nobody knew existed
 when a group of women visited a cem-  can then bloom.
 etery to decorate the graves of Confeder-  U.S. Army photo by Rachel Larue  Lt. Col. John McCrae, a noted Canadian physician before
 ate soldiers who had fallen in battle at   A U.S. Army 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) Soldier places American flags at headstones in Section 64 of Ar-  the war, served with Canada’s First Brigade Artillery as a
 Shiloh. Nearby were the graves of Union   lington National Cemetery during Flags In, May 21, 2015, in Arlington, Va. The Old Guard has held this honor and privilege   surgeon at a field hospital in Belgium. He worked within
 soldiers, neglected because they were the   of conducting Flags In since 1948.  sight of poppies blooming across old battlefields and fresh
 enemy. Disturbed at the sight of the bare   graves. McCrae tended to the wounded and got a firsthand
 graves, the women placed some of their   look at the carnage of that clash, in which the Germans                                                Courtesy graphic
 flowers on those graves, as well.  rial Day ceremonies were being held on   Gen.  Logan’s order  for  his posts to   in the nation’s wars: “Not only are they   unleashed lethal chlorine gas for the first time in the war —
 Today, cities in the North and the South   May 30 throughout the nation. State   decorate graves in 1868 “with the choicest   commemorated by columns and inscrip-  adding greatly to the number of deaths, to include a friend   As a sign of this faith, and a remembrance of the sac-  the Legion members to adopt the poppy as their symbol,
 claim to be the birthplace of Memorial   legislatures passed proclamations desig-  flowers of springtime” urged: “We should   tions, but there dwells also an unwritten   of McCrae’s, Lt. Alexis Helmer.  rifices of Flanders Field, Michael vowed to always wear a   and to join her by celebrating National Poppy Day in the
 Day in 1866. Both Macon and Columbus,   nating the day, and the Army and Navy   guard their graves with sacred vigilance.   memorial of them, graven not on stone   Struck by the sight of bright red blooms on broken ground,   red poppy; she found an initial batch of fabric blooms for   United States the following May.
 Georgia, claim the title, as well as Rich-  adopted regulations for proper obser-  ... Let pleasant paths invite the coming   but in the hearts of men.”  McCrae wrote a poem, “In Flanders Field,” in which he   herself and her colleagues at a department store. After the   A century after World War I ended, millions of people in
 mond, Virginia. The village of Boalsburg,   vance at their facilities.  and going of reverent visitors and fond   To ensure the sacrifices of America ’s   channeled the voice of the fallen soldiers buried under   war ended, she returned to the university town of Athens,   the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Belgium, Australia
 Pennsylvania, claims it began there two   It was not until after World War I, how-  mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of   fallen heroes are never forgotten, in De-  those bright red poppies. Published in Punch magazine in   and came up with the idea of making and selling red silk   and New Zealand don the red flowers every November 11,
 years earlier. A stone in a Carbondale,     ever, that the day was expanded to honor   time, testify to the present or to the com-  cember 2000, the U.S. Congress passed   late 1915, the poem has been used at countless memorial   poppies to raise money to support returning veterans.  known as Remembrance Day or Armistice Day, to com-
 Illinois cemetery carries the statement   those who have died in all American wars.   ing generations that we have forgotten as   and the president signed into law “The   ceremonies, and has become one of the most famous works   Michael’s campaign to create a national symbol for re-  memorate the anniversary of the 1918 Armistice.
 that the first Decoration Day ceremony   In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a   a people the cost of a free and undivided   National Moment of Remembrance Act,”   of art to emerge from the Great War. Its fame had spread far   membrance — a poppy in the colors of the Allied nations’   In the United States, the tradition has developed a
 took place there on April 29, 1866. Carbon-  national holiday by an act of Congress,   republic.”  P.L. 106-579, creating the White House   and wide by the time McCrae himself died, from pneumonia   flags entwined around a victory torch — didn’t get very far   little differently. Americans don’t typically wear poppies
 dale was the wartime home of Gen. Logan.   though it is still often called Decoration   The crowd attending the first Memo-  Commission on the National Moment of   and meningitis, in January 1918.  at first. In mid-1920, however, she managed to get Georgia’s   on November 11, Veterans Day, which honors all living
 Approximately 25 places have been named   Day. It was then also placed on the last   rial Day ceremony at Arlington National   Remembrance. The commission’s charter   Across the Atlantic, a woman named Moina Michael read   branch of the American Legion, to adopt the poppy (minus   veterans. Instead, they typically wear the symbolic red
 in connection with the origin of Memorial   Monday in May, as were some other fed-  Cemetery was approximately the same   is to “encourage the people of the United   “In Flanders Field” in the pages of Ladies’ Home Journal   the torch) as its symbol. Soon after that, the National   flower on Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, to com-
 Day, many of them in the South where   eral holidays.  size as those that attend today’s obser-  States to give something back to their   that November, just two days before the armistice. She was   American Legion voted to use the poppy as the official   memorate the sacrifice of so many men and women who
 most of the war dead were buried.  Some States Have Confederate   vance, about 5,000 people. Then, as now,   country, which provides them so much   a professor at the University of Georgia at the time the war   U.S. national emblem of remembrance when its members   have given their lives fighting for their country. Protocols
 Official Birthplace Declared   Observances   small American flags were placed on each   freedom and opportunity” by encouraging   broke out. Michael had taken a leave of absence to volunteer   convened in Cleveland in September 1920.  do allow, though, for the red poppies to be worn at any time,
 In 1966, Congress and President   Many Southern states also have their   grave — a tradition followed at many na-  and coordinating commemorations in the   at the New York headquarters of the Young Women’s Chris-  A Frenchwoman named Anna Guérin was a champion   in somber reverence for those lost in war.
 Lyndon Johnson declared  Waterloo,   own days for honoring the Confederate   tional cemeteries today. In recent years,   United States of Memorial Day and the   tian Association, which trained and sponsored workers over-  of the red poppy symbology and as such was invited to the   Regardless the time of year — or holiday celebrated —
 New York, the “birthplace” of Memorial   dead. Mississippi celebrates Confederate   the custom has grown in many families   National Moment of Remembrance.  seas. Inspired by McCrae’s verses, Michael wrote her own   American Legion convention to speak about her idea for an   the red poppies are an ongoing visual representation of
 Day. There, a ceremony on May 5, 1866,   Memorial Day on the last Monday of April,   to decorate the graves of all departed   The National Moment of Remembrance   poem in response, which she called “We Shall Keep Faith.”  “Inter-Allied Poppy Day.” Madame Guérin helped convince   respect and appreciation for those who have served.
 honored local veterans who had fought   Alabama on the fourth Monday of April,   loved ones.  encourages all  Americans to pause
 in the Civil War. Businesses closed and   and Georgia on April 26. North and South   The origins of special services to honor   wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on   Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. • 877- 247-9288 •
 residents flew flags at half-staff. Sup-  Carolina observe it on May 10, Louisiana   those who die in war can be found in   Memorial Day for a minute of silence to   Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert   Information Service, Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command,   tents of Desert Lightning News and the Thunderbolt are not necessarily
 porters of Waterloo’s  claim say  earlier   on June 3 and Tennessee calls that date   antiquity. The Athenian leader Pericles   remember and honor those who have died   JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE, DEFENSE INDUSTRY AND VETERANS NEWS  Lightning News and the  Thunderbolt. The editor will edit or rewrite   Air Education and Training Command, staff writers and other sources.  the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department
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 By the end of the 19th century, Memo-  May Confederate Memorial Day.  1.1 million Americans who  have died   memorial back in Memorial Day.”  Editor ........................................................Amy Lamb  publication. Submissions will be based on space available and priority.   Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no way connected with the   purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
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