Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, April 16, 2021
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2 April 16, 2021 Commentary Desert lightning news s. nevADA Desert lightning news s. nevADA news April 16, 2021 3
Appreciate Core leadership attributes 57th operations
Greatness by Col. Ted richard Group welcomes
new commander
Ramstein AB, Germany
“What is your leadership phi-
by Maj. ryan M. Hengel This was the question put to
Scott AFB, Ill. me shortly after I found out that
I would be taking over as the
Who is the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT)? Staff Judge Advocate for the 86th
This debate is frequently held especially in the sports world. Airlift Wing.
Is it Tom Brady or Joe Montana? Is it Lebron James, Kobe I previously led two small legal
Bryant or Michael Jordan? Is it the greats of the past or the offices, as well as teams of legal
greats of today? experts, but never a large group
What these arguments miss is the appreciation of greatness of legal professionals with a wide
each individual had at the highest levels of their profession range of experiences and a diverse
during their respective eras. portfolio of responsibilities. No
I see the same debate being held over the greatness of the matter the size of the team being Courtesy graphic
Air Force of the past, versus the Air Force of the present. led, an authentic, personalized
So often old heads tell “back in the day” war stories about approach to leadership provides Communication, however, is with confidence. Biographies of
the Air Force of the past and how great it was, how today’s the foundation to success when not merely direction from above. successful U.S. Presidents like
Air Force is “soft” or “weak” or too accommodating or cares the job gets rough or hectic. My It must also flow up the chain Eisenhower, Reagan, Obama
too much. How in the past they had to endure the harshness leadership philosophy has five and across the staff so everyone and others clearly describe the
of bad leadership, bad policies or just poor organizational core attributes: communication, on the team is informed and effusive power of optimism. An
culture that led to a less effective and less enjoyable Air Force optimism, resilience, respect, and engaged in the mission while optimistic leader sees the best in
experience. It is worn like a badge of honor then spun into excellence. striving to achieve our vision. people, builds trust, and looks for
Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Dwane R. Young
tales of the “good ole” days. All while making others feel like For me, successful leadership This is true for all organizations. opportunities to succeed. Studies Col. Scott Mills, 57th Operations Group commander,
they missed out, that the best days of the Air Force are far starts with communication be- Air Force Instruction 1-2, for show it increases active commit- gives a speech after assuming command at a change of
Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Dwane R. Young
behind and never to return. cause it enables collaboration, example, directs commanders to ment by followers. Optimism Brig. Gen. Michael Drowley, 57th Wing commander passes the guidon to incoming 57th Operations Group commander, command ceremony at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., April
Today’s Air Force is enduring a lot of change. cooperation, and connectivity. develop a “two-way vertical and builds esprit de corps to bond a Col. Scott Mills, during a change of command ceremony at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., April 9, 2021. Mills will be leading 9, 2021. Mills will direct the operations of eight Nellis-
From hair regulations, to physical fitness standards, op- Leaders must impart their vi- lateral communication system team together. It is a winning
erating during a pandemic, the list goes on. We know that sion for accomplishing the mis- which is agile enough to respond attitude and is infectious. On men and women who create combat airpower for joint and coalition forces through integrated, advanced, relevant, based squadrons, five geographically separated units
and realistic training.
and four detachments.
change is hard, and change management is even harder. Our sion and coach their teams. For to changes in the environment the other hand, pessimism and
Chief of Staff’s action orders to “Accelerate Change or Lose” example, my leadership team’s in a timely manner.” Refining cynicism are corrosive and must
makes change part of our Air Force DNA to drive mission vision for Ramstein Law Cen- and improving communication be actively countered. Across all
effectiveness. If we can drive a positive change the Air Force ter personnel is for them to be is an unceasing task. One of my legal office operations, I empha- U.S. Air Force Airmen showcase multi-capabilities at NC CVC
of today will be more capable than the Air Force of the past. adaptive professionals promptly earlier bosses often reminded me size optimism to overcome pessi-
Growing up in the Air Force during what some would call
the “good ole” days wasn’t all that it’s made out to be. employing the law to maintain that we should never think we mism and to help keep our teams by Tech. Sgt. Ceaira Tinsley range our table have vaccines on the left, which are
discipline, ensure readiness, are satisfactory communicators; focused on positive solutions.
In the “old” Air Force, no one cared about work-life Greensboro, N.C. ready for use. When the doctor comes by they can
harmony, segments of our force felt ostracized for being dif- develop leaders, and maximize communication can always be Optimism cannot be blind start verifying them.”
operational freedom. Having, improved and always needs to be to reality; it must work hand-
ferent, toxic leaders and long hours were part of “embracing communicating, and reinforcing tailored to the messenger, means in-hand with resilience. Great For a pharmacist at the NC Community Vaccination The lessons learned by the group have been the
the suck.” Looking back at those times I’m happy they are in the vision helps everyone know and audience. teams must have a culture of grit, Center, the recipe is simple: Multi-capable Airmen. driving force behind their operation such as creating
the past. The Air Force of the past was a product of its time, Communicating with opti- With a team of three pharmacy technicians, 10 med- standardized work stations and a detailed tracking
a time long since passed. why we do certain things and mism inspires every team to act __ See lEAdErShip, on Page 7 ics, a personnel specialist, and a communications tech- system for prepared vaccine.
For those of us that have been here a while, it’s good for helps with prioritizing efforts. nician, these Airmen have created a system rooted in “We really fine-tuned the operation … and that’s
us to recognize the Air Force we grew up in no longer exists teamwork that’s allowed them to meet their daily goals. all thanks to the people that I have,” said Federico.
and experiences of the past, for better or worse, have armed ATTeNTIoN ALL PerSoNNeL “It’s beautiful because it’s a product of what the Air “They’re all doing all that they can. I have people get-
us with critical information allowing us to positively influence Force produces,” said Capt. Anthony Federico, deployed ting vaccines ready and then once they’re ready they
today’s Air Force, making it an Air Force we always wanted pharmacist assigned to Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. “If take it to where it needs to go. Everyone is doing all of
to be part of. The 99th Air Base Wing commander regretfully announces the you walk into the pharmacy now you can’t tell who the the different jobs and most importantly they’re doing
As Air Force members now is our chance to appreciate the passing First Lt. Kyle A. Campbell of the 99th Logistics Readiness pharmacist is or who the pharmacy technicians are it while staying safe.”
greatness of today’s Air Force in how far we have come and Squadron. because we’re all just a part of the pharmacy and we’re Federico says the pharmacy is always the unspoken
how far we still have to go to become an even more effective Anyone having claims against, or indebtedness to, the estate of here to get the job done.” hero in medical facilities but at the CVC the team can
Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt. Ceaira Tinsley
fighting force. Liutenant Kyle Campbell should contact Capt. Lee Bussey, Summary The Airmen working in the Pharmacy were deployed Capt. Anthony Federico, a deployed pharmacist from readily see their importance by the amount of support
In my eyes, today’s Air Force is the GOAT. Courts Officer, at DSN: 652-6819 or at 561-685-065. from bases across the Air Force to Greensboro joining a they receive from leadership and the satisfaction of
team of approximately 139 members and were trained Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., prepares a COVID-19 vaccine helping others.
for their new jobs. at the North Carolina Community Vaccination Center in “When this pandemic hit, I was right off the bat
“We trained them. Even if we have someone whose Greensboro, N.C., March 22, 2021. U.S. Northern Command, asking how can I help,” said Federico. “Now, I get to
Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and For all submissions, a name and phone number job is being a runner or updating the boards, they all through U.S. Army North, remains committed to providing come out here every day with my team and help at least
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firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. Everything advertised in the publication shall be questions arise. needed, which is neat,” said Staff Sgt. Andrea Esparza, Federal Emergency Management Agency as part of the great mission here and I’m just so thankful that the Air
Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition made available for purchase and use of patronage All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity whole-of-government response to COVID-19.
Desert Lightning News Staff are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include deployed pharmacy technician assigned to Langley Air Force has given us this opportunity to help.”
Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government, origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political military ranks and proper writing etiquette. Force Base, Va. U.S. Northern Command, through U.S. Army
Stuart Ibberson, Editor the Department of Defense or the Department of the affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the Corrections: Desert Lightning News staff Esparza says, the key to getting everyone to perfect “We don’t want to make mistakes,” said Esparza. North, remains committed to providing continued,
Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout members strive for accurac y each week .
Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales Air Force. purchaser, user or patron. If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert their craft in a short amount of time has been ensuring “I feel like it’s really helping everything go smoothly flexible Department of Defense support to the Federal
The appearance of advertising in this publication, The deadline for submissions to Desert Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail
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