Page 7 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, April 16, 2021
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6 April 16, 2021 Desert lightning news s. nevADA Desert lightning news s. nevADA April 16, 2021 7
Dignitaries pay special visit to Joint Task TEAm CrEECh Maj. Gen. David
Meyer, incoming
Force 17 at Cashman vaccination site wElCOmES iNCOmiNg deputy combined
force air component
commander, is
greeted as he arrives
by Staff Sgt. ryan Getsie Cashman is the largest vac- dCFACC to the 17th Attack
Squadron during a
Las Vegas, Nev. cination site in Nevada and it visit at Creech Air
has multiple agencies working Force Base, Nev.,
Rep. Susie Lee and senators together to help Las Vegas com- April 9, 2021. While
Jacky Rosen and Catherine Cor- munities. They include: Clark at Creech, Meyer
tez Masto visited with Joint Task County Fire, Federal Emergency learned about the
Force 17 Soldiers and Airmen at Management Agency, Southern missions of the
the Cashman vaccination site in Nevada Health District, Uni- 432nd Wing/432nd
Las Vegas the last week of March. versity Medical Center, and our Air Expeditionary
Lee visited March 30 while men and women of the Nevada Wing, and the
Rosen and Cortez Masto stepped Guard. Hunters role in
in April 1 to witness the incred- This center averages over supporting U.S
ible work being done at the 20,000 doses a week, according Central Command.
location. to staff reports. The SNHD has
“We are making progress, accounted for about 919, 386
Nevada,” Rosen said. “Let’s keep doses administered as of March
working together to keep one 30.
another safe and healthy.” “This is a perfect example of
Land Component Command- collaboration,” Cortez Masto
er Col. Troy Armstrong was also said. “What we have here with Maj. Gen. David Meyer, incoming deputy combined
in attendance on Tuesday and FEMA, Clark County, UMC, force air component commander, receives an MQ-9
thanked the Soldiers and Airmen the Southern Nevada Health Reaper briefing from Airmen of the 432nd Wing during
who are working on the front District, and our National Guard a visit at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., April 9, 2021. While
lines during this pandemic. is just incredible.” at Creech, Meyer learned about the unique mission
Photos by Air National Guard photograph by Staff Sgt. Ryan Getsie capability of the MQ-9.
Rep. Susie Lee, D-Nev., speaks with Land Component Commander Col. Troy
Armstrong while visiting with Joint Task Force 17 Soldiers and Airmen at the
Cashman vaccination center, March 30, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nev.
Maj. Gen. David Meyer, incoming deputy combined
force air component commander, signs a lithograph at
the 432nd Wing during a familiarization tour at Creech
Air Force Base, Nev., April 9, 2021. Meyer learned about Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard
the 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing, and how Maj. Gen. David Meyer, incoming deputy combined force air component commander, speaks with Airmen of the
the Hunters are accelerating change across the Remotely 432nd Wing during a visit at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., April 9, 2021. While at Creech, Meyer learned about the
Piloted Aircraft enterprise. missions of the 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing, and the Hunters role in supporting U.S Central Command.
lEAdErShip, from Page 2 ______ my leadership philosophy as it guides not learning, understanding, and appreciat- of the timely good. Therefore, I focus
only our interactions within the team, ing everyone’s individual interests and my team on proceeding with deliberate
U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen perseverance, determination, and tenac- but because it exemplifies how the team values. As military lawyers, it is critically speed, meaning that we must work effi-
talks with 2nd Lt. Samirah ity. Just like conducting difficult military and I interact with clients, adversaries, important to understand these qualities ciently while taking the necessary steps to
Furman and 1st Sgt. campaigns, litigating complex legal cases and other stakeholders. Respecting in our commanders, units, and legal minimize mistakes and thereby provide
Brandon Herbert with inevitably means encountering problems people when facing stressful situations assistance clients who seek our advice. accurate — and helpful — legal advice to
Joint Task Force 17 at the and setbacks along the way. Rather and major disagreements is not easy. And by framing this key attribute as our clients at the speed of relevance. With
Cashman vaccine center than allowing the team to respond to By its nature, much of the practice of respect, professionalism and civility stay the emphasis on excellence, expectations
April 1, 2021 in Las Vegas, mistakes with denial or self-flagellation, law centers around adversarial relations at the forefront. Framing the attribute for high quality standards are clearly set.
Nev. leaders should highlight lessons learned and zero-sum problems, but it simulta- as respect also enables a straightforward, These core attributes of communica-
and keep the team oriented on moving neously stresses civility as a professional objective means to communicate trust, tion, optimism, resilience, respect and
U.S. Senator Catherine forward. Individual accountability, just responsibility. When we respect our accountability, and recognition. excellence have provided me with the
Cortez Masto talks with like individual recognition, is important opponents, civility is much easier to Finally, excellence is the attribute that guiding principles to lead trial teams,
Clark County Operations to reinforce the team’s reputation and to maintain. This works best when we try directly informs me and my team on how small legal offices, expert legal profes-
Section Chief, Travis maintain trust within the team. Resil- to understand the adversary’s perspec- to approach our vocation. The Air Force sionals in war, and now one of the busiest
H a l d e m a n a t t h e ience, however, requires the organization tives, interests, motivations, duties, and mission demands speedy and timely legal legal offices in the Air Force. While I am
Cashman vaccine center, U.S. Senator’s Catherine Cortez Masto (right) and Jacky Rosen talk with local to concentrate on learning and advanc- values. Respect doesn’t just apply to advice. Lawyers, by their nature, want still growing as a leader, these attributes
April 1, 2021 in Las Vegas, Las Vegans after they received their COVID-19 vaccine at Cashman center, April ing to complete the mission at hand. adversaries. Respect, as a guiding prin- to provide perfect products, but we can- provide me with an authentic foundation
Nev. 1, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nev. Respect is another crucial attribute in ciple for interpersonal relations, requires not let the delayed perfect be the enemy upon which to keep building.