Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, April 16, 2021
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4 April 16, 2021 news Desert lightning news s. nevADA Desert lightning news s. nevADA news April 16, 2021 5
D&I council hosts Women’s History Month panel Capt. Rebekah McLane to represent the 57th
Wing at ACC Sword Athena 2021
by Airman First Class Zachary rufus mote and practice psychological safety and cational program for postpartum Airmen
Nellis AFB, Nev. inclusive workplaces that do not tolerate be- and parents. The program is designed to
haviors such as shaming, bullying, gender ensure Airmen and parents are aware of
Capt. Rebekah McLane, RC-135 Weap- bias and racial discrimination. the tools and resources available to them
ons Instructor Course instructor, assigned “A psychologically safe workplace fosters on base, as well as privileges afforded by
to the 8th Weapons Squadron, was selected a sense of belonging, feedback and creativ- Air Force Instructions. This initiative will
to represent the 57th Wing at the Air Com- ity,” said McLane. “Within the MAWG, I assist with easing the reintegration into the
bat Command Sword Athena 2021 Forum. will be working to ensure ACC units foster workplace, following primary/secondary
SA2021 plans to use Mission Area a positive and psychologically safe environ- caregiver leave.
Working Groups to help generate short-, ment, so that our Airmen feel empowered “I want to apply my creativity, work ethic
medium- and/or long-term solutions to to solve the biggest problems faced by the and skills toward tackling and creating
Tech. Sgt. Renee, 78th Attack Squadron female-, family- and human-centric issues Air Force both today and tomorrow.” solutions to female-, family- and human-
MQ-9 Reaper sensor operator, talks submitted by ACC leadership, Airmen and McLane’s vision for the Psychological centric issues,” said McLane.
about being the first woman in her personnel. Safety MAWG is for all members of the Air Stationed at Nellis since 2019, McLane
family to break away from stereotypical Col. Dina Quanico, 432nd Mission Based on the priorities set by the ACC and Space Force to feel connected to the feels a strong connection to the base, its Air-
women’s roles to serve in the military at Support Group commander, explains commander, current MAWG categories mission of their respective units, allowing men and the diverse missions it supports.
Creech Air Force Base, Nev., March 26, what Women’s History Month means to include mental health, workplace and train- Airmen and Guardians to comfortably “I am extremely honored to represent Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Zachary Rufus
2021. The Creech Diversity and Inclusion Air Force photographs by Senior Airman Haley Stevens her at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., March ing, family and children, and creating a safe raise concerns, ask for help if needed and the 57th Wing at the ACC Sword Athena Capt. Rebekah McLane, RC-135 Weapons
Council hosted a Women’s History First Lt. Tasha, MQ-9 Reaper pilot, explains how the Air Force flight suit is made for men to 26, 2021. The Creech AFB Diversity and psychological space in work centers. There show up as themselves every day. Conference,” said McLane. “I am very Instructor Course instructor, assigned to the
Month panel featuring female Airmen use the restroom in flight but has not accommodated women’s needs, and how that affects Inclusion Council hosted this panel are plans to include additional MAWGs for Since selection, McLane has been pre- fortunate to have leaders who mentored 8th Weapons Squadron, will be representing
from different backgrounds and ranks their health and mission readiness at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., March 26, 2021. Tasha to talk about Women’s History Month SA2021, including total force and spouse paring her solution proposals and collecting and supported me in all of my work and the 57th Wing at the Air Combat Command
to provide the audience a wide-variety and other panelists shared stories about how female aircrew members have commonly and provide a space for people to learn inclusivity, specifically for male and same- topic contributions from other 57th Wing personal aspirations. I take this opportunity Sword Athena 2021 Forum. McLane will work
of experience to draw upon, and learn dehydrated themselves before flying so they wouldn’t need to use the restroom which about the experiences of women in the sex spouses. personnel. very seriously and aim to make changes within the Mission Area Working Groups,
from. can lead to them getting sick and unable to fly. U.S. Air Force. McLane will work within the MAWG, One idea that McLane plans to introduce that positively impact Airmen and civil- focusing on creating workplaces that promote
focusing on creating workplaces that pro- at the forum is the development of an edu- ians in their daily lives.” and practice psychological safety.
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