Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, April 2021
P. 11
10 April 2021 news
wiShES (from Page 4)
Chaplain’s thoughts ... corporate what I currently do with what I ultimately want to do. I
waited five years for an opportunity like this, and it was amazing
to see everyone work together to make Liam’s wish come true.”
Embracing a growth mindset better than the beginning. When we persevere through As rewarding as volunteering to grant a child’s wish is, it does
difficult situations, we grow in our character. The pain is not come without challenges.
by Chaplain temporary, but the character it develops lasts a lifetime. “(The hardest part is) having those hard talks with kids and Affordable Studio and One Bedroom Units
(Capt.) Second, we choose to give thanks in all seasons. No making sure that you are mentally and emotionally sound to (be
Jon LeDBeTTeR matter the hurt we feel or the mountains we must climb, there for them),” said Kim. “There are kids who truly just wish to Utilities Included
there is always a reason for gratitude. Without thankful-
IMA Chaplain, 944th FW not have cancer or to have a kidney, and that’s something (I have
ness, we drift toward self-pity and lose sight of personal to tell them) we simply can’t make happen.” Veteran and Military Preference
Every one of us fac- growth. A thankful attitude calms our spirit and brings Her strong desire to volunteer has helped Kim develop into the
es trouble. The past 12 joy to others near us. Thankfulness also changes our per- leader she is today.
months have brought spective from the negative to the positive by focusing our “(Volunteering) has definitely prepared me to have tough talks,”
significant difficulty to attention on our blessings. Thankfulness is part of the Phoenix, AZ Inglewood, CA Houston, TX Kapolei, HI Las Vegas, NV
every person, family and “spiritual pillar” of our personal resilience. In my faith said Kim. “I joined (the Air Force) super young not really know-
community. I invite you to tradition, choosing to give thanks means being grateful ing how to deal with those kinds of situations. (Volunteering with
reflect on your personal for my relationship with Jesus and for God’s sovereign kids) gave me a leg up on being able to do this with my troops and
Courtesy photo response to the events of control over my life. For each of us, thankfulness is an workplace relationships. It has strengthened me and I feel it has
this year and to consider exercise in spiritual fitness and is a necessary part of made me a better overall supervisor.”
the value of embracing a “growth mindset” when facing a growth mindset. Tech. Sgt. Christopher Murphy, 61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit
challenges. Third, we choose to change one day at a time. We must specialist training monitor and Kim’s supervisor, shared how proud
Keeping a growth mindset means seeing every situa- not get overwhelmed by the pressures of our struggles. he is of her accomplishments, both inside and outside of work, and
tion as an opportunity for positive personal change. This Instead, we can take small steps of growth one by one. A the supervisor she has become.
is not mere optimism. Maintaining a growth mindset growth mindset realizes that every situation can make “Through her hard work and perseverance, Kim has overcome
involves much more than viewing the glass as half full. us into the people we want to be. Tough times make us obstacles only to better herself mentally and emotionally to become
It means bringing an attitude to every circumstance that stronger, more compassionate, and more mission-driven. the well-rounded mentor that she is today,” said Murphy. “Her
says, “I need to grow today!” A growth mindset intention- When we embrace a growth mindset, we look at each commitment to her job and dedication to lead and educate those
ally recognizes that there is a purpose to our struggles: difficult day as a stepping stone toward the character around her can be seen through the development and success of
to change us into the people we can and should become. growth we need. her Airmen.”
We embrace this mindset by making three choices. Each of us can embrace a growth mindset about our Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder, 56th Fighter Wing commander,
First, we choose to endure, no matter the pain. En- circumstances. It requires no prior skill or super-human thanked Kim for her selflessness by presenting her with his com-
durance is perhaps the most powerful human quality. qualities. We all must simply choose to be enduring, mander’s coin.
Endurance means listening to the voice inside our heads thankful people who take one step of growth at a time. “Staff Sgt. Kim has taken our USAF core value of ‘Service Before
that says, “Keep going!” when there seems to be every For more information, or to speak with a Chaplain or Self’ to mean not only her dedication to her work in the military
reason to quit. People with a growth mindset choose Religious Affairs Airman, contact the Chapel at 623- service, but she has also taken it upon herself to prove a priceless
endurance, because they know that the end will be 856-6211. service to these kids within our local community,” said Kreuder.
“She’s exactly the kind of Airman we want others to emulate.”
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