Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, April 2021
P. 6
6 April 2021 news
Strongman and Strongwoman Competition
Senior Airman Amber Gordon, 56th
Security Forces Squadron military Staff Sgt. Renee Murray, 944th
working dog handler, throws a slam Fighter Wing Command Support Staff
ball during a strongwoman competi- administrator, pulls a weighted sled Photos by Senior Airman noah D. Coger
tion March 3 at Luke Air Force Base. during a strongwoman competition Contestants of the Strongman and Strongwoman Competition pose following the
Female competitors had to throw a March 3 at Luke Air Force Base. competition March 3 at Luke Air Force Base. The event was the first of its kind
30-pound ball behind them as far as Contestants had to pull a 50-pound sled hosted at Luke Air Force Base. Fitness events boost morale and contribute to a
possible during the contest. 15 feet to pass the event. fit-to-fight Air Force.
Staff Sgt. Vincent Cavazos, 56th Security Forces
Senior Airman Shannon Banks, 56th Civil Engineer Squadron base defense operations control center con-
Squadron firefighter, deadlifts a loaded barbell dur- troller, deadlifts 405 pounds in a strongman competi- Cavazos pushes a Humvee during a strongman
ing a strongman competition March 3 at Luke Air tion March 3 at Luke Air Force Base. The deadlift was competition March 3 at Luke Air Force Base. Partici-
Force Base. Banks set a personal record by deadlift- one of eight events that participants had to complete pants had to push the vehicle 25 feet to successfully
ing 405 pounds. during the contest. complete the challenge.
hiStory (from Page 1) and Fighter Wing are tasked to Col. Trena Savageau, 944th
support worldwide mobility and Operations Group com-
past 14 years, she has served combat employment operations in mander, poses with Col. Jim
in various positions throughout conjunction with supporting the Greenwald, 944th Fighter
the 944th Fighter Wing and was Air Education and Training Com- Wing commander, in front
selected as the 944th Operations mand mission to train F-16 and of an F-16 Fighting Falcon
Group’s first female commander F-35 pilots for the United States after completing a mile-
in the spring of 2019. Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air stone sortie Jan. 13 at Luke
Savageau’s recent 2,000 F-16 National Guard, and other par- Air Force Base. During this
flying hour accomplishment is ticipating nations. flight Savageau exceeded
representative of her tenacity and Savageau recalls all of the two thousand flying hours
devotion to duty and the mission. flights it took to reach this mile- in the F-16, putting her in an
“2,000 hours has been a goal stone and the teammates who elite group of less than 900
for me for a few years,” said made it happen. pilots worldwide to achieve
Savageau. “I didn’t think I would “A huge thanks to all of the this milestone and the first
make it before retirement, so it’s maintenance professionals who female to fly 2,000 F-16 fly-
exciting!” are 100 percent responsible for ing hours in the U.S. Air
The 944th Operations Group getting me airborne 1,500 times.” Master Sgt. Louis Vega Force Reserve.