Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, April 2021
P. 9

8  Thunderbolt  Photo Feature                                                                                                               April 2021  9                                                                                            




 first                                                                                            Senior Airman Kayci Serino, 56th Operational Medical Readiness

                                                                                                  Squadron medical technician, provides medical care to a simu-
                                                                                                  lated victim during an active shooter exercise Feb. 26 at Luke Air
                                                                                                  Force Base. Exercise evaluators from the inspector general office
                                                                                                  assessed medics on the care they provided to each simulated vic-
                                                                                                  tim during the exercise.

 responders  Airmen from the 56th Security Forces Squadron and the 56th Civil Engineer Squadron arrive on the scene of an active shooter exercise Feb. 26 at Luke Air

 Force Base. Security forces escorted the firefighters into the area in play during the exercise.

 Airmen participated in an

 active shooter exercise Feb.

 26 at Luke Air Force Base.

 The exercise took place at

 the Bryant Fitness Center,

 and evaluated the training,

 readiness and capability of

 Luke Airmen to respond to

 an active shooter threat. Ex-

 ercises ensure Airmen meet

 warfighting needs with a con-
 Master Sgt. Kelly Davis, 56th Fighter Wing inspector general,
 tinuous drive toward more ef-  gathers information from the simulated victims to further ana-
 lyze and assess the first responders during an active shooter
 fective and efficient training.  exercise Feb. 26 at Luke Air Force Base. Wing IG office is re-  An Airman from the 56th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron provides medical care to a   Photos by Staff Sgt. Amber Carter
 sponsible for ensuring training requirements are met and Luke   simulated victim during an active shooter exercise Feb. 26 at Luke Air Force Base. Exercise evalu-  Jose Moreno, left, and Staff Sgt. Domitrius Johnson, right, 56th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighters, triage a
 Airmen are combat-ready through evaluations and reports   ators assessed the training, readiness and capability of Luke Airmen to respond to an active   simulated victim during an exercise Feb. 26 at Luke Air Force Base. Firefighters assessed the simulated victims
 based on the training, readiness and capability of Luke Airmen.  shooter threat on the installation.  before medical teams arrived on the scene of the exercise.
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