Page 2 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, April 2021
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2      April 2021                                     Commentary                                                                      Thunderbolt                                                  news                                       3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         April 2021

       PHONE NUMBERS                                 New Air Force Reservist has servant’s heart                                                                     944th MSG enhances wartime readiness

     Airman and Family Readiness Center  .................... 623-856-6550  by Master Sgt.    long hard look at the nursing career
     Airman’s Attic  ......................................................... 623-856-6415
     Armed Forces Bank  ................................................ 623-535-9766  LouiS VegA   field and the diversity it offered.                               Story and photos by Tech. Sgt.
     Base Exchange main store  ...................................... 623-935-2671  944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs    “With EMT paramedic firefight-                       neSToR CRuz
     Base taxi  .................................................................. 623-856-6866  ing, I would be locking myself into
     Beauty shop  ............................................................. 623-536-1897  The Air Force Reserve is always   one specific career field,” said Fal-           944th Fighter Wing
     Chapel  ..................................................................... 623-856-6211  looking for highly motivated  indi-  cone. “Thinking back to my hockey   Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 944th
     Chapel (after duty hours)  ........................................ 623-856-5600  viduals who want to use what they   experience (all my eggs in one
     Child development center  ....................................... 623-856-6338  have learned in the civilian sector   basket),  it freaked  me  out a little    Mission Support Group came together
     Clothing sales  .......................................................... 623-856-6310  to serve their country. Everyone has                                   March 5 at Camp Navajo, Bellemont, Ari-
     Club Five Six  .......................................................... 623-856-6446  bit. Nursing seemed like a better                                       zona, for a four-day training exercise.
     Command post  ........................................................ 623-856-5600  unique experiences that can help   lifestyle for me.”                       The exercise was the first of its kind
     Commissary  ............................................................ 623-935-3821  mission effectiveness. Recently, one   Just after receiving a bachelor’s   conducted by the 944th MSG, aimed at
     Community center  ................................................... 623-856-7152  health professional shared why he   degree in Nursing from Grand            bringing together four very different squad-
     Computer IT service desk  .....................................  DSN 945-2900  made the decision to commission in   Canyon University, Falcone had an           rons with different missions in a simulated
     Crime Stop  .............................................................. 623-856-6666  the Air Force.  experience that would solidify his                     deployed environment.
     Dental clinic  ............................................................ 623-856-2273  Timothy Falcone, Grand Canyon   decision to commission and bring
     Dermatology  ........................................................... 623-856-2273  University clinical lab instructor   his inevitable life path full circle.  “Many times the squadrons conducted
     Dining hall  .............................................................. 623-856-6396                                                                        training individually, but as we know when
     Dorm management  .................................................. 623-856-7841  and health  professional,  took the   “I was asked if I would be will-        we go on deployment, we’re usually work-
     Education center  ...................................................... 623-856-7722  plunge and commissioned Feb. 24   ing to provide care for a very high    ing with other squadrons with different
     EMERGENCY ONLY  ............................................................. 911  to become a Reserve Citizen Airman   profile client,” said Falcone. “They    specialties,” said Chief Master Sgt. Michelle
     Equal opportunity  .................................................... 623-856-7711  with the 944th Aeromedical Staging   asked  if I  would be willing to be   Harvey, 944th MSG superintendent. “So the
     Eye clinic  ................................................................ 623-856-7965  Squadron at Luke Air Force Base.   with this family during Christmas   vision was to take the four squadrons under
     Falcon Dunes Golf Course  ...................................... 623-535-9334  His journey to this new life adven-  and I would be basically staying
     Family health clinic  ................................................. 623-856-2273  ture began late September 1981 in   with them and taking care of this     our group and have them work together as
     Family housing ........................................................ 623-388-3515  Okinawa, Japan.                                                           one team.”                                                                Airmen with the 944th Mission Sup-
     Fire station  .............................................................. 623-856-6641  patient.”                                                             The idea of multiple squadrons within a                                  port Group receive classroom in-
     Firestone Car Care  .................................................. 623-271-8104  “Both my parents were in the Air   After taking the position, it was   Master Sgt. Louis Vega   group working together may seem common,
     Fitness center  .......................................................... 623-856-6241  Force and I was born on Kadena Air   revealed that Falcone would be    but it presents a unique challenge for this                               struction on weapons safety during a
     Flight medicine  ....................................................... 623-856-2273  Force Base,” said Falcone. “Growing   providing care for the late John S.   Lt. Cmdr. Jack McCain, U.S. Navy   particular group.  Airman 1st Class Juan Batiz Ocon, 944th   deployment training exercise, March
     Food court  ............................................................... 623-935-2671  up with them, I was taught the mili-  McCain III, former Arizona senator,   officer and son of the late John Mc-  “When you look at the 944th MSG, it’s   Security Forces Squadron fire team   6 at Camp Navajo, Bellemont, Arizo-
     Fort Tuthill  .............................................................. 623-856-3401  tary is a good thing and it teaches   as a live-in nurse for eight months   Cain, swears-in Timothy Falcone,   unlike other groups with one mission,” Har-  member, takes his position while practic-  na. The first-of-its-kind exercise was
     Fraud, waste and abuse hotline  ............................... 623-856-6149  you good values.”  during the senators’ final days.  Grand Canyon University clinical                                  ing close-quarter battle tactics during   conducted by the 944th MSG, aimed
     Hobby shop  ............................................................. 623-856-6722  After his parents’ service, his   “To be able to serve someone who   lab instructor and health profes-  vey explained. “MSG has different facets of   a deployment training exercise, March   at bringing together four different
     Housing assistance section  ...................................... 623-856-7643                                   sional, Feb. 24 at the McCain resi-           career fields and figuring out how we inter-                              squadrons with different missions in
     Housing facilities section  ........................................ 623-856-3007  family eventually established them-  has served so much was absolutely   dence in Phoenix, Arizona. Falcone   twine them together has its challenges.”  6 at Camp Navajo, Bellemont, Arizona.
     Housing maintenance  .............................................. 623-935-2676  selves in Long Island, New York. At   one of the biggest highlights of my      There are four squadrons within the   During the four-day exercise, Airmen   a simulated deployed environment.
     Identification cards  .................................................. 623-856-7832  age 8, he developed a love for hockey   personal life,” said Falcone. “It was   was expected to commission over   944th MSG: the 944th Logistics Readiness   participated in classroom instruction
     Information, tickets and travel  ................................ 623-856-6000  and thought he found what he   an honor to be in that role for him   a year ago but his plans were put   Squadron, the 944th Civil Engineer Squad-  and hands-on training including recov-
     Law enforcement desk  ............................................ 623-856-5970  wanted to do for the rest of his life.   and not just serve him, but to serve   on hold due to COVID-19. He volun-  ron, the 944th Force Support Squadron, and   ery missions, land navigation, weapons
     Legal assistance  ...................................................... 623-856-6901  Everything he did from that point   his family.”  teered his time and skills to go to                         qualification, and base security opera-
     Library  ..................................................................... 623-856-7191  on was in preparation for that goal.  Between his parents’ persistent   New York City for three months to   the 944th Security Forces Squadron.  tions.
     Lodging office/switchboard  .................................... 623-856-3941                                     assist in emergency rooms at the               “Putting together this exercise was a
     Maintenance control center  ..................................... 623-856-5469  “In 2001, at age 19, I realized I   guidance and the influence and en-  beginning of the crisis.  challenge learning each other’s functions,
     Marine Corps  .......................................................... 623-856-2417  was done competitively,” said Fal-  couragement of the McCain family,    what their jobs are, and what they require
     Marine Corps 24-hour duty desk  ............................ 602-421-5806  cone. “I had hit my ceiling as far as   the wheels were set in motion for            in a deployed location,” said Master Sgt.
     Marketing  ................................................................ 623-856-3245  talent compared to my competition   Falcone to commission in the Air   with humility and inquisitiveness.   Robert  Norby, 944th SFS Noncommis-
     Medical appointments  ............................................. 623-856-2273  and had thrown all my eggs in that   Force Reserve. Falcone stated the   Build bridges to asking questions,   sioned Officer in Charge of operations.
     Military equal opportunity  ...................................... 623-856-7711  one basket. It was a hard pill to   wife of John McCain insisted she be
     Military pay  ............................................................. 623-856-7028  swallow, and I was lost.”  there for the occasion.  and make sure that you are never   “We’ve proven on every UTA weekend we
     Navy Operations Support Center  ............................ 602-353-3008                                         above anyone’s dignity. We are all            can do our jobs in a built-up base, within                                                                                         Reserve Citizen
     OB/GYN clinic  ....................................................... 623-856-2273  Because of his small stature for   “Cindy McCain held a small cer-  human beings. And lastly — this is   our comfort zone. Our group commander’s                                                              Airmen from the
     Office of Special Investigations  .............................. 623-856-6821  the sport, he often found himself in   emony for Tim at her home,” said   my own advice — either be a heretic   intent was to push us further and give us                                                           944th Security
     Optometrist  ............................................................. 623-856-2273  the medical trainer’s office dealing   Master Sgt. Jeni Laplant, 446th Air   yourself or tolerate heretics in your   the experience of operating in a deployed                                            Forces Squadron
     Orthopedic clinic  ..................................................... 623-856-2273  with injuries. He learned a lot about   Wing Health Professions Air Force   command because at some point, if   location where we don’t know when and                                                       practice close
     Outdoor recreation  .................................................. 623-856-6267  the human anatomy and eventually   Reserve recruiter. “It was something   everyone is always on the same page,   where an attack could happen, but we                                                         quarter battle tac-
     Pass and registration  ............................................... 623-856-4880  he followed a recommendation from   I’ll never forget.”                                                         Tech. Sgt. James Hataway, 944th Security                                                      tics during a de-
     Patient advocate  ...................................................... 623-856-8968  a coach to take an EMT course to   During the ceremony, Lt. Cmdr.   something’s wrong.”  would need to prepare for it and be able
     Pediatric clinic  ........................................................ 623-856-2273                             Falcone will be joining the  Air            to adapt and overcome when the situation   Forces Squadron combat arms instruc-                                                    ployment training
     Pharmacy refill call-in  ............................................. 623-856-3969  see if he would like the medical field   Jack McCain, U.S. Navy officer and   Force Reserve through the Commis-  arises.”  tor, gives one-on-one advice on improv-  Master Sgt. Jerry Guerra, 944th Security Forces Squadron   exercise, March 6
     Photo services  ......................................................... 623-856-6168  after he was done with hockey.  son of the late John McCain, swore   sioned Officer Training program and   During the four-day exercise, Airmen   ing aim during a deployment training   combat arms superintendent, gives trainees advice on improv-  at Camp Navajo,
     Post Office  ............................................................... 623-935-1343  “I loved it,” said Falcone. “I ended   in Falcone and gave his own advice   will enter the Reserve as a second   participated in classroom instruction and   exercise, March 6 at Camp Navajo, Bel-  ing their aim during a deployment training exercise, March 6 at   Bellemont, Ari-
     Public affairs  ........................................................... 623-856-6011  up getting my EMT and firefighters   about serving as an officer in the   lieutenant. Air Force recruiters com-  hands-on training including recovery mis-  lemont, Arizona.  Camp Navajo, Bellemont, Arizona.  zona.
     Recycling information  ............................................ 623-856-4749  certifications because my pursuit at   U.S. military.  municate they are looking for people   sions, land navigation, weapons qualifica-
     Retiree Activities office .............................................623-856-3923  the time was firefighting. I was also   “Dad used to say two things,” said   tion, and base security operations.
     Rodgers Travel  ........................................................ 623-856-6894  invited back to the game of hockey   Lt. Cmdr. McCain. “What will get   who want to be a part of something
     Safety  ...................................................................... 623-856-6941  to coach.”           bigger than themselves and instill             “Our goal here is integrated training,”   to be a very valuable learning experience   back and create a playbook of what chal-  944th Fighter Wing, continuously conducts
     Security forces  .........................................................623-856-5970  you furthest in the military and           See hEArt, Page 3            said Norby. “We’re working and training   for the entire group.           lenges we faced, what we can do better, and   a variety of readiness training to prepare
     Security incidents  .................................................... 623-856-7777  During this time, Falcone took a   in life is to approach everything     with each other to see how we operate inde-  “We weren’t expecting this first exercise   how we can do things so we won’t have those   for any contingency.  The wing plans to hold
     Service calls CE maintenance  ................................. 623-856-7232                                                                                    pendently, and evaluating how we operate   to be perfect but the goal for this exercise   same challenges next time. I think we’ve   a local exercise in late 2021 and the 944th
     Sexual Assault Prevention/Response  ...................... 623-856-4878                                                                                         as a group so we can have more experience   was to identify what the challenges were   come a long way but there’s always room   MSG will use its lessons learned from this
     Shoppette  ................................................................. 623-266-0040  Thunderbolt editorial staff  Luke Air Force Base website and social media and is the source for articles and   with us as we go down range.”  and how to improve on them,” Harvey said.   for improvement.”  experience to revisit Camp Navajo in early
     Sick call  ................................................................... 623-856-2273  Publisher  ....................................................Aerotech news and review  photos published in the Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt editor is authorized to use   The first joint-squadron exercise proved
     South Gate VRC ...................................................... 623-856-4768  Editor ....................................................................................... Amy Lamb  photos and articles from other .mil or .gov websites.   “We’re going to take all this information   The 944th MSG, along with the rest of the   2022.
                                                                                                         Submission deadline is at noon the 15th day prior to the month of publication.
     Straight-Talk line ..................................................... 623-856-7064  Designer .................................................................................tinna Sellie  Contributions for the Thunderbolt can be made via email to amy@aerotechnews.
     Telephone repair (Base)  .......................................... 623-856-4400  Advertising sales ................................................................ 877-247-9288  com. The editor can be reached at  (from Page 2)  puts others before himself and that’s an   he has proven to have a servant’s heart.
     Thrift store  .............................................................. 623-935-5782  Luke Air Force Base  The Thunderbolt uses material from the Armed Forces Information Service, Air   hEArt
     Ticket/tour office  ..................................................... 623-856-6000  Commander.................................................Brig. gen. gregory Kreuder  Force News Service, AETC News Service and other sources. All advertising is han-  amazing quality to bear. He’s going to be   He explained how he hopes to gain ful-  ATTENTION
     Travco  ......................................................................855-896-7939  Public affairs chief  ................................................Capt. Candice Dillitte  dled by Aerotech News and Review. They can be reached by calling 877-247-9288.  Air Force core values — Integrity, Service   a great asset to the Air Force Reserve.”  fillment with higher functioning teams
     Travel management office household goods  ........... 623-856-6425  Command information  ...................................... tech. Sgt. Clint Atkins  Contents of the Thunderbolt are not necessarily the official views of, or en-  Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.  Falcone was expected to commission   that serve but would also like to share   ALL PERSONNEL:
     TMO passenger travel  ............................................. 623-856-7035                  dorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense or the Department   Laplant believes Falcone has the quali-  over a year ago but his plans were put   his experiences and teamwork mentality   Brig. Gen. Gregory Kreuder re-
     Transient alert  ......................................................... 623-856-6204  Editorial Information  of the Air Force.                              ties they are looking for and will bring a   on hold due to COVID-19. He volunteered   as he becomes a Reserve Citizen Airman.  spectfully announces the death of
     Travel pay  ............................................................... 623-856-7028  For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to   The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supple-  great deal to the table.  his time and skills to go to New York City   For more information about joining,
     Vehicle maintenance  ............................................... 623-935-6576 and click on PDF edition  ments, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by   “Mr. Falcone brings a leadership aspect   for three months to assist in emergency   contact the 944th Fighter Wing recruit-  Staff Sgt. Trent B. Lundell. Anyone
     Veterinary services  .................................................. 623-856-6354  The Thunderbolt is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no   the DOD, the DAF or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this                                 having claims for or against the
     Weather  ................................................................... 623-856-6805  way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under exclusive written contract with the 56th   publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard   already with him,” said Laplant. “He’s   rooms at the beginning of the crisis.  ing office at 623-856-5339 or email   estate should contact Maj. Scott D.
                                                                                                       to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap,
     Wellness center  ....................................................... 623-856-2273  Fighter Wing, Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. This civilian enterprise Air Force news-  political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. All   been serving his local communities for   Falcone consistently wears multiple   Reserve Recruiting Flight Chief, Senior   Mauldin, Summary Court Officer, at
                                                       paper is an authorized monthly publication for members of the U.S. military services.
     Youth center  ............................................................ 623-856-7470  The 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office prepares all editorial content for the   photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated.  a long time and he’s putting all of those   hats at any given time. From youth hock-  Master Sgt. Jeffrey Ossman at jeffrey.
                                                                                                                                                                    qualities together to serve his country. He   ey coach, college instructor, and nurse,
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