Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, April 2021
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“We train the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat ready Airmen”                                                                  April 2021
                                                                                                                                                  Vol. 20, No. 4

               INSIDE                          Luke fighter pilot tops 1,000 F-35 flying hours

                                                                                                              by Capt.            with the 63rd Fighter Squad-
                                                                                                          Monique Roux            ron through the  Total Force
             StorIES                                                                                                              Enterprise that keeps Luke’s
                                                                                                        944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs   mission going.
             A servant’s heart, 2                                                                     Maj. Nicholas “JAKAL” Rallo,   “I am honored to be a part
             Enhancing wartime                                                                      an instructor  pilot with the   of Det. 2 and to work with our
              readiness, 3                                                                           944th Fighter  Wing, became   partners in the 63rd Fighter
             Airman grants 56 wishes for                                                            the first Luke Air  Force Base   Squadron,” said Rallo. “I am
                                                                                                     F-35 Lightning II pilot to attain
                                                                                                                                  lucky to have such a great team
              children, 4                                                                            1,000 F-35 flying hours, Feb. 22.  to work with and to have been
             Recovery, resilience can                                                                 Rallo  is an  Active Guard   one of the first pilots at Luke
              transform, 5                                                                           Reserve member with the      to transition to the F-35.”
             Strongmen and strongwomen                                                              944th Operations Group De-
              compete, 6                                                                             tachment 2 and is integrated            See fLying, Page 12
             Active shooter exercise, 8/9
             Chaplain’s thoughts, 10
             Military working dogs retire, 12

                                               Maj. Nicholas Rallo, F-35 instructor pilot with the
                                               944th Operations Group Detachment 2, poses with
                                               his parents in front of an F-35 Lightning II Feb. 23, at
              Continue to get Luke’s latest    Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. During this flight Rallo ex-
               news and information from       ceeded 1,000 flying hours in the F-35, making him the
               these sources: https://www.     first pilot at Luke AFB and the second in the Air Force                                Photos by Master Sgt. Louis Vega
            Reserve to reach this milestone.                 Rallo prepares for takeoff Feb. 23 at Luke Air Force Base.
                   and social media
                                               Charting history: female pilot reaches 2,000 hours in F-16

                  Luke56thFW      @LukeAFB
                                                        by Capt.
                Date of publication                Monique Roux             tor pilot, and evaluator pilot.                              Col. Trena Savageau,
                                                                                                                                         944th Operations
                                                                            After separating from active
                  First Friday                   944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs   duty in 2007, she transitioned                      Group commander,
                    of the month                                            into the Air Force Reserve as a                              poses in front of an
                                                 Col. Trena “HaK”  Savageau   Traditional Reservist with the                             F-16 Fighting Falcon
               Submission deadline             is known for breaking barriers   944th Fighter Wing.                                      after completing a mile-
            15th day of the month              and setting high expectations as   “I switched to the Reserve after                       stone sortie Jan. 13 at
           prior to date of publication        the first female commander of   my active duty service commit-                            Luke Air Force Base.
                                                                                                                                         During this flight Sav-
                                                                            ment because of the flexibility
                                               the 944th Operations Group at
                Veterans                       Luke Air Force Base. On Jan. 13,   it gave me,” said Savageau. “I                         ageau exceeded two
                                                                            wanted to have a  family, be a
                                                                                                                                         thousand flying hours
                                               she crushed another goal as she
                   Tell us Your Story          flew past her 2,000 flying hour   stay-at-home mom and Reserve                            in the F-16, putting her
                                               in the F-16C Fighting Falcon,
                                                                                                                                         in an elite group of less
                                                                            Citizen Airman.”
             Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees    becoming the first female in the   Luke AFB’s Total Force Enter-                          than 900 pilots world-
           All military branches are included  U.S. Air Force Reserve to achieve   prise construct allowed Savageau                      wide to achieve this
            Email name, phone number and a     this milestone.              to start her Reserve career as an                            milestone and the first
           brief description of your service to  Savageau, a 1998 U.S.  Air   instructor pilot with the 301st                            female to fly 2,000 F-16
                 Force Academy graduate, has   Fighter Squadron. Over the                                  flying hours in the U.S.
                                               served as an F-16 pilot, instruc-      See hiStory, Page 6              Master Sgt. Louis Vega     Air Force Reserve.

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