Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2021
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12  March 2021  News  Thunderbolt                  News                                      13
                                                                                                                                             March 2021
 Chaplain’s thoughts ...  LEADErS   (from Page 5)  hearing their challenges, and we owe it   • Survivor Advocacy Councils
                                                                                     • Invisible Wounds Initiatives
                                                (to) them to build a strategy that ensures
          said. “We are working to build a culture
          where we help leaders put their people   our Airmen, Guardians, and families get   • Family, Child, & Youth Programs
                                                the care they need, wherever they are, and
                                                                                     • Morale, Wellness, and Recreation pro-
 Friendship is a discipline  We’ve discovered that, during a race, I am pretty good   requires intentionality to step out of the shadows of   first. We want to help empower leaders to   whenever they need it.”  grams, and more.
 from about mile 12 to 15, right where he tends to get   your life and into the light where others can see you.   execute their missions and maintain good   In order to develop that strategy, the   Popular websites include Air Force Re-
 by Chaplain (maj.)   tired. In fact, he’s admitted that in those moments he’d   This is hard to do, especially when we understand   order and discipline, while also remaining   Operation Arc Care team will define the   silience, Child Care Aware, Military One-
 Tim JACoBS  like to “put an arrow” in my back!  However, I’ll hit the   that it is in our very nature to hide. In the Bible, in an   connected with their team so they can lead   Department of the Air Force vision and a   Source — which includes Military Spouse
 wall around mile 17, right when he gets a second wind.   event known as The Fall — when Adam and Eve eat   with compassion, empathy, character and   five-year goal to identify strategic areas   Education and Career Opportunities, the
 56 FW IMA Chaplain  grace, while treating every human with
 At that point I honestly start to hate him, because I   of the forbidden fruit — the first thing they do is hide.   of focus.  Spouse Resiliency Toolkit — as well as apps
 I recently ran a 20-mile   can barely keep up. But we stay together, and that’s   They hide from each other, and they hide from God.   dignity and respect.”  “We also want to give our Airmen and   such as Air Force Connect.
 trail race in the Estrella   what makes us better.  We have been hiding from each other ever since.  But   The plan is to remove policy barriers and   Guardians the freedom to innovate; make   “We’re using community-focused pro-
 Mountains, 10 miles south   I have come to believe that friendship, like anything   the Bible also says, “A man of many companions may   identify initiatives that improve the expe-  sure they are adequately resourced and in-  grams customized by major command,
 of Luke. To my surprise I fin-  else that is good, is a discipline. It’s one thing to merely   come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer   rience of care for Airmen, Guardians, and   formed; and afforded the space for informa-  base,  and garrison-levels because they
 ished 25 minutes faster than   hang around people so that you are not alone. It’s   than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). It is my hope that   family members, according to Col. Laura   tion sharing and collaboration,” Ramos said.  are best suited for answering the needs of   Airman’s Creed
 I did in the same race last   another to surround yourself with people whose very   every single Airman here at Luke has a friend like   Ramos, Air Force Resilience strategic part-  Resiliency resources for Airmen, Guard-  their Airmen, Guardians, and families in
 year. How did that happen?   presence helps you become a better you. It requires   that. Life on earth is a long-distance run, and there   nership division chief.  ians and their families include:  their unique locations,” Ramos said. “We   I am an American Airman.
 I wasn’t in better shape. In   letting people into your life far enough to see your   are going to be times where you get tired and want to   “With this task force, you will find that   • Airmen and Family Readiness Centers  recognize that having a worldwide presence   I am a Warrior.
 fact, I had just come off of a   weaknesses and even address them. Ironically, with   quit. We need each other.  spouses and family members are included   • Chaplains  makes us a ‘community of communities’ and   I have answered my Nation’s call.
 leg injury. The answer, I believe, is my friend Mike.  Mike   all our amazing technology, it has never been easier   Mike and I are now training for a 50K, our first   and have a significant role in Operation Arc   • Military Family Life counselors  while many needs are universal, some are   I am an American Airman.
          Care; and our working sessions are designed
 is my running buddy, and to be honest he frustrates   to simply disappear. Just make a few excuses, stop re-  ultramarathon. I know I’m going to get pushed. But   to include stakeholders from the installa-  • Leadership, such as unit commanders,   specific to certain units, missions, people,   My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win.
                                                 supervisors, first sergeants, etc.
 me. We go on these long training runs and he talks the   turning texts, and you’ve effectively “ghosted” someone.   I also know I’m better off with a friend than trying   tions and major commands,” she explained.   • Civilian Employee Assistance programs  areas, and geographic locations.”  I am faithful to a Proud Heritage,
                                                                                       Guidance will be provided for wings to
 entire time, enthusiastically, while keeping a pace that   Thus, anyone can easily maintain the appearance of   to go it alone. For more information, or to speak with   “This is a holistic effort that incorporates   • Key Spouse Programs  help communicate new policies, programs   A Tradition of Honor,
 is faster than I’d go alone. I ask him questions to keep   connectivity while going through life completely alone.   a Chaplain or Religious Affairs Airman, contact the   feedback and ideas from across the DAF.”  • Community Support Coordinators  and address emerging issues.  And a Legacy of Valor.
 him talking so he’ll slow down, but it rarely works.   True friendship, however, is a discipline because it   Chapel: 623-856-6211.  The intent is to create a Department of   • Equal Opportunity Liaisons  “When my teammates and families hear   I am an American Airman.
          the Air Force resilience strategy that will   • Family Advocacy Programs   ‘resilience,’ we want them to think about   Guardian of Freedom and Justice,
          differ from traditional strategies written in   • Legal Services           how they can optimize their performance    My Nation’s Sword and Shield,
 VirTUAL   (from Page 1)  USSF   (from Page 1)  “It’s truly a unique opportunity to not only step   the past, she explained. Instead, the strat-  • Health Promotion programs  through mental, physical, emotional and   Its Sentry and Avenger.
 into a boyhood dream but be a part of something   egy will be adaptive and offer a baseline for   • Exceptional Family Member Programs  spiritual health, all in the face of potential   I defend my Country with my Life.
 group wasn’t an option, the wing commander determined the best   “I was unsure whether I would accept my transfer   really historic.”  installations while providing leaders with   • Mental Health Clinics  adversity,” Tudor said. “Are leaders at every
 course was to do this in a virtual manner.”  invitation,” said, Cirre. “But, I believe joining the   Shuck explained Chief Master Sgt. of the Space   tools to take care of AG&F. Operation Arc   • Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention   echelon involved? What resources will we   I am an American Airman.
 Hooser teamed up with the 944th FW Public Affairs office and other   Space Force will be a positive step in my military   Force Roger Towberman was a crucial motivator   Care is currently in phase two, with expec-  programs  have at your fingertips to click on or call to   Wingman, Leader, Warrior.
 Reserve Citizen Airmen in the wing to brainstorm and plan the virtual   career, as well as my personal life. Taking that first   on his decision to accept this opportunity.  tations of moving to the next phase by the   • Sexual Assault Prevention and Re-  make an appointment that helps you find   I will never leave an Airman behind,
 event. The planning team considered various social distancing options   step forward out of your comfort zone is all it takes   “Chief Towberman has been very open and frank   end of March.  sponse Coordinators  their way? Are we providing those resources   I will never falter,
 such as live streaming and video conferencing.  to achieve something great.”  that we will be building a new force from the   “Our people are the most important re-  • Members of the Interpersonal Violence   and are they readily available for all forces   And I will not fail.
 “We were looking for ways to convey the awards ceremony,” said Capt.   Tech. Sgt. Benjamin Shuck, 607th Air Control   ground up, that we will be not just filling a role   source we have,” said Chief Master Sgt. of   Task Forces  and family members to understand and use?
 Monique Roux, 944th FW Public Affairs chief. “We looked at trying video   Squadron cyber transport systems specialist, ex-  but creating it,” said Shuck. “I’d say the sky is the   the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass. “We’ve been   • Air Force Wounded Warrior Programs  That is what we want to get after.”
 switching and cutting to live feeds at other locations which was our goal   plains though he is signing a new contract with a   limit but it’s the Space Force, so there really isn’t
 originally, but that presented other limitations we weren’t prepared for.”  different branch, he believes this is just the next   a limit anymore.”
 Other issues presented themselves as the planning team continued to   stage of progression for his time in service.  According to an FAQ posted on the USSF web-
 explore options.  “I don’t feel like I’m leaving the Air Force, in the   site, “the Space Force will evaluate the need for
 “Our biggest concern was to make sure we recognized our Airmen   slightest,” said Shuck. “April 2021 would have made   more transfer opportunities after (this) initial
 properly and eliminated as many technological issues as possible,” said   it 10 years in the Air Force, and I’m not leaving   transfer process is complete.”  CURE   PREVENT    TREAT
 Roux. “If we chose to use live feeds at all ten locations we planned to   any of it behind, I’m bringing it with me. The good   “Keep an eye on the news for information and
 broadcast from, we would have dealt with audio feedback most locations,   and the bad will be brought to the table as lessons   MyPers for your eligibility opportunity,” said
 and a lot of moving parts as we switched around. Additionally, with units   learned, so that the Space Force can move forward.”  Shuck. “Be proactive. If you want it, go get it. Don’t
 across the base and the country trying to live stream the event, they   Shuck spoke on the excitement of helping to lay   wait for it.”
 would have experienced buffering and connection issues, and the last   the foundation of this new branch.  For more information on transferring to the
 thing we wanted was for the celebration of our Airmen to be interrupted   “I’ve always been in love with space and how it’s   Space Force, visit
 by technical problems.”  really the next step in human exploration,” he said.   Transfer/.
 After working through all of the options, the planning team determined
 that the best solution was to produce a fully prerecorded ceremony.  A CFC participant.
 “We were fortunate to find a member in our communications flight,   Provided as a public service.
 Senior Airman Jed Morgan, who has incredible skills and is self-taught
 in film making,” Hooser shared. “He volunteered to help and was the              Better Legs today!
 main editor on this project, bringing with him great vision and ideas. It
 was because of his input and his experience that the award ceremony
 presentation was top-notch.”                                                                 We are Military experienced!
 The opportunity to work on such a high-visibility project made a big
 impression on Senior Airman Morgan.
 “I practiced new skills, made new contacts, and found a way to make                               accepting New Patients!
 an impact on the wing as a whole,” said Morgan, 944th Force Support
 Squadron client systems technician. “This opportunity gave me a greater   Scratch Kitchen Restaurant
 sense of purpose for the role I have now.”                                                  Call Now for a Free screening
 The 2020 Annual Awards Ceremony was aired online during the   A BUTTERY TASTE OF SOUL!
 February Unit Training Assembly as a sports broadcast-themed show.
 Airmen cheered as nominees from their respective units were announced,                 For over 15 years we’ve built our practice with
 “sponsored by” various units across the wing.
 “We tried to find ways to still bring the same level of significance these                 our patients’ health and comfort in mind!
 awards deserve even though we had to adapt to a new environment,” said
 Hooser. “The team worked through numerous courses of action to find                        Tricare aNd Medicare accepTed
 the best solution to celebrate the annual award nominees and winners
 in this unprecedented time.”
 Greenwald expressed his feelings about the presentation and all the                                                 13628 W. Camino del Sol
                                             6.5” AD SPACE
 hard work that went into it.  UC BAND LIVE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT - 7:00-10:00PM
 “I’m extremely proud of our planning team’s determination to deliver an                                                  Sun City West, AZ
 engaging event that was focused on the Airmen,” he said. “This speaks to   Military Wednesdays - Happy Hour prices all day
 the resilience we have as a unit, that we can take any challenge and turn   Airman 1st Class Caleb F. Butler       (623) 584-7874
 it into a positive for us; that we weren’t going to let a pandemic and social   Airman 1st Class Caleb E. Cirre, 607th Air Control Squadron cyber transport systems specialist,   Mon. - Thurs. 11:00am-9:00pm • Fri. - Sat. 10:00am-10:00pm  Sun. 10:00am-9:00pm
 distancing take away the opportunity to do the right thing by recognizing   poses with the U.S. Space Force flag after a ceremonial swear-in, Feb. 5, at Luke Air Force Base.
 the members of this wing.”  This ceremony officially ends his service in the Air Force, transferring him to the U.S. Space Force.  623-240-2216 | | 55 N Litchfield Rd, Goodyear, AZ 85338
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