Page 14 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2021
P. 14


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   supplies last! CALL 1-877-378-    Clean comfortable rooms or studio suites      $ 59     99           packages will have fewer shows and movies. Additional fees apply for new releases and library titles available through DIRECTV CINEMA.
            1175                  Refrigerator and microwave in all rooms                   mo           Watch your favorite live sports, news and entertainment
                                  Free hot breakfast every morning                                       anywhere†
      Garage & Yard Sales         Complimentary high speed Internet access            For 12 taxes   HBO Max™ included for a year
                                                Pets Welcome
                                  Fitness Center
                                  Meeting/Function space available                 W/24-mo. agmt & other qualifying AT&T svc   Subj. to change. HBO Max auto-renews after 12 months at then prevailing rate (currently $14.99/mo.), and Cinemax,® SHOWTIME,® STARZ,® and EPIX® are
     PCSing? Or just got       Ask for the Military discount.                    bill req’d. Prices higher in 2nd year. Regional Sports Fee   included for 3 months and auto-renew thereafter at then prevailing rate (currently $38.96/mo.), unless you call to change or cancel. Req’s you to select o ers.
                                                                                  (min. $35/mo. + taxes and fees). Autopay & paperless
                                                                                                         Access HBO Max only through HBO Max app or HBO Max also includes HBO channels and HBO On Demand on DIRECTV. Online account registration
     Too much stuff???                                                              up to $9.99/mo. is extra & applies.*  required. Data rates may apply for app download/usage. See back for details.
     ******************************                                            *$19.95 ACTIVATION, EARLY TERMINATION FEE OF $20/MO. FOR EACH MONTH REMAINING ON AGMT., EQUIPMENT NON-RETURN & ADD’L FEES APPLY. Price incl. CHOICE™ Pkg., monthly service and equip. fees for 1 HD DVR & is after $5/mo. autopay & paperless
    GARAGE/YARD SALE                                                            bill and $10/mo. bundle discounts for up to 12 mos. each. Pay $74.99/mo. + taxes until discount starts w/in 3 bills. New approved residential customers only (equipment lease req’d). Credit card req’d (except MA & PA). Restr’s apply. See back for details.
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          classifi eds@                                                         CHOICE Package 1-YR ALL INCLUDED PACKAGE W/ OTHER ELIG. SVC: Ends 3/27/21. Available only in the U.S. (excludes Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Pricing: $59.99/mo. for  rst 12 mos. only. After 12 mos. or loss of eligibility, then prevailing rate applies (currently $122/mo. for CHOICE All Included), unless canceled or                                                        changed prior to end of the promo period. Pricing subject to change. $5/mo. autopay/paperless bill discount: Must enroll in autopay & paperless bill within 30 days of TV activation to receive bill credit starting in 1-3 bill cycles. First time credit will include all credits earned since meeting o er requirements. Must
                                                                               maintain autopay/paperless bill and valid email address to continue credits. No credits in 2nd year for autopay/paperless bill. $10/mo. bundle discount:Internet: Req’s new (min. $35/mo. plus taxes and $10/mo. equip. fee) or existing svc. Excludes DSL. Wireless: Consumers only. Sold separately. Req’s new (min. $50/mo
                                                                               after discounts) or existing AT&T postpaid svc on elig. plan (excl. Lifeline) on a smartphone, phone or AT&T Wireless Internet device (excl. voice-only AT&T Wireless Internet). Both svcs: Eligible svc must be installed/activated w/in 30 days of TV activation and svc addresses must match to receive bill credit starting in 1-3
                                                                               bill cycles. First time credit will include all credits earned since meeting o er requirements. Must maintain both qualifying svcs to continue credits. No credits in 2nd year for bundled services. Includes: CHOICE All Included TV Pkg, monthly service & equipment fees for one Genie HD DVR, and standard pro installation.
                                                                               Additional Fees & Taxes: Price excludes Regional Sports Fee of up to $9.99/mo. (which is extra & applies to CHOICE and/or MÁS ULTRA and higher Pkgs.), applicable use tax expense surcharge on retail value of installation, custom installation, equipment upgrades/add-ons (min. $99 one-time & $7/mo. monthly fees
                                                                               for each extra receiver/DIRECTV Ready TV/Device), and certain other add’l fees & charges. See for additional details. Di erent o ers may apply for eligible multi-dwelling unit and telco customers. DIRECTV SVC TERMS:Subject to Equipment Lease & Customer Agreements. Must maintain a min.
                                                           A member of the Hilton family.  base TV pkg of $29.99/mo. Some o ers may not be available through all channels and in select areas. Visit or call for details. GENERAL WIRELESS:Subj. to Wireless Customer Agmt ( Credit approval req’d. Deposit/Down Payment: may apply. Additional monthly fees & taxes: Apply
                                                                               per line & include Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee (Up to $1.50), Administrative Fee ($1.99) & other fees which are not government-required surcharges as well as taxes. Additional one-time Fees may apply. See for more details. Usage, speed, coverage & other restr’s apply. International and
                                                                               domestic o -net data may be at 2G speeds. AT&T service is subject to AT&T network management policies, see for details. †DIRECTV App & Mobile DVR: Available only in the US. (excl Puerto Rico and U.S.V.I.). Req’s compatible device. Live streaming channels based on your TV pkg & location.
                                   Call Hampton Inn & Suites 623-537-9122      Not all channels available to stream out of home. To watch recorded shows on the go, must download to mobile device using Genie HD DVR model HR44 or higher connected to home Wi-Fi network. Rewind and fast-forward may not work. Limits: Mature, music, pay-per-view and some On Demand content is not
                                                                               available for downloading. 5 shows on 5 devices at once. All functions and programming subject to change at any time. Programming, pricing, promotions, restrictions & terms subject to change & may be modi ed, discontinued or terminated at any time without notice. O ers may not be combined with
                         other promotional o ers on the same services and may be modi ed or discontinued at any time without notice. Other conditions apply to all o ers. HBO MAX™ is only accessible in the U.S. and certain U.S. territories where a high-speed broadband connection is available. ©2021 WarnerMedia Direct, LLC. All Rights
                                                                               Reserved. HBO MAX is used under license. ©2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T a liated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
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