Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, March 2021
P. 16


             Veterans Upward Bound

                  You served your country proudly. Now                          Enroll in Veterans Upward Bound

                  it’s time to honor yourself with the                          and receive:

                  tools for a successful career. Veterans
                  Upward Bound is an educational                                • Online instruction

                  program offered at no cost to                                 • Tutoring
                  participants that prepares veterans to

                  improve academic skills and transition                        • Assistance with financial aid and
                  to college.                                                       scholarship applications

                                                                                • Admission assistance to postsecondary
                  Learn more and enroll today:                                      education institutions (community

                  VUB.ASU.EDU                                                       college, university, vocational, technical

                                                                                    and certificate training)

                                                                                • Referrals to Veterans Administration
                                                                                    information as needed
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