Page 1 - March ARB Beacon 1-29-16
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Vol. 81, No. 4                      March Air Reserve Base, California                                        Friday, January 29, 2016

    NEWS BRIEFS                     March tankers                       ready 24/7                            to                                support

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       INCLUDE THE                                                                                                                                                                            U.S. Air Force photo/Linda Welz
   1095B/1095C WHEN
sued 1095-B and 1095-C, docu-       GXULQJVSHFLDOHYHQWVVXFKDV6XSHU%RZO
ments required when you file
your taxes. The 1095-B is for       by Linda Welz                       bility is to employ forces to deter,  this is a total team effort. The  national and local assets
reservists who are not activated.   452 AMW public affairs              detect, and if necessary, defeat any  teams playing in the upcoming     provide air security for law
The 1095-C is for federal civil                                         airborne threat to the Super Bowl or  Super Bowl have practiced and     enforcement purposes.
service employees and activated        Team March personnel are         other such special events.            practiced, working together as
reservists. Air Reserve Techni-     ready 24 hours a day, seven                                               a team to accomplish a single        The Air Force mission is
cians would use both because of     days a week, 365 days a year           Team March                         goal. Like them, the interagen-   bigger than what you see for
their split Reserve/civil service   to support Operation NOBLE             Training with the California       cy teams came together to ac-     such events. As part of the
duty. According to DFAS, de-        EAGLE (ONE), which is air-          Air National Guard, a 452nd Air       complish a single goal, to pro-   air component representing
pendents do not show up on the      sovereignty operations related      Mobility Wing KC-135 Strato-          vide the air defense shield for   the U.S. Air Force, behind the
DFAS-issued 1095-B or 1095-C.       to homeland defense and sup-        tanker and its crew took to the       this year’s big game.             scenes there are maintainers,
Your dependent information will     port to federal, state, and lo-     skies over central California,                                          weapons loaders, control-
show up on the 1095-B, issued       cal agencies. This support          January 26, to refuel an F-15            Come Super Bowl Sun-           lers, aerial port personnel,
by your medical insurance car-      can sometimes be for special        Eagle from the 144th Fighter          day, the FAA will institute a     and many others, representing
rier. According to information      events, like the Super Bowl.        Wing, located in Fresno. The          temporary-flight restriction      more than just the ANG and
received by H&R Block from the                                          mission was nothing out of the        (TFR) zone above Levi’s           Air Force Reserve. They also
IRS, 1095-Cs will not be issued        The Continental U.S. NORAD       ordinary, nor has March been          Stadium, location for this        represent The North Ameri-
until late March 2016, and tax      Region (CONR) is conducting         specifically tasked with sup-          year’s game. The CONR’s air       can Aerospace Defense Com-
returns can be filed without the     ONE missions supporting Super       porting the Super Bowl 50 se-         defenders enforce that TFR        mand, or NORAD, while con-
1095-Cs. For further details or     Bowl 50 in coordination with the    curity detail with its refueling      with air-defense assets. A        ducting national air defense
to correct information on either    Department of Homeland Security,    capabilities. But readiness is        tanker and its crew will be       operations. It’s a total-force
the 1095-B or 1095-C, contact       the FBI, Customs and Border Pro-    always maintained.                    available to fuel the airborne    effort, of which Team March
the following: civilians call 703-  tection and local law enforcement.     Like a football franchise,         defenders as needed. Other        is proudly a part.
882-5197; Reservists call 800-      The CONR’s primary responsi-


   Great News! If you are inter-
ested in becoming an Air Force
Reserve officer at Team March,
the next Deserving Airman Com-
missioning Board will convene
on May 21-22, 2016. If you are
interested, and meet the qualifica-
tions located on the wing INFO

             See BRIEFS page 3
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