Page 3 - March ARB Beacon 1-29-16
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb January 29, 2016 3
From BRIEFS page 1 contact Emergency Management at 951- and to encourage students to complete GRILL NIGHT
their education. AT SALLY’S ALLEY
drive - X:\MarchBaseInfo, in the DACB 655-3024. Every Wednesday night starting at 4
EDUCATION & TRAINING p.m., Sally’s Alley is open for business
pamphlet, please have your completed ARE YOU A FOODIE? OFFICE TO PROVIDE with Grill Night. For more information,
commissioning packages submitted to the The Beacon is looking for individu- MASS BRIEFINGS call them at 951-653-2121.
452 FSS/FSMPD (Career Development) als who would be interested in writing a
office not later than close of business, “foodie” column (food review) on a once- Beginning in December, during the Unit FITNESS CENTER NEWS
Monday, May 2, 2016. If you have any a-month or less basis, and as a volunteer. Training Assemblies, the March Education The March Fitness Center has received
questions or concerns, please feel free to The goal is to have the individuals select and Training office will conduct ongoing, the Wellbeats Virtual Group Fitness Kiosk.
call career development at 951-655-3113. an item from the new Back Street Grill mass briefings for any Tuition Assistance, This kiosk allows members to participate
GI Bill and Community College of the Air in virtual fitness classes.
COMMAND POST menu and write a review about it. The Force (CCAF) inquiries. Their schedule is Daily WellBeats Fitness Schedule is:
NEEDS AIRMEN menu items would be rotated so each one as follows: Mondays: 10:30 a.m. – REV (spin);
The 452nd Air Mobility Wing Com- gets its moment in the spotlight. The more 12:15 p.m. – Yoga (closed Jan. 18)
mand Post is in need of new Airmen. They volunteers we have, the better! If you are CCAF briefing: Tuesdays: 12:15 p.m. – Fit for Duty;
have several full-time Air Reserve Techni- interested in contributing, please email the UTA Sundays from 10 to 10:30 a.m. in 4:00 p.m. – REV
cian positions and several Traditional Re- Beacon editor at 452amw.paworkflow@ Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 Wednesdays: 6 a.m. – Yoga/Pilates; 11
serve positions available. or call 951-655-2862. Tuition Assistance briefing: a.m. – V.I.B.E./Toning; 12:15 p.m. - REV
UTA Sundays from 1 to 1:45 p.m. in Thursdays: 11 a.m. – REV; 12:45 p.m.
Command Post brief job description: VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 – Fit for Duty
The base command post is the central con- COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT GI Bill briefing: Fridays: 11 a.m. – Core (Jan. 15/29);
trol point for base mission operations and UTA Sundays from 2 to 22:45 p.m. in 11:15 a.m. Pilates (Jan 8/22)
often is in direct communication with the If you’re interested in volunteering at Bldg. 441, Rm. 12 Wellbeats offers many more classes
wing commander. Command Post person- any of the schools listed below, please con- In-processing (technical school): available at the members’ request.
nel are key facilitators in ensuring optimal tact Megan Crusher at megan.crusher.1@ Monday – Friday from 2 – 3 p.m. in FIP (Fitness Improvement classes)
Command and Control (C2) operations All Team March members are Bldg. 441, main office available through our Wellbeats Kiosk.
and communications. Specific tasks de- welcome to volunteer. Basic details are For more information, contact Master Additional opportunities for fitness:
pend on the mission and aircraft assigned below and additional information will be Sgt. Brown at 951-655-4442. Tuesday, 11 a.m. and Thursday, 12:15
to that base, which could range from cargo given closer to the date of the event. p.m. – Battle ropes training
transport to space systems and nuclear SARC HOSTS FREE MIND Monday, 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday,
operations. If interested please contact Event:YEMP (Youth Education Mo- BODY RESILIENCY CLASSES 11:30 a.m. – TRX
Senior Master Sgt. Frank Gomez at frank. tivation Program) A & B UTA Saturdays, 7 a.m. – Well- Are you interested in learning more beats Fit for Duty
Date: Wednesday, February 10 about the Mind and Body connection A & B UTA Sundays, 7 a.m. – Well-
Start time: 7:45 a.m. and how this can promote better overall beats REV
End time: 11:00 a.m. health? Then come join the interactive A UTA Saturdays, 5 p.m. – Virtual
and informational series of one-hour Strength “Fit for Duty”
KEY SUPPORTER Location: El Cerrito Middle School classes based on the Benson-Henry In- B UTA, 5 – 7 p.m. – Pick-up basketball
BRIEFING FEB. 6 Address: 7610 El Cerrito Road; Coro- stitute for Mind Body Medicine’s Resil- Jan 29, 5 p.m. – 3x3 Basketball Tour-
The 452nd Air Mobility Wing is offer- na, CA 92881 ient Warrior. Classes are scheduled on nament
ing the First Key Supporter Briefing on Purpose: Speaking to middle school the A and B Unit Training Assemblies Feb 10 - Intramural Volleyball begins.
Feb. 6, 2016, from 9-11 a.m. in the 452nd students. The focus is to provide opportu- through September 2016. Topics for the Letter of Intent due in Fitness Center NLT
Operations Group main training room, nities for middle school students to get an six-part series include Jan. 21
Bldg. 2240. This briefing is to inform early start in exploring their career options Feb 11 – 12 p.m. – Functional Fitness
spouses, significant others, and parents of and to encourage students to complete - Stress Reactions and Relaxation Re- class
Airmen about the resources available pre- their education. sponse Feb 25 – 12 p.m. – Functional Fitness
deployment, during deployment, and rein- Event:YEMP (Youth Education Mo- class
tegration post deployment. The presenters tivation Program) - Getting Good Sleep Coming in 2016: Inter-Services Golf
are Elaine Valentine, director of psycho- Date: Thursday, February 18 - Mindfulness and a Positive State of Tournament, Team Cohesion Challenge,
logical health; Col. Richard Givens, wing Start time: 8:15 a.m. Mind Armed Forces 5K Run.
End time: 11:00 a.m. - Yin and Yang of Resiliency Call the Fitness & Sports center at 951-
- Yoga & Journaling 655-2292 to sign up or for more informa-
chaplain; Sara Templeton, Our Military Location: Corona Fundamental Inter- - Social Connections & Communication tion on these programs.
Time and Location: Class descriptions:
Kids liaison; 2nd Lt. Shelley Lawrence, mediate School (CFIS) UTA Sundays, 11 a.m. - noon Circuit Training – a high intensity in-
Bldg. 470, room 205 terval training class that integrated cardio
March Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Address: 1230 South Main Street; Co- Contact or and muscular endurance exercises
655-4551 for more information. No reser- Core – various classes from our Well-
Program coordinator; and Military One- rona, CA 92882 vation required. Beats system that focus entirely on work-
ing out your core
Source representative. To R.S.V.P. or if you Purpose: Speaking to middle school REGISTER FOR YELLOW Fit for Duty – a high-energy, extreme,
RIBBON EVENTS conditioning workout led by service mem-
have questions, contact Analiza Sell, Key students. The focus is to provide opportu- bers with expertise in fitness training
Upcoming dates for Yellow Ribbon Functional Fitness – A type of high-
Spouse mentor 452 AMW at sellproduc- nities for middle school students to get an events are Feb 19-21; and Mar 18-20. The intensity interval training combining car-
December, January and February Yellow dio and weight training into one short but early start in exploring their career options Ribbon events are now open for registra-
tion for eligible members. For more for- See BRIEFS page 5
SEEKING VOLUNTEER and to encourage students to complete mation, contact 1st Lt. Shelley Lawrence,
EMERGENCY SERVICES their education. your 452nd Air Mobility Wing Yellow
SUPPORT TEAM MEMBERS Ribbon representative, for details at 951-
Event:YEMP (Youth Education Mo- 655-4615.
tivation Program)
The March Field Emergency Manage- Date: Friday, February 26
ment Working Group is looking for vol- Start time: 7:45 a.m.
unteers who are interested in being part End time: 11:00 a.m.
of the Emergency Services Support Team Location: Norco Intermediate School
(ESST). Following a disaster, these volun- Address: 2711 Temescal Avenue; Nor-
teers are crucial to successfully recovering co, CA 92860
our base and assisting members who need Purpose: Speaking to middle school
help. Your efforts can make a big differ- students. The focus is to provide opportu-
ence. If you have questions or want to be- nities for middle school students to get an
come an integral part of the March ESST, early start in exploring their career options