Page 6 - March ARB Beacon 1-29-16
P. 6

by Jim Garamone                            documentation needed to get a driver’s    which physical access is necessary to use of REAL IDs for official purposes,”
'2'1HZV'HIHQVH0HGLD$FWLYLW\           license. Compliant cards must have
                                           specific security features to prevent      apply for benefits are two exceptions. an official said. “For most DOD instal-
   WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Defense            tampering, counterfeiting or duplica-
Department installations will no longer    tion of the document. The licenses also   Those attempting to gain physical lations, an identification card or an in-
accept driver’s licenses from Minnesota,   must present data in a common, ma-
Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico, and        chine-readable format.                    access to DOD installations must show stallation pass is required to facilitate
Washington as proof of identity, DOD
officials said.                                The REAL ID Act affects only ac-       an alternate form of identification, such access. Hence, where an ID or an instal-
                                           cess control policies where individuals
    Federal policy                         are required to present an identification  as a passport, officials said. Service lation pass is used for physical access,
   The ban, which also includes licenses   document for accessing federal facili-
from American Samoa, is a consequence      ties, entering nuclear power plants or    members, family members, DOD em- DOD installations are prohibited from
of the REAL ID Act of 2005.                boarding federally regulated commer-
   The REAL ID Act grew out of the         cial aircraft. The federal REAL ID Act    ployees, and federal employees with the accepting driver’s licenses or state iden-
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks -- most of the     implementation rules allow for excep-
terrorists involved had driver’s licenses  tions, officials noted. For example, they  DOD Common Access Card, DOD uni- tification cards from states deemed non-
from Florida and Virginia. Congress        explained life or safety issues such as
tightened up issuance processes and        medical emergencies and situations in     formed services identification and privi- REAL ID compliant.

                                                                                     leges cards, federal personal identifica- “DOD policy allows commanders to

                                                                                     tion verification cards or transportation waive the DOD access control require-

                                                                                     workers’ identification credentials are ments for special situations, circum-

                                                                                     not affected, officials said, as these cards stances, or emergencies,” the official

                                                                                     are authorized in DOD policy to facili- said. “Therefore, installations may au-

                                                                                     tate physical access to installations.  thorize other alternatives to facilitate

                                                                                     “All federal agencies including DOD installation access, such as a graduation

                                                                                     must comply with the law regarding the ceremony guest list, escorts, etc.”

                                                                                     Blended Retirement

                                                                                     Thrift Savings Plan account that contained government and optional member
                                                                                     ment Talking Points).
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