Page 7 - March ARB Beacon 1-29-16
P. 7
January 29, 2016 7
by Alan Strzemieczny, Lt. Col. (USAF retired) University of Southern California’s AFROTC Det. 060. He is also a member of the
and Vince Sanguinet, Lt. Col. (USAF retired) Robinson Risner Arnold Air Society, and was awarded a $2,000 Flight 30 scholar-
The local chapter of a national fraternity of military pilots awarded scholarships
to six, Southern California Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) There are 72 Daedalian Flights nationwide with about 13,000 members. Thir-
cadets at a luncheon on March Air Reserve Base, January 13, 2016. The scholar- tieth Flight, also known as the Hap Arnold Flight, consists of approximately 170
ships were presented by Brig. Gen. Russell Muncy commander, 452nd Air Mobility members, meets monthly at March Field, and was named “Outstanding Flight” by
Wing, on behalf of 30th Flight of the National Order of Daedalians. the National Order in 2009, 2011 and 2013.
Among the leading scholarship winners is Michael Kampbell, a junior at Cali- The Order, founded by World War I pilots, was named for Daedalus, the Greek
fornia State University San Bernardino (CSUSB), who is pursuing a business ad- mythological figure who fashioned wings of wax, string and feathers to escape from
ministration major and carries a 3.62 GPA. Kampbell, who is currently serving the island of Crete where he was being held prisoner.
as a recruiting squadron commander for CSUSB AFROTC Detachment 002, and
coaches youth sports in his spare time, was awarded a $2,500 Scholarship, and he The Hap Arnold Flight is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and pursues schol-
will be submitted to Daedalians National office for a matching $2,000 scholarship. arship fundraising activities during the year, among which is its Century Club.
People donating $100 or more become members of the Century Club. Those do-
Cadet Joshua Arnold, a sophomore at CSUSB majoring in business administra- nating $500 or more are designated “Aces.” All donations are tax deductible. In
tion, carries a 4.0 GPA, and was awarded a $2,500 Scholarship. Arnold is an honor 2015 seventy-nine members, widows and friends donated more than $16,900 to the
guard commander for Det. 002 and he will be recommended for a matching Daeda- Scholarship Fund.
lian National Military Standing and Aptitude scholarship of $500.
Scholarship applications are solicited from Southern California universities with
Daniel Benson, a junior at Cal Baptist University pursuing a criminal justice ROTC programs. A scholarship committee screens applications and the most prom-
major, carries a 3.77 GPA, and was awarded a $2,000 Scholarship. Benson is a Det. ising applicants are invited for an interview. Applicants are graded on criteria in-
002 cadet flight commander. cluding scholastic achievement, intent to pursue a career as a military pilot, moral
character, patriotism, and other military factors.
Daniel Kerry Cole, a senior at the University California Riverside, is a computer
engineering major with a 2.78 GPA. He is a Det 002 training squadron commander The Hap Arnold Flight also funds a program that provides flight training, in-
and was awarded a $2,000 scholarship. cluding ground school and flight instruction for ROTC cadets enrolled in Southern
California universities.
William Lewis, a senior at CSUSB majoring in criminal justice, holds a 3.66
GPA, is a Det. 002 previous flight commander, and was awarded a $2,000 scholar- Donations from the community to 30th Flight’s Scholarship Fund are welcome.
ship. Checks may be made payable to: Order of Daedalians, 30th Flight, and mailed to
17050 Arnold Dr. Box H-101, Riverside, CA 92518. Enter “Scholarship Fund” in
Aden Vaugh, a junior at Chapman University majoring in political science, main- the Memo line.
tains a 2.91 GPA, is director of training and cadet squadron commander at the
For more information contact Flight Captain Al Leach at 909-794-9174.