Page 1 - March ARB Beacon 3-11-16
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Vol. 81, No. 10                      March Air Reserve Base, California                                                           Friday, March 11, 2016


        COMMUNITY                                                                  U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Russell S. McMillan
      5K/10K RUN TO
Run/Walk and Mini Patriot Mile       &*OREHPDVWHU,,,DQG.&6WUDWRWDQNHUDLUFUDIW
to support veterans and prevent
homelessness in the veteran          by Senior Airman Russell S. McMillan          lationship each reservist and guardsman        space propulsion technician, 752nd Air-
community. Vets 4 Veterans, a        452 AMW public affairs                        faced: balancing the triad of family, mili-    craft Maintenance Squadron, March ARB.
local 501(c)3 organization, is in                                                  tary career, and civilian employment obli-     He explained that the aircraft he was flying
its 7th year of supporting veter-       Team March hosted approximately 40         gations. Civilian employers were critical in   on was an aircraft he conducts maintenance
ans through scholarships, im-        civilian employers during the 452nd Air       ensuring that balance, he emphasized.          on a regular basis.
mediate needs assistance and the     Mobility Wing Employer Appreciation
planning of a temporary housing      Day here Saturday.                               “We have to remember that each reserv-         Hugh Smith, engineering division man-
solution for at-risk veterans and                                                  ist [and guardsman] has the same standards     ager and a 26-year employee of the River-
their families. The homeless vet-       The event provides an opportunity to       and requirements as an active duty service     side County Transportation Department,
eran population in Los Angeles       thank civilian employers for supporting       member but they do it in one weekend a         also explained this was his first time partic-
County has risen by 6% over last     their citizen airmen, reservists and guards-  month and two weeks throughout the year,”      ipating in the program. “There was a lot of
year. The warriors who defend        men, while also educating employers on        said Patrick Kuykendall, program support       waiting,” he quipped when referring to the
our country deserve access to all    the significant role March Air Reserve         technician, Employer Support of the Guard      multiple transportation and security stops
programs that may assist them        Base provides in support of national de-      and Reserve. “You allowing them to go to       throughout the day’s itinerary.
to live better. Veterans, Veteran    fense. Additionally, employers receive the    their annual training to stay current…thank
Supporters, Families, Children,      opportunity to participate in an inflight re-  you so much on behalf of the Department           “We have these two aircraft and more
Social Welfare Groups, Sports        fueling demonstration aboard an Air Force     of Defense.”                                   at the I-215 Van Buren Boulevard Inter-
Trainers, Runners, Joggers, Mili-    C-17 Globemaster III and KC-135 Strato-                                                      change,” said Smith as he referred to the
tary, 1st Responders and anyone      tanker aircraft.                                 The event’s inflight refueling demon-        recently completed interchange construc-
else who wants to participate                                                      stration occurred near the Colorado River,     tion project that displayed aluminum sil-
is invited. Operation Restart           The day’s activities began at build-       where civilian employers aboard the KC-        houettes of C-17 Globemaster III and KC-
5K/10K Run Walk and Mini Pa-         ing 2240, where Brig. Gen. Russell A.         135 Stratotanker had the opportunity to        135 Stratotanker aircraft and the ground
triot Mile will be held on Satur-    Muncy, commander, 452nd Air Mobility          observe Chief Master Sgt. Deborah Mc-          forms of the AF Thunderbirds.
day, April 2, 2016 from 7 to 11      Wing, March ARB, warmly welcomed the          Guane, chief boom operator, 336th Air
a.m. at the Antelope Valley Mall,    visitors and explained March ARB’s rich       Refueling Squadron, March ARB demon-              After the refueling demonstration, civil-
1233 Rancho Vista Blvd, Palm-        heritage and various wing and tenant mis-     strate the proper execution of the refueling.  ian employers were released to visit their
dale, California 93551. Regis-       sion sets.                                                                                   reservist and guardsmen’s work offices for
tration and the starting line is in                                                   “This is my first time on the flight,” said   a closer look at the work conducted during
the Sears parking area. Online          Muncy also explained the symbiotic re-     Senior Airman Carlos Yamamoto, aero-           unit training assemblies.
registration is atwww.avvets- For info, contact
Michael Campbell at 714-919-
6709 or michael.campbell@av-


   Daylight Saving Time begins
on Sunday, March 13. The of-
ficial start is 2 a.m., don’t forget
to adjust all the analog clocks in
your home ahead one hour be-
fore you go to bed on Saturday.
Most digital devices adjust auto-
matically. The seasonal change

             See BRIEFS page 3
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