Page 2 - March ARB Beacon 3-11-16
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      2                                    :RPHQ¶V+LVWRU\0RQWKVSRWOLJKWMarch 11, 2016
THE                                        0DM&KULVWLQD+RSSHU¿JKWHUSLORW


    452 AMW Public Affairs






Senior Airman Russell McMillan

       7KH %HDFRQ LV SXEOLVKHG E\                                                                                                     86$LU)RUFHSKRWR'DYLG3RH
   WKH QG$LU 0RELOLW\ :LQJ 7KLV  Air Force Reserve Command Public Affairs          In 1999, Hopper entered active duty and       in battle with an Iraqi Republican Guard
   FLYLOLDQHQWHUSULVH$LU)RUFHQHZV-                                                    was selected to design and implement a new       unit.
   SDSHULVDQDXWKRUL]HGSXEOLFDWLRQ        ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga.                  pilot screening program, ensuring the Air
   IRU HPSOR\HHV DQG PHPEHUV RI       (AFNS) -- March is National Women’s His-       Force a qualified pool of candidates ready           U.S. ground forces later told Hopper that
   86PLOLWDU\VHUYLFHVUHWLUHHVDQG   tory Month and this year’s theme is “Work-     for flight training. She graduated Under-         when her bombs accurately hit their mark,
   IDPLO\PHPEHUV&RQWHQWVDUHQRW       ing to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring     graduate Pilot Training in April 2000 and        the Iraqi army retreated from the fight. For
   QHFHVVDULO\ WKH RI¿FLDO YLHZV RI  Women in Public Service and Government.”       was selected to fly the F-16, becoming one        her service in Operation Iraqi Freedom, she
   RUHQGRUVHGE\WKH86*RYHUQ-                                                       of only two African-American females and         was awarded the Air Medal (third oak leaf
   PHQWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVH           Women’s History Month started as a na-      50 total female fighter pilots in the Air Force   cluster), the Aerial Achievement Medal, and
   RUWKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFH     tional celebration in 1981, when Congress      at that time.                                    the Combat Action Medal.
                                           authorized the president to proclaim the
       7KH DSSHDUDQFH RI DGYHUWLV-      week beginning March 7, 1982, as Women’s          Upon completion of F-16 training, Hop-           For her historic contributions to the mili-
   LQJ LQ WKLV QHZVSDSHU LQFOXGLQJ   History Week.                                  per was assigned to the 524th Fighter Squad-     tary and women in aviation, Good House-
   LQVHUWVRUVXSSOHPHQWVGRHVQRW                                                      ron, Cannon AFB, New Mexico. Following           keeping magazine named Hopper as one of
   FRQVWLWXWH HQGRUVHPHQW RI WKH          In 1987, Congress designated the month      the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, Hopper      the 2004 “Outstanding Woman in Govern-
   SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV E\ WKH 'H-    of March 1987 as Women’s History Month.        flew numerous combat air patrol missions in       ment.” She was additionally recognized by
   SDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVHWKH'HSDUW-        Since 1995, Presidents Bill Clinton, George    support of Operation Noble Eagle protect-        Glamour magazine, Ebony magazine, and
   ment of the Air Force or Aerotech       W. Bush and Barack Obama have issued a         ing the U.S. president and critical infrastruc-  the 700 Club.
   1HZVDQG5HYLHZ,QF                  series of annual proclamations designating     ture. In 2002-2003, she deployed to Kuwait
                                           the month of March as Women’s History          supporting Operations Southern Watch and            After her first assignment, Hopper served
       (YHU\WKLQJ DGYHUWLVHG LQ WKLV                                                  Iraqi Freedom.                                   four years at Luke AFB, Arizona, as an
   QHZVSDSHU VKDOO EH PDGH DYDLO-         Throughout the month, Air Force Re-                                                          F-16 instructor pilot and separated from the
   able for purchase, use or patron-       serve Command will feature Air Force Re-          During those operations, Hopper flew           active-duty Air Force in 2008 with almost
   DJHZLWKRXWUHJDUGWRUDFHFRORU     serve women whose contributions to the         more than 50 combat missions and became          1,000 hours in the F-16.
   religion, sex, national origin, age,    military and community pay homage to this      the first African-American female fighter
   PDULWDO VWDWXV SK\VLFDO KDQGL-      year’s theme.                                  pilot to fight in a major war.                       Today, Hopper balances a busy sched-
   FDS SROLWLFDO DI¿OLDWLRQ RU DQ\                                                                                                   ule as a full-time mother of three, mili-
   other non-merit factor of the pur-         Today’s Air Force Reserve honoree is           While on a combat mission during one of       tary spouse, and Air Force Reserve T-38
   chaser, user or patron.                 Maj. Christina “Thumper” Hopper, a T-38        the worst sandstorms in recorded Iraqi his-      instructor pilot, where she trains, in-
                                           instructor pilot with the 5th Flying Training  tory, Hopper’s aircraft was struck by light-     structs and mentors the next generation
       (GLWRULDOFRQWHQWLVHGLWHGSUH-   Squadron in Vance Air Force Base, Okla-        ning, disabling her hostile threat warning       of fighter and bomber pilots. In 2015, she
   SDUHG DQG SURYLGHG E\ WKH VWDII   homa.                                          system. Despite possible danger, her forma-      launched “Vance Supergirls,” a mentor-
   RI WKH QG $LU 0RELOLW\ :LQJ                                                   tion continued to the target and completed       ship group for female aviators. Through
   3XEOLF$IIDLUV RI¿FH DW 0DUFK$LU      Career highlights: Hopper graduated         the mission successfully. The bombs she          this group, Hopper forged lines of com-
   5HVHUYH %DVH $OO SKRWRJUDSKV       with honors and received her commission as     dropped that night impacted a road intersec-     munication between female instructors
   LQWKH%HDFRQDUH$LU)RUFHSKR-        the distinguished graduate of the Air Force    tion where U.S. Army forces were engaged         and students to encourage the success of
   WRV XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH VWDWHG )RU   Reserve Officer Training Corps Program at                                                        future female pilots.
   DGYHUWLVLQJ FRQWDFW$HURWHFK GL-     the University of Texas, Austin in May 1998.

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