Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 1, 2020
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2   May 1, 2020                                             Commentary                                         Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                     news                                                            May 1, 2020    3                                                                                                                                                      
   Intentional parenting                                                                                                                                            Feeding Hope:

   by Chaplain (Capt.) Jerry Stout                   over the water’s edge, so I yelled, “High knees, boys, high knees!”                                            Team 432 hands out
   Moody AFB, Ga.                                    Unfortunately, with the sound of the waves they misinterpreted
                                                     my instruction.  The intensity in their faces strengthened as they
     If you’re a parent, my guess is you’ve thought about what it’s  ran ashore yelling, “Chinese, Chinese!”  We’ve been to the beach
   going to be like when your child leaves home one day. And if  every year since, and you know what we boys do as soon as we hit
   you’re a parent during this quarantine, that day can’t come soon  the water? You guessed it, the good ole Stout Chinese water drill!                             pizza during COVID-19
   enough (just kidding … but seriously).              Once you rekindle or create a tradition, make sure you capture
     Many of us have exhausted our weekend routines over the past  those memories. It is 2020 folks!
   months as we’ve been quarantined to our homes with our little   All of us have cameras in our pockets, including most of our
   ones. We’ve played the board games, watched the movies, sung  kids! A buddy of mine has a great family photo where they’re
   the songs, chalked the driveways and re-organized the closets.  circled around the table and there’s a circular cake being held
   Right about now we feel like college freshmen who walked into the  by his mother. However, there’s a flat edge on the bottom of the   Air Force photograph by 1st Lt. Faith Brodkorb
   neuroscience lecture thinking we signed up for home economics.  circle, which most certainly catches the viewers eye.  His mom   Staff Sgt. Christopher Hahn, 824th Base Defense Squadron
   What did we get ourselves into?!                  makes this cake every year to remember when they got the flat   non-commissioned officer in charge of the armory, walks
     Perhaps some expert wisdom could provide us with some  tire on their vacation and everyone made fun of dad for kicking   with his daughter after the homecoming ceremony at
   guidance as we slowly exit our homes and reenter our communi-  and swearing while he changed out the tire! That photo sits in his   Moody Air Force Base, Ga., May 9, 2019.
   ties. Doug and Cathy Fields, experts in marriage and family mat-  living room 20 years later.
   ters, provide helpful tips on creating positive and fun memories.   Another thought about making memories: You’ve got to work
     As a parent, you’re building memories whether you’re inten-  to create adventures. If you live near water, go fishing at night …  Parents, stop buying boring bagged popcorn. Get an air popper
   tional or not. So here’s the question, are they going to be good  in fact, do it at midnight! If you live in the city, I don’t know, go  and make it on the living room floor!
   memories or bad memories? Now, when I mention memories,  rat hunting!  Take those fancy DOD headlamps out for a night   Let’s be honest, nothing said here is rocket science. But many
   your buttons may be pushed because you don’t have good memo-  hike around the neighborhood. Mix up the activities, surprise  of us lack confidence in parenting because we simply don’t have a                                                                                          Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard
   ries of growing up. Maybe there was some pain or abuse in your  them with the timing, and loosen the rules for a change. Create  plan. We’re winging it! Regardless if you have toddlers or quaran-                                                                      A first sergeant from Creech Air Force Base delivers
   past and the childhood scenes that play through your head are  opportunities that would normally go against some of the house  teenagers, it’s never too late to change the trajectory of whatever                                                                       pizza to hand out to Creech families during a drive-
   not good. For that, I’m terribly sorry. I don’t know what you’ve  rules (rebels!). Parents are stressed out these days and our children  your child needs. You are the single greatest influence in your                                                                 thru dinner give-away event in Las Vegas, Nev., April
   been through, but I do know that you understand the power of  are no different. Having adventures with mom or dad helps them  child’s life. Your actions, values and beliefs determine who your
   memories. Here’s the good news: we can all redeem our childhood  release anxiety, diminish their fears and lessen their hostility and  child becomes more than anything else. The only time someone                                                                      10, 2020. The event was executed in an effort to boost
   memories by creating new ones with our children.  anger. It’s a myth that the fun goes away as you mature. In my  else gains that influence is when we, as parents, check out. My                                                                                        the morale of Airmen and families, who were asked
     Let’s start with family traditions. If you don’t already have one,  humble opinion, that couldn’t be farther from the truth! Ancient  friends, you don’t have to be a perfect parent to be a good parent.                                                              to stay in their vehicles, as first sergeants, and other
   make one up! Traditions add to the flavor of good memories. Ice  wisdom literature assures us that a cheerful heart is good medi-  Reread the first line of this article again and imagine standing                                                                      volunteers, handed them pizza while maintaining
   cream sundaes, scavenger hunts, coaster catch at restaurants …  cine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. The opposite of  on the front porch, waving goodbye to your kids. What I should                                                                      minimal contact and practicing Centers for Disease
   these little things are remembered for decades!   fun isn’t serious. The opposite of fun is, well, not fun!   have asked was, what will your children be thinking about YOU?                                                                                             Control preventative measures.
     My boys’ first trip to the ocean was a hoot. Having grown up in   Which brings me to my final point, you want to try and be a  My hope is they’ll be thinking that their parents loved them so
   the upper Midwest, they hadn’t experienced sand, waves, seashells  parent who emphasizes fun. If your kids don’t have fun at home,  well. Wouldn’t that be great? Remember, you’re their hero, and
   and ocean breezes. In typical boy fashion, they bolted into the  I promise, they’ll look for it somewhere else. To make fun happen  this crazy culture has nothing on you! My friends, we’re in this
   ocean only to get rocked by an inbound wave. As they tirelessly  you have to schedule it. Dads, sit on the floor and play Pretty-  together, and we’re going to have the hap-hap-happiest time ever.
   tried to head back to shore, they struggled to get their short legs  Pretty Princess. Moms, pull that hair back and start a Nerf war.   Blessings!

   Coming together through social distancing                                                                                                                        An Airman from Creech Air Force Base waves to Airmen and families during a drive-thru
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard

                                                                                                                                                                    dinner giveaway event in Las Vegas, Nev., April 10, 2020. The event was only possible
                                                                                                                                                                    through the good will of Creech AFB first sergeants and 432nd Aircraft Maintenance
   by Senior Airman Caleb Nunez         a result, we are becoming increasingly kind  humans are social creatures and we need to   We are now, more than ever, finding ways   Squadron civic leader Ken Howe, who worked together to offer free dinner to boost the
   MacDill AFB, Fla.                    toward each other.                    communicate to survive. Where we could  to remain connected with those who matter in   morale of Creech Airmen and families during COVID-19.
                                           Even though I am seeing people panick-  send a quick text before, many of us are choos-  our lives because we understand that they can
     Troubled times tend to amplify both the  ing and hoarding supplies, I am also seeing  ing to make a phone call. FaceTime dates are  be gone at any moment in a crisis such as this.
   positives and the negatives in humanity. And  neighbors helping each other. Even though  becoming the best option to socialize while   It is difficult to predict how the COVID-19   RIGHT: First sergeants from Creech Air Force Base deliver pizza to hand out to Creech
   while social media focuses on the negatives,  I am seeing people behave carelessly, I am  protecting the safety of everyone involved.  crisis will evolve. Things might get worse   families during a drive-thru dinner giveaway event in Las Vegas, Nev., April 10, 2020. The
   amid the severity of the current situation, a  also seeing  support groups popping up   My family has had two birthdays since  before they get any better. We face more chal-  event was executed in an effort to boost the morale of Airmen and families, who were
   beautiful thing is occurring.        everywhere. A lot of acts of kindness are  the quarantine started. We got about 20 of us  lenging times ahead, but eventually, things   asked to stay in their vehicles, as first sergeants, and other volunteers, handed them pizza
     We are physically more isolated from each  happening around us at all times. And while  to join a group FaceTime for both of them. It  will go back to normal. Like everyone, I hope   while maintaining minimal contact and practicing Centers for Disease Control preventative
   other than we have ever been, but I believe  these acts of kindness might not get our at-  was a mess! But we were all together despite  this happens soon. I miss complaining about   measures.
   this time of crisis and social distancing is  tention as much as people fighting over toilet  our physical distance. We also revived an  how tired I am or how much I “love” my job.                                                                                                    Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard
   ultimately bringing us together.     paper, we should continue to perform them  old WhatsApp family chat, where we can all  But mostly, I hope that when that day comes,
     COVID-19 does not differentiate when it  as much as we can.              share memes or argue about politics or just  we remember this crisis as one that brought   america, from Page 1  									  care workers, first responders, military,   More dates and times will be posted  is difficult to move funds appropriated
   comes to race, religion or social status. We   The most noticeable development is that  plain roast each other. It feels like time has  us together and made us kind to each other.                    essential employees, and aims to unite all  when available.               for one area to be moved to another,
   are beginning to realize that we are all in this  we are checking in on each other more often.  stopped and somehow reverted back to when I  The challenge will be to keep it that way while   The Blue Angels, based at Naval Air  Americans in the fight against COVID-19,
   together (cue High School Musical song). As   Regardless of what any introvert says,  was growing up with my cousins all together.  we go back to our daily lives.                                                                             The teams welcome and encourage  and would probably require Congres-
                                                                                                                                                                    Station Pensacola, Fla., and Thunderbirds,  it also fulfills critical training require-  viewers to tag the flyover on social me-  sional approval.
                                                                                                                                                                    based at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., typi-  ments for both teams. Pilots must execute  dia with the hashtag #AmericaStrong.  While the 2020 air show season
                                                                                                                                                                    cally fly at more than 30 air shows each   a minimum number of flight hours to   There has been some criticism con-  is on hold, pilots of both teams have
                                            Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number
                                         published by Aerotech News and Review, a private   Review of the products or services advertised.   of a person to contact must be included in the event   year to demonstrate American military   maintain proficiency. These flyovers will  cerning the costs involved. Officials  continued to fly in order to maintain
                                         firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force.   Everything advertised in the publication shall be   questions arise.   aviation. This year, both teams have been   incur no additional cost to taxpayers.  pointed out that money had already  proficiency requirements. It is impor-
                                         Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition   made available for purchase and use of patronage   All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity   forced to cancel many performances   In order to reach the maximum  been appropriated for the current air  tant to remember that service mem-
         Desert Lightning News Staff     are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   and conformity to the Associated Style Guide, to
      Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review  by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government,   origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political   include military ranks and proper writing etiquette.  in response to Department of Defense   number of Americans, some portions of  show season — money that, at this  bers assigned to the demonstration
      Stuart Ibberson, Editor            the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff   direction resulting from the COVID-19   America Strong will feature only the Blue  time, is not being used. As anyone  teams are still active duty members
      Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout                                                                              members strive for accurac y each week .          outbreak.
      Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales   Air Force.                           purchaser, user or patron.          If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert                                      Angels or the Thunderbirds, while others  who has experience with the military  of the U.S. military and, as such, must
                                            The appearance of advertising in this publication,   The deadline for submissions to Desert   Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail    While America Strong will showcase   will include both teams flying in their sig-  budget procedures is well aware, that  maintain their real-world military
      cONTacT: editorial Staff at 334-718-3509  including inserts and supplements, does not constitute   Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,
      For editorial staff: e-mail  an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the   the week of desired publication date., and we will consider   Department of Defense support to health-  nature Delta formations simultaneously.  money could be used elsewhere, but it  readiness levels.
                                                                                                                  publishing a correction when appropriate.
      cONTacT: advertising Sales at 661-945-5634
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                                                                     Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. (877) 247-9288 •
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