Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 1, 2020
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4   May 1, 2020                                           veterans’ news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                      news                                                           May 1, 2020    5                                                                                                                                                      

   Nevada’s COVID-19 ‘patient zero’ celebrates                                                                                                                      DOD allows remote extension of iD cards

   release from North Las Vegas VA Medical Center                                                                                                                   by Jim Garamone                                                                               Army Pfc. Ryan       Individuals must continue to visit an

                                                                                                                                                                    DOD News                                                                                      C hi s h o lm  u s e s   ID card office for first-time CAC issu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  personal protective   ance, for replacement of a CAC that has
     Ronald Pipkins, Nevada’s first patient                                                                        two consecutive negative COVID tests                Is your military ID card expiring, but                                                     equipment and      already expired, and for CAC PIN resets.
   to test positive for COVID-19, left the                                                                         in early April, Pipkins has undergone            with social distancing and various stay-                                                      practices social     ID card issuance offices will not reis-
   North Las Vegas VA medical center to the                                                                        intense rehabilitation with VASNHS               at-home orders in effect, you aren’t sure                                                     distancing while   sue an ID card simply because of printed
   cheers of VA Southern Nevada Health-                                                                            physical and occupational therapists.            whether you’ll be able to renew it?                                                           checking a motorist’s   changes, the most common being a
   care System staff on April 20.                                                                                  “My recovery has been really strong,”               The Department of Defense has                                                              ID at Fort Bliss,   name change or promotion.
     Nearly two months after testing                                                                               Pipkins said. “It’s all coming together          changed the process to allow service                                                          Texas, March 27,     DOD can remotely issue first-time
   positive with the virus, and three weeks                                                                        and once I get to rehab, I know that I’ll        members and civilians to temporarily                                                          2020. The Defense   uniformed services IDs — for example,
   since awakening from a coma, Pipkins is                                                                         pick up the pace.”                               extend the life of their cards as the nation                                                  Department has     dependent or retiree IDs. DOD also
   transferring to a local medical rehabilita-                                                                        And while Pipkins is excited to con-          battles the COVID-19 pandemic. These                                                          changed the process   can remotely replace lost or stolen
   tion facility.                                                                                                  tinue on his road to recovery, he appreci-       extended cards that appear expired on                                                         to allow service   uniformed services dependent and re-
     “It feels fantastic,” Pipkins said. “I hate                                                                   ates the life-saving care he’s received at       their face can continue to be used for                                                        m em b er s  a nd   tiree IDs. Remotely-issued uniformed
   to leave, I made a lot of friends, but I’ve                                                                     the North Las Vegas VA medical center.           access to benefits, including health care                                                     civilians to extend   services ID cards will be issued with an
   got to go and see my family.”                                                                                   “I’m grateful I’m at the VA because the          and entry to installations and buildings                                                      the life of their ID   expiration date not to exceed one year
     Pipkins has inspired staff and veterans                                                                       people here have waited on me hand and           and to systems and networks.                                                                  cards as the nation   from the date it’s issued. This does not
   alike with his strength and perseverance,                                                                       foot,” Pipkin said. “The staff here are very        Matthew P. Donovan, undersecretary                                                         battles the COVID-19   apply to CACs.
   even receiving recognition over a phone                                                                         professional and I’m really proud of the         of defense for personnel and readiness,                              Army photograph by Staff Sgt. Kris Bonet pandemic.  The minimum age for initial family
   call from Nev. Gov. Steve Sisolak.                                                                              service I’ve received here.”                     and the Joseph D. Kernan, undersec-                                                                              member IDs has increased from 10 to 14.
     “I never thought I’d be famous just                                                                              Pipkins urges Americans to not take           retary of defense for intelligence and                                                                             Continued use of reserve-component
   for being alive,” Pipkins said. “But I                                                                          COVID-19 lightly. “Listen to the health          security, released the policy changes  issuing office. Normally, DOD issues  tion may have the certificates updated  uniformed services ID cards to obtain
   hope that I can make people realize how                                                                         professionals. A lot of people think it          in memos published April 7 and April  between 18,000 and 20,000 ID cards  using ID Card Office Online to allow for  active duty benefits is authorized for
   serious this virus is. I wish no one would                                                                      won’t get them, but if it gets you, you will     16. The temporary policies are in place  each day at more than 1,600 sites around  continued use for logical access through  mobilized reservists and their eligible
   get this disease. This is a terrible virus                                                          Courtesy photos  feel some very painful things happening     through Sept. 30.                     the world.                           Sept. 30, according to an April 16 Dono-  dependents.
   because once it gets ahold of you, it really   Medical Center March 2 for pneumonia.  tive. He spent much of the last month on   to your body. So I tell you, ‘put on the   The changes allow people to adhere to   Under these new COVID-19 response  van memo. However, officials emphasize   For more information go to DOD
   tries to take you out.”              After developing a fever, he was tested  a ventilator in a medically induced coma   mask. Going to work is not as important   social distancing practices by updating  processes, common access cards, known  that individuals must extend their certifi-  Response to COVID-19 — DOD ID
     The 55-year-old Marine Corps veteran   for COVID-19, and within 24 hours, his  while battling the illness.    as living. It’s better to be broke and alive     or renewing their ID cards from their  as CACs, that expire on or after April 16,  cates before the printed expiration date  Cards and Benefits at https://www.cac.
   was admitted to the North Las Vegas VA   results came back as a presumptive posi-  After regaining consciousness and   than to have money and be dying.’”        homes with no need to visit an ID card  2020, and are within 30 days of expira-  on their CAC.                   mil/Coronavirus/.

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