Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 1, 2020
P. 6

6   May 1, 2020                                                     news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                     news                                                            May 1, 2020    7                                                                                                                                                      

   1-221 Cavalry steps up to support Las Vegas hospitals                                                                                                             THuNDeRBIRDS

   by Staff Sgt. Ryan Getsie
   Las Vegas, Nev.
      Soldiers with the Nevada Army National Guard’s 1-221 Cav-                                                                                                      honor healthcare, frontline
   alry helped local hospitals transport, set up and secure tents
   for overflow patient care in one of many COVID-19 missions.
      More than 1,000 Nevada Guard Soldiers and Airmen are
   on duty to support the coronavirus response across the state.                                                                                                     workers in Colorado
   This activation is one of the largest in Nevada history.
      From warehouse operations to distribute emergency medi-
   cal supplies to food distribution through the Clark County                                                                                                          Each year, the U.S. Air Force  flyover were Greeley, Fort Collins,
   School District, the soldiers of the 221st have taken off their                                                                                                   Thunderbirds travel to Colorado to  Boulder, Denver, Aurora, Colorado
   armor in exchange for humanitarian assistance to Las Vegans                                                                                                       perform a flyover at the U.S. Air Force  Springs and Pueblo.
   in this time of need.                                                                                                                                             Academy in Colorado Springs.          Earlier in April, the team flew over
      On April 17, 1st Lt. Benjamin Holden, with the 221st Cav-                                                                                                        This year, as part of their Academy  Las Vegas.
   alry, began to command 17 soldiers to help hospitals transport                                                                                                    tradition, the team also  flew over   Moving forward — the Thunder-
   and set up tents for emergency use by patients.                                                                                                                   cities and towns in the state to honor  birds have teamed up with the U.S.
      “Our mission is to set up tents for local hospitals, so if they                                                                                                and salute the frontline workers in the  Navy Blue Angels for Operation
   were to hit capacity during this COVID-19 crisis, they would                                                                                                      worldwide battle against COVID-19.  America Strong. For more on America
   have an overflow area for patients.” Holden said.                                                                                                                 Cities and towns included in the  Strong, see Page 1.
      Each tent will support about 20 patients.
      None of the soldiers had experience setting up these struc-
   tures, but one thing that Guard soldiers offer is a diverse civil-
   ian experience, Holden said.
      “One of the great assets we have as Guard soldiers is being
   civilians in our everyday lives,” he said. “I think that experi-
   ence helped us coordinate and eventually set up these tents.
   Some of these soldiers work construction: they’re planners
   and engineers.”
      Many of the Nevada Guard soldiers called up have been
   furloughed or laid off due to this pandemic.
      “Everyone involved has been impacted, whether you’re                                                                      Army photograph by Sgt. Walter Lowell
   employed or not. You are still impacted in one way, shape, or   Soldiers of the Nevada Army National Guard receive medical supplies at a warehouse east of Sparks, Nev., as
   form. Your way of life has changed, and it probably will be   part of the COVID-19 pandemic response in the Silver State. More than 1,000 Nevada National Guard Soldiers
   for some time.”                                         and Airmen are helping fight COVID-19 across the state.

   aFOteC, Det. 6 ensures fighter jet innovations relevant

     Operational Test and Evaluation is a crucial part  and evaluation of the Air Force’s fighter jets. After   The UOTT’s manning and expertise spans all
   of staying at the cutting edge of technology and  nearly eight months of planning and coordination,  three services as provided by AFOTEC and Opera-
   maintaining air, space and cyberspace superiority.  the F-35 U.S. Operational Test Team stood up Dec.  tional Test Forces for the Department of Navy. Air
     The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation  19, 2019.                                          Force and Marine Corps personnel are currently
   Center, headquartered at Kirkland Air Force Base,   The UOTT is the successor to the JSF Operational  housed in the AFOTEC Detachment 6 building at
   N.M., is at the epicenter for ensuring our innovations  Test Team, which is currently executing the multi-  Nellis to enable the UOTT’s mission per the memo-
   are relevant and timely in getting to the warfighters  national and multi-service Initial Operational Test  randum of agreement signed by AFOTEC and COTF
   so they are best prepared in fighting the good fight.  and Evaluation mission, with the participation our  in December 2019.
     Hosted at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., AFOTEC  foreign partners in the United Kingdom, Australia    Navy and Air Force UOTT personnel are also as-
   Detachment 6 is responsible for the operational test  and the Netherlands.                          signed to Edwards with plans extend operations to
                                                       The UOTT is be a multi-service operational test  Yuma in the future as well.
                                                     organization responsible for ensuring the interoper-  The F-35 achieved Initial Operational Capability
                                                     ability of the three F-35 variants across the Air Force,  status from each service between 2016 and 2018. As
                                                     Navy and Marine Corps operational test squadrons  the newest fighter aircraft in the Defense Depart-
                                                     and will provide a unified and comprehensive tri-  ment’s inventory enters sustainment and follow-on
                                                     service evaluation of all F-35 variants.          modernization, the UOTT is responsible for opera-
                                                       Test squadrons include the 422nd TES at Nellis  tionally evaluating the effectiveness and suitability of
                                                     AFB, VMX-1 at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma,  the newly integrated capabilities on the Air Vehicle
                                                     Ariz., and the VX-9 Detachment at Edwards Air  System for decades to come. Creation of the unit
                                                     Force Base, Calif.                                was a huge milestone in the F-35 enterprise, and
                                                       The UOTT acts as a joint unit from the top down.  it’s already reaping benefits as the unit has met the
                                                       The current director is U.S. Air Force Col. David  COVID-19 challenge head-on and produced several
                                                     J. “Derby” Ross, and the current deputy director is  test plans, long range plans, and other F-35 work in a
                                                     U.S. Marine Crops Lt. Col. David A. “Penguin” Mer-  safe environment when others in the enterprise could
                                                     ritt. In a virtual ceremony scheduled for May 1, Air  not due to factors outside their control.
                                                     Force Col. Scott C. Mills will assume command. Mills   Innovation is still alive and thriving and despite
                                                     comes from the Pentagon. Ross is heading to Kunsan  the uncertain times we are facing when things return
                                                     Air Base, South Korea, where he will be deputy com-  to normal, there is progress to being made to keep
                                                     mander of the 8th Fighter Wing.                   our stronghold as a superpower.
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