Page 11 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-12-15
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BULLSEYE News 11June 12, 2015
IDC helps Airmen prepare for deployment
By Airman 1st Class Jake Carter Senior Airman Nicholas based training required for deployment; schedule them
Tendam, 99th Logistics for all hands-on training such as weapons firing, chemical
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Readiness Squadron warfare, pre-deployment briefs, and any additional training
individual protective required locally.”
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — With Nellis and equipment technician,
Creech AFBs being a high-operations tempo bases, both fills a mobility bag with Before Nellis and Creech AFB Airmen deploy, they must
installations see a large contingency of Airmen deploy equipment at the installation process through the IDC’s deployment line, where they
throughout the year from all units around the bases. deployment center on receive vital information and equipment that is necessary
Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., for wherever they will deploy.
The 99th Logistic Readiness Squadron’s installation June 10. The mission of the
deployment center personnel are always ready to support installation deployment “The deploying Airmen receive minimal equipment
Airmen who are about to deploy. center is to is to notify units from Nellis AFB because the majority go to locations that
when taskings are received have Expeditionary Theater Distribution Centers where
“The mission of the deployment center is to notify units from Air Combat Command they receive their cold-weather B-Bags and their chemical
when a tasking is received from (Air Combat Command) to support combatant C-Bags,” Doran said. “The majority also do not hand carry
to support combatant commanders. The individual units U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter commanders downrange. weapons as most are pre-staged at the forward locations.
receive the tasking and provide the names or shortfall pa- Every Airman receives a modified A-Bag, which includes
perwork to the deployment center,” said Joel Doran, 99th achieve 100 percent pre-deployment requirements before web belt, canteen, helmet, and any additional equipment
Logistics Readiness Squadron installation deployment they are able to leave. identified in their respective reporting instructions.”
officer for Nellis and Creech AFBs, and the Nevada Test
and Training Range. “Installation Personnel Readiness “My responsibility to all personnel on a daily basis is to With the activity at the deployment center, the section
Airmen also track the personnel returning by having the remind and ensure all required training and personal docu- runs efficiently despite being undermanned, which con-
unit deployment managers notify them when personnel ments are current at all times and/or reflect changes as fam- sists of one officer, three enlisted, and one civilian; and the
return so they can change their duty status in (Military ily/individual status changes occur,” said Jeri Cooper, 99th Installation Personnel Readiness section consists of three
Personnel Data System). Comptroller Squadron and Wing Staff Agencies UDM. enlisted and one civilian.
“Prior to personnel entering their AEF Cycle I’m required
“Each year, between 1,500 and 2,000 Airmen process to have them accomplish their pre-deployment training “The deployment center is a busy place, as we see deploy-
through the deployment center, including members of the and turn it in, so once selected for deployment I brief them ing members multiple times and the current (Air Expedi-
99th, 57th, 53rd, 505th, 432nd and 23rd Wings, the 820th on their requirements; make sure they have all pertinent tionary Forces) periods provide a focused deployment for
RED HORSE, and all additional tenant personnel deploy- information; have them accomplish additional computer- personnel instead of spreading them throughout the year,”
ing,” Doran said. Doran said. “The unit deployment managers are the key
to the success of the deployment center in meeting
UDMs at Nellis initiate contact with Airmen that are suspense and identifying shortfalls.”
scheduled to deploy by giving them the proper tools to
Walker Furniture Soliciting Letters for Annual “Help for Heroes” A FULL SERVICE FIRM
Program Designed To Help Provide a Better Quality Of Life
For Wounded Active Military And Veterans DEMPSEY, ROBERTS & SMITH, LTD.
Nomination Letters Accepted Now Security Clearance Issues, Personal Injury,
Probate, Family Law, Wrongful Death and more
On May 11, 2015, Walker Furniture kicked off the company’s annual “Help for Heroes” program
and began accepting letters of recommendation on behalf of wounded U.S. military personnel and Call to schedule an appointment
veterans in Clark County, who are in need of specialized furniture items.
Dempsey, Roberts & Smith, Ltd.
According to company CEO, Larry Alterwitz, Walker Furniture created the Help for Heroes Attorneys at Law
program to “help make day-to-day living a little easier for a segment of the community that is often
Alterwitz said this year, Help for Heroes will once again provide some relief for 10 active military 8JHXBN1BSLXBZt)FOEFSTPO
personnel and/or veterans. The program runs through June 26th and relies on letters from the
community, describing the situations of prospective recipients.
“We must remember what these men and women have sacrificed and done for us,” Alterwitz said.
“The Veterans Administration helps them, but is limited in what they can do beyond their medical
needs.” Walker Furniture will provide certain necessary items that are not generally available
through the VA, such as lift chairs, adjustable beds, new mattresses, dining sets and a variety of
other possibilities. Each delivery will be specific to the needs of each recipient.
Letters received by Walker Furniture will be reviewed and evaluated by an independent panel
headed by Commander John Rupe of the American Legion Paradise Post 149. The post commander
will personally visit each prospective recipient to evaluate their individual needs. The furniture
items will be delivered shortly after a special presentation event, to be held at the American Legion
Paradise Post 149 in early July.
Letters should be sent to:
Larry Alterwitz, CEO
Walker Furniture
301 S. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Letters can be mailed by US Postal Service, faxed (702) 384-7772, hand delivered or e-mailed to Letters can also be submitted online by visiting
The letters must be received by June 26th to be reviewed.
Alterwitz said several local non-profit organizations have come forward to offer assistance toward
Help for Heroes, including the Las Vegas Rescue Mission, which will give food and other items to
recipients if needed, as well as support in many other areas. Famous Dave’s will also partner with
Walker and hold a food drive at all their valley locations, Famous Dave’s will also provide food for
the Veterans and their families at the special event.
In conjunction with Help for Heroes, Walker Furniture is also asking the community to drop off
non-perishable food items and toiletries to the company’s Main Showroom at 301 S. Martin Luther
King Blvd. or the Walker Warehouse/Outlet at 4150 E. Cheyenne Ave. All donated items will go
toward supplying the food pantry at the American Legion Paradise Post 149. Alterwitz noted that
with enough support from the community, the food collected could provide the pantry with enough
reserves to last until the end of the year.
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