Page 7 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-12-15
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BULLSEYE                                                                          News           7June 12, 2015                                                     

LGBT month teaches love, not hate

By Staff Sgt. Darlene Seltmann          Jason Couillard, U.S. Air Force Air                                                                                                                                                                        Courtesy photograph
                                        Demonstration Squadron photo-
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs       journalist.                               June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month and Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
                                                                                  will be hosting events to spread awareness about the importance of the month and recognize
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE,                  Couillard has served for over          the struggles individuals have faced because of their sexual orientation. On Sept. 20, 2011,
Nev.—Integrity first, service before    four years, and it wasn’t until Oct       the “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal went into full implementation allowing lesbians, gays and
self and excellence in all we do are    22, 2012, that he openly admitted         bisexuals serving in the U.S Armed Forces to serve openly.
the core values every Airman lives by.  he was gay.

   It’s hard to be a person of integ-      “I came out because I was getting
rity if you’re unable to live openly    into a serious relationship with my
and honestly with who you are.          (now) husband,” Couillard said. “I
                                        was tired of hiding it. Every day I
   President Barack Obama issued        had to live with the guilt of lying
Proclamation No. 8387 for Lesbian,      to myself. No longer do I have the
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender           burden of being closeted on my
Pride Month in 2009. However,           shoulders.” 
lenience wouldn’t be given for one’s
sexual orientation by the Depart-          The repeal of DADT has since
ment of Defense for another two         given others the courage to come
years.                                  out and no longer feel obligated to
                                        hide their lifestyle.
   Sept. 20, 2011, marked a day in
history for lesbians, gays and bi-         Austrie Martinez, a former staff
sexuals serving in the U.S Armed        sergeant in the U.S Air Force, had
Forces; that day, the “don’t ask,       to conceal her relationship with her
don’t tell” repeal went into full       wife for years.
implementation allowing them to
serve openly.                              “I came out because I needed to
                                        be myself,” Martinez said. “I was
   “It was the day we were able to      living a double life. It felt like I was
go to work and be honest about          selling myself short and cheating on
who we were without worrying
about reprisal,” said Senior Airman     ________See LGBT, on page 9


Grilled, Flat Iron Steak                              Celebrating Father’s Day ALL MONTH           Farm-Ribs
                                                           with two chipotle, honey-glazed
              served with arugula pesto,                                                        featuring a Dr. Pepper BBQ sauce,
            grilled polenta and broccolini                 Pork Chops                        served with corn, cole slaw and a biscuit

                   $18                                roasted red potatoes and Mexican slaw                 $12

           For reservations, visit                $19

Consider today a win.




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