Page 3 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-12-15
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BULLSEYE News 3June 12, 2015
USAF AMMOS graduates 11th AMSC class
U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Siuta B. Ika The U.S. Air
Force Advanced
Maintenance and
Munitions Operations
School celebrated
another milestone
recently, graduating
i t s 11t h Ad v a n ce d
Superintendent Course
class at Nellis Air Force
Base, Nev., June 4.
AMMOS graduates,
who come from
various maintenance
and munitions units
across the Air Force,
will go back to their
bases to produce,
mentor and advise
others in all aspects of
aircraft and munitions
AIRMEN, from page 1 ____________________ the vehicle upright again. We finally flipped the car The on-scene patrolman stated the victims would
upright and the trapped individuals, still unconscious, have died if they didn’t do what they did and they now
“As soon as I noticed what was going on, I got out of slid through the passenger side window.” have a fighting chance to live.
my car and ran to see if anyone was inside the vehicle,”
said Coley. “I was on the top side of the vehicle when I Bacon arrived at the accident scene just in time to as- “My Air Force training helped me remain calm
heard people yelling that the engine was on fire.” sist with the injured individuals. The female passenger under pressure, to use the methods of patient triage to
regained consciousness a few minutes later. provide care to the more critically injured individual
Tamuzza was the first to take action by kicking out and work as a team to ensure the safety of the victims
the windshield to try and reach the couple, but he still “She was in shock and started yelling and trying to and those assisting until the paramedics arrived to take
couldn’t get to the unconscious victims. lift her head off the ground,” said Coley. “I kneeled by over,” said Bacon. “I stopped because I knew there were
her head and attempted to hold her still, while doing no paramedics on scene yet to transport the patient, and
“The door was locked and I was running off of my best to hold her hand.” I consider it my responsibility as an emergency physi-
adrenaline, so I tried punching the driver’s side win- cian to provide whatever care in an acute situation.”
dow twice,” said Tamuzza. “Eventually, I just kicked The back of the male’s head was crushed; he was gasping
the window in.” for breath and was still unconscious. Tamuzza performed The 823rd Maintenance Squadron superintendent,
the jaw thrust procedure and removed glass from inside Chief Master Sgt. Kevin Fife, applauded the rescuers
After kicking in the rear window he could finally his mouth, which enabled the victim to breathe easier. on their swift and brave actions.
reach the victims, but with the SUV partially on top of
the woman, he could not free either one. “Captain Bacon started prompting commands to “Words cannot describe how grateful I am to serve
me,” said Tamuzza. “I didn’t really hear anything else.” with these U. S. Air Force Heroes. Senior Airman
During this time, another passerby stopped by with Tamuzza, Senior Airman Coley, and Capt. Bacon took
a fire extinguisher and put out the engine fire. After Eventually Bacon took over the procedure from action when lives were on the line and they held true
the fire was extinguished, Tamuzza and Coley were Tamuzza, but did call him back over to assist him. to the U. S. Air Force Rescue motto ‘That Others May
yelling at the passengers in the vehicle, trying to get a Bacon had Tamuzza perform a sternal rub while he Live’ and exemplified our dedication to the civilians
response from them. kept the male’s airway open until paramedics and the we protect,” Fife said. “The selfless devotion these three
Nevada Highway Patrol arrived. had to others’ lives, cements our commitment to the
“At this point, my first thought was that we needed community in which we serve.”
to get the car into the upright position,” said Coley. The NHP had the three Airmen fill out police re-
“Two more pedestrians came up and we agreed to flip ports about the incident and thanked them for their
quick actions.
WELCOMES, from page 1 _______ can’t be assumed, it is earned every day. Staff Sgt. Ross Ediger
I am privileged and honored to serve and and Zachery Ediger
medical aspects of the air expeditionary I pledge my continued commitment to pin the third star
force and the health of Air Force people. the health and resilience of our Airmen on their father Lt.
and their families.” Gen. Mark Ediger
The general has authority to commit during a promotion
resources worldwide for the AFMS, to Ediger has served as the aerospace ceremony at the
make decisions affecting the delivery of medicine consultant to the Air Force Defense Health
medical services, and to develop plans, Surgeon General, commanded two Headquarters in
programs and procedures to support medical groups, and served as command Falls Church, Va.,
worldwide medical service missions. He surgeon for three major commands. June 8. Ediger
will manage a $6.6 billion, 44,000-person He deployed in support of operations became the 22nd
integrated health care delivery system Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom and Air Force surgeon
serving 2.6 million beneficiaries at 75 Southern Watch. He also holds a rating general during the
military treatment facilities worldwide. of chief flight surgeon with more than ceremony, officiated
800 flying hours, including 90 combat by Air Force Vice
“The Air Force Medical Service support hours and 38 combat hours in Chief of Staff Gen.
provides trusted care, anywhere,” said the C-130 Hercules, MH-53, F-15 Eagle, U.S. Air Force photo by Jonathan Stock Larry O. Spencer.
Ediger during the ceremony after his T-38 Talon and KC-135 Stratotanker.
family pinned on his third star. “Trust